Chapter 25 - It All...Changes

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Today was the day. The day all the fans and all parties involved had been waiting for. The most anticipated match of the night...

Roman Reigns versus Bray Wyatt.

The main event. Roman promised that he'd make Bray pay for all the shit he had put Dean through. No way would he get away with harming Dean in any way. Nobody touches Dean, harms him and gets away with it. Roman would simply kill you just looking at Dean the wrong way. Dean meant so much to Roman.

Right now though, they were arguing.

"Dean, you can't be out there."
"Why the hell not?"
"Because of him."
"I don't care about him, I want to be there to cheer you from the sidelines."
"And I don't want you out there in case he takes me down and comes after you!"
"I'll have a steel chair in hand then. He won't touch me. Damn it Roman, let me be there for you like you always are for me. Let someone look out for you once in a fucking while."
"I'M NOT A CHILD!! For fuck sake Roman, I want to be there for you."
"You look out for everyone and I love you for it but let us... me help you."
"If you shut up for one moment Dean then I might be able to say, fine come out with me."
"Wait, what?"
"You can come out with me, as long as you keep that steel chair with you."
"Deal done."
"Great, that's one person happy."
"Yep one person that's very happy because you've finally let someone be there for you."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah Dean." Dean just smiled brightly. "You're an idiot."
"I know. What's why you all love me so much."

It was time for the main event. Time for Bray Wyatt versus Roman Reigns. Bray would come out first this time. The lights faded until there was nothing but darkness. Only then did "Live In Fear" begin to play from the speakers. Of course then the lights, small bulbs from the smartphones lightened up the darkness, if only a little yet creating something amazing to look at. Like Cole, King and Saxton would say, it looked like fireflies. Most were believers of Bray Wyatt, some just wanted to be part of something that translated onto screen looked amazing.

Bray would then slowly walk out, lantern in hand. No family members around this time. He came out alone for once. No precious family members to save him of things went sour, it was all down to him. Time for him to stand on his own two feet. Well, that's what you would think. He had a plan.

"Truth Reigns" then blasted from the speakers. Cheers filled the arena. Roman stepped out in the crowd. Cheers were even louder upon seeing the Samoan Superman. If it were possible at all, the noise, the cheers somehow reached a new height when Dean emerged behind Roman.

That trademark smirk that always appeared on Deans when, no other way to say this but... when shit was going to go down, whatever the motive, revenge or for just sheer joy. That look filled Dean's faced and easily attached itself to Roman, a smirk of his own filled his face.

This was revenge for Dean. Revenge for the cruel things that would use been inflicted on the innocent man. The anger Roman was harbouring, no, the anger that was manifesting inside, waiting to be released. Oh boy, it was definitely going to be unleashed tonight and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. Romans goal, practically murder Bray, live on air or not.

Bray would know, never cross Roman and you'll be damned if you think he'll let you lay a damn finger on someone he cares for, someone he loves so dearly. You better be prepared to pay the price because you won't get off lightly.

Also, why not for the sheer pleasure or beating up an asshole who has it coming to him?

Once both men had jumped the barrier, Roman whispered to Dean.
"The chair."
"Got it." Dean would grab one from under the ring as Roman entered the ring. Dean held it close. That was his ticket to helping Roman if and when also if needed a weapon to protect himself.

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