Chapter 12 - Take It Easy

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"Dean? Come bro." Rowan joined Roman.
"Come on Dean. Roman, let's get him backstage to the doc."
"Yeah, Dean hurry up and wake up. I hate seeing you like this."

After ten minutes in the trainers room, Dean's eyes finally fluttered open. Roman wasn't looking down at Dean as he was lightly touching Deans dirty blonde hair. He smiled at the soft touch, until he realised this wasn't the place he was supposed to be.
"Rome... Where am I?"
"Dean, you're awake. You ok?" He shrugged as a reply to that question.
"Where am I?"
"You're in the trainers room."
"I thought we had the day off. We were going to get those tattoos."
"Dean... That was... over a week ago..."
"No, it's today... I swear it is."
"Dean, look." Roman removed his vest, showing Dean the D that represented his name amoungst his samoan tribal sleeve.
"Did I get a tattoo?"
"Look on your right ankle Dean." He did as Roman said to discover an R. He glided his fingers across it gently.
"R... for Roman. For you."
"Yeah. You did well-"
"I let a freaking needle near me!"
"You overcame your fear."
"Wait, I told you about it?"
"I've never told anyone that Roman..."
"It's ok. The secret is safe with me."
"Thanks Rome."

"Mr Ambrose, you've woken. How are you feeling?"
"Confused. I know its not the day I thought it was. Rome told me. Will I remember the past week or whatever it is?"
"Maybe, it could be within the next few hours, days, weeks..."
"Or never."
"Yes Mr Ambrose. It varies. Each case is different."
"Do I need to go to the hospital?"
"You shouldn't need to. I suggest you take it easy for the next few days. No getting into it with the Wyatts."
"Hey, they're coming after us. We didn't ask for this."
"Just my advice. Stay away from any drama."
"We'll do our best, thanks."
"No worries."
"Ready to go Dean?"

*Heading out to the car*

Roman pulled Dean's bags along with his own, placing them in the trunk of the car as did Rowan.
"Hey, ummmm before we go anywhere. Rowan, why are you with us?"
"He actually saved our lives Dean."
"What? How?"
"Bray was driving a car straight at us. We were in deep conversation. He speared us out the way."
"Holy... Thanks Rowan."
"No problem. Didn't want anything to happen to you guys."
"Roman, did we buy him a beer? The guy deserves a beer."
"We didn't-"
"We need to get him a beer."
"Ok. Rowan, you up for a beer?"
"Yes! Beer for Dean Ambrose too."
"Dean, your having one and that's it."
"One." Roman replied sternly.
"Fine, one."

On the way back to their hotel room, they stopped off at a small gas station. Roman headed in to grab a six pack and some snacks.

"So... I basically have amnesia huh?"
"Yeah, sorry I couldn't help you. I should have seen it coming..."
"It's ok. Is there much else other than Bray trying to kill us, getting a tattoo, telling Roman a secret I kept from everyone and you joining sides with us?"
"Ummmm, Bray got a letter to you and you walked away from me and Roman. You ran into Seth and he walked you back to the locker room to make sure you got there ok-"
"Stop. That's too much. My head hurts."

Roman had returned to the car, seeing how Dean was holding his head he immediately showed concern.

"Dean, what's up?"
"Nothing, can we just head back? I'm tired."
"Yeah sure."

*Back at the hotel*

Dean closely followed Roman to the room with Rowan just behind him. He had no idea where he was going. He could have easily strayed away accidently and Bray could have been there to do whatever he felt like. There would be no way Dean would ever stand by that freak show, at least under his own free will.

The three entered the hotel room once again. Roman showed Dean where everything was but he wouldn't be using any of the appliances, no, Dean was under orders. He must rest, no stress. No hunting the Wyatts. That was the main thing the doctor pointed at, he sure knew Dean well. After what they had done to him, making Roman worry like he had. He would have hunted them down with those plastic forks and tortured the bastards. Saying that, if the roles were reversed, Roman would be the same.

Roman and Dean had been practically inseparable since the Shield spilt just over a year ago. Well they were inseparable after they learnt they could still trust each other. Still be brothers. It was a rough time, not knowing who could be trusted and who not to trust. Roman did tweet that night, saying "Trust is completely dead to me." But did he really feel that way about everyone? Even Dean? The only one that could answer that is Roman. We could all speculate, some would say it applied to everyone. Some would say everyone but Dean. Dean wasn't the guy that viciously attacked him with the steel chair. That was Seth, the baby of the Shield. The one that no one expected.

A few hours later, Roman had escorted Dean to his bed. Obviously some evil monsters could have gotten to Dean if Roman hadn't walked him to the bed.

"Rome, evil little monsters aren't going to attack me here. I am capable of walking to my bed by myself."
"Hey, I'm just making sure you don't take my bed."
"Let me guess, yours is the one at the window."
"How'd you guess?"
"Rome, you're predictable. You must have forgotten that I know everything about you."
"Dean, that's kinda scary."
"Oh shut up Roman. You know everything about me aswell."
"True, I guess it isn't so creepy then."
"No it isn't. How long are you and Rowan staying up for?" Dean asked, climbing into bed.
"Probably not too much longer. I'm beat."
"Ok. Goodnight big brother."
"Goodnight baby brother."
"Younger brother."
"Goodnight younger brother."

Roman watched over Dean as he slowly fell asleep. Once he was asleep, Roman sat with Rowan once again.

"I'm going to kill Bray-"
"Roman, take it easy."
"No. Look at what that bastard has done to Dean. Don't get technical either, I know Braun was the one that physically did this to him but Bray would have ordered it."
"True. Roman, we need to think things through."
"I know. It's hard controlling this rage in my stomach. With each day that passes, it's just getting bigger and bigger. Worse and worse. Bray, he knows my weakness. He knows what Dean means to me. After Seth, it took so long to trust just each other again. Even before that, we'd been through a lot. Dean, his childhood was horrible. I just want to protect him from any more hurt. He's been through too much."
"That's why we need to plan this out."
"Who knew Erick Rowan was so tactical?"

A knock on the door startled both men. Both turning they saw a piece of paper be pushed underneath the door. Roman quickly jumped up, unlocked the door and swung it open, hoping to see who had placed the note under the door. He couldn't see anyone close or anyone at all.

"Whoever it was has gone."
"Who's the note from?" Roman picked it up, opening it and glanced down at the bottom... Bray.

Roman, my dear child...

I hope Dean is sleeping peacefully. Such a shame that he can't remember all our fun. I wish he had, he would have known how much fun we've all had together.

I have a proposition for you. Monday night, leave your precious hound and traitor behind and I will leave my family behind. Meet me in the ring to discuss a match at Battleground.

You, along with your hound and the traitor you face myself and my prodigal sons. Take from now until Raw to make your decision. Talk amoungst yourselves. I'll see children soon.


"We all need to talk in the morning. We might have a match at Battleground..."

###Heeey!!! I'm sorry it's been so long since I updated this story. I've been watching Arrow recently and fell in love with it. It's a bad excuse but it's all I have. Blame Stephen Amell for being so awesome hahaha. (Don't actually tweet him or anything lol) The drama starts very soon, I can't wait to write it for you guys. Enjoy the chapter and I'll see you at the next chapter!!!


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