Chapter 16 - I'm Telling The Truth

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Roman, Dean and Erick were leaving their for the arena for this week's Smackdown. That morning someone from the company which Erick had his car from came to collect it so they could all travel together.

Dean still wasn't quite himself. He was quiet. He was livening up which was a great sign but still not himself completely. Even just walking out to the car, he stayed very close to Roman. Of course the Samoan didn't mind keeping Dean close, keeping him safe but it worried him slightly. He would wait until they were in the car before he mentioned anything.

Roman waited for a little while longer before saying anything. He didn't want Dean to feel like he was being attacked with questions.

"Uh huh?"
"Talk to me."
"What about?"
"Whatever is making you act strange."
"I'm not acting strange."
"You are. Dean, we're brothers. Bros for life remember? I know when something is up."
"I... I heard you and Seth last night. The way you were. You owned him you know?"
"I kinda did. So why you acting the way you are?"
"I... dunno. I guess it's just the way you stood up for me while I was apparently sleeping."
"Dean. You were awake while I was speaking to Rowan here weren't you?"
"Wait, how'd you?"
"I know you."
"Damn it."
"So what's got you, no offense, but more clingy as usual?"
"I don't get clingy."
"So what was that as we were coming to get in the car?"
"Don't make the monster come out..."
"Haha... Wait you are joking? Right?"
"I haven't seen that monster for ages. I thought I was safe..."
"You will be if you spill the beans."
"Spill. He's about to come out..."
"Fine, fine. I'll talk."
"Good. The monster has hidden... for now..."
"I hate you."
"I love you too Dean. Anyways, talk."
"It's just... you were so honest with Rowan. You could have lied and put everything on me. We both know we each had a few issues to work through and I'm happy you could talk to someone else about it."
"Dean, I'd never do that to you. We both struggled. It was hard... on both of us. We made it through it all. I'm happy I can still call you my baby brother."
"Little brother."
"Ok, little brother. So can we have the normal Dean back please? The crazy, unstable-"
"I'm not unstable!"
"There he is."
"Shuddup." Dean replied before looking back at Roman. Both looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Not long after that, they had arrived at the arena. Dean was himself. The annoying Dean but yet lovable lunatic. He was unbelievably lively, it was almost as like he was having a huge sugar rush.

"Dean, breathe would you? And slow down!"
"No. And that's the bottom line because Dean Ambrose said so."
"Erick did you give him some happy pills?"
"Nope. You did."
"What? You're supposed to be on my side."
"I'm on your side that the fact he needs to calm down but you made him super happy in the car."
"You made that sound so wrong."
"Oops. Awkward moment. Sorry. You know what I mean."
"Yeah I do. It sounded so naughty."
"It did."
"Come on slow coaches!"
"Fuck off Dean. Go see if we have a match or segment tonight."
"Yes Dad."
"Good son."

*Later on*

Seths Pov

I have to find a way to get Roman and Dean to trust me again. Not just words, actions. What actions though? How can I show them that I've changed? Changed back into the Seth they loved back when we were the Shield. I miss that. Bring the Shield. Having each others backs. Oh how I wish now I hadn't stabbed them in the back.


Think Seth, think. You were dubbed as the architect of the Shield for a reason.


Use your fucking brain.

Do something good for once.

Can't be that hard right?

"This is plan for Sunday."
"To break Roman, to truly hurt him."

Bray? Harper?

"Yes. The only way to truly hurt him is to get to Ambrose. We've given him amnesia. Now, we're going further. We're taking him."
"Kidnapping him to be clear Bray?"
"Yes dear one. I have everything set up. We just need to execute the plan."


"When do we take him? During the match?"
"Yes. If not then, we'll get him another time. We will get him on Sunday no matter what."
"I assume you have a place to keep Ambrose? Away from everything?"
"You assume right Luke. We all have our roles. Luke, you keep the traitor busy. I'll be keeping Roman busy while you Braun, you grab Dean and get him away. Choke him out like you did to give him amnesia. We'll meet you back in our spot backstage. Then, we leave with Ambrose with us. Roman won't find us. He'll break knowing he can't find and save his precious little brother."
"This is a good plan."
"Indeed it is. We'll return Dean when the time is right. During that time, we can have some fun with him. Change him. No one will recognise him."

Shit! No, no, no! I can't let this happen! Both have been hurt too much already. All that I've done to them and now Bray. I need to do what I should have done a long time ago... stand by them and help whether they want it or not.

I need to tell them of Brays plans. No way I can let this happen to my brothers. I love them as my brothers too much... I wish I had seen this sooner...

Back with Dean and Roman

No one's Pov

"Dean, what on earth are you doing in there?"
"One sec. You'll love this."
"Oh lord help me..."

Dean came out from the toilet... a huge smile beaming from his face. Roman turned around and burst out laughing.

"Oh my god Dean! Rowan, look at that idiot." Rowan turned and did the same as Roman.
"I guess you like it."
"Where did you get that stuff from for the moustache and the rosey cheeks?"
"Naomi. I saw her when you sent me to check out if we had a match tonight or a promo."
"I gotta thank her for this. This has made my day."
"What about me?"
"Thank you Dean for looking like an utter doofus to cheer us up and making our day-"

Seth burst through the door, panting as he had just ran across the arena to find them, to warn them of the dangers he had heard from the horses mouth. The dangers that Bray had planned for Dean and his attempt to break Roman.

"What the fuck do you want?"
"Bray... He's... He's... He's gonna...."
"Gonna what? Come after us? He already is. Fuck off Seth."
"No! Listen to me! He's gonna kidnap Dean! He's going to try and break you Roman. While he has Dean he's gonna change him. Despite what you guys think, I care. I... I didn't realise what I had, the brotherhood we had together. I miss it. I miss you guys. Please believe me. I heard what Bray said. Dean, Roman, I don't want you guys to get hurt."

Dean looked towards Roman who turned to look at him at the same time. Both chuckled at Seth.

"Good story Seth. You've got a great imagination there. At least you've not lost that."
"I'm telling you the truth!"
"Of course you are."
"And pigs fly."
"I like that Dean."
"Me too."
"Guys! I'm not lying! Why won't you believe me?"
"BECAUSE YOU STABBED US IN THE BACK! Sorry if I don't believe a word you say anymore. You've lied to us too much. Just go Seth... please... Just go." Dean said the latter coldly.
"Listen to Dean. Seth... go."
"I'm sorry..."
"Go." Dean said sternly. His voice filled completely with anger.

Seth left, feeling defeated. He failed.

He needed to find a way to stop Wyatt. Stop him from hurting Dean and Roman. How? He needed to figure it out before Sunday...

#### Uh oh!!! Is Seth going to be able to stop Bray from taking Dean with no help? Find out next chapter! We're at Battleground next. It's all about to go down!

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