Chapter 33 - What Happened To Me (Part One)

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A week and a half had passed since the Raw where Roman challenged Bray to a final match at the next pay per view. Oh boy had it been eventful for Dean. Each night he was bring plauged by awful nightmares.

What made it worse was that these nightmares were actually memories. Memories of his time with Bray. He kept waking up, screaming for Roman. Petrified of what he'd been remembering. The pain, physical pain, emotional pain.

Eleven nights he had had only a mere few hours each night of sleep. Everything was getting harder to do and those painful memories weren't stopping anytime soon. Dean needed to let it all out. Today, he would let it all out. It was going to be hard but it had to be done. It was this or continue this hopeless spiral down.

"Huh, yeah. Great idea."
"I suggested we go to the beach, strip naked and fuck a rock. You weren't listening. Talk to me Dean. Please."
"I'm ok."
"Dean, what's going on in that head? You need to let it all out."
"Rome... I..."
"No matter how bad it is, I'm here and I'm not leaving you. Let it out, let me help you carry that heavy burden you're carrying."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I'm sure buddy."
"Can you get just Seth in here? I don't want anything I say to trigger anything for Rowan. I don't want to set shit off for him."
"Yeah, I can do that. I'll call Seth and tell him to bring a few beers to help settle the nerves I can see your already having."
"Thanks Rome. You are the best big brother anyone could wish for you know."
"Ah, it's nothing. This is what you do for family."
"Family. Real... family."

It was about thirty minutes later when Seth finally arrived after driving himself to the nearest convenience store to get the beers Roman asked him to get for Dean.

"Hey Dean."
"You doing any better?"
"That's why your here actually. I need to... I have to... I need to let it all out."
"Ah, I see. That's why I got the beers. Settle nerves down."

Seth handed a beer bottle to Dean after he gotten the small cap off it for him and tossed it in the trash. Dean immediately chugged down half of it before finally sitting close to Roman, knees touching. It was Deans way of staying grounded so to speak. Things were about to get rough, neither Seth or Roman knew how rough though.

"Dean, what did he do to you?" Dean let out a shaky breath. He had to tell Roman and Seth but mainly Roman, he deserved to know the truth. Roman had always been there for him, he should know and as he said, help Dean with the burden. "There's no rush if your not ready to talk yet. I can grab another beer ready for you." Roman slowly approached Dean's face with his finger, moving a small curl from his forehead.
"It's ok. I need to tell you... both of you. I need to start from when he took me."
"Yeah. I remember us going out for the match. It was great. We ended up winning. You and Rowan headed out for the car, I had a couple of things to grab before I came aswell. I was set up to come when the door opened again. I thought it was you. I guessed you had forgotten something. You're always forgetful... Next thing I know I see Braun. I tried to shout out for... for y... you until he... he... grabbed me by the mouth and then made me pass out. It all went black. When I woke again... I slowly stood up. I remember having this massive headache. I went to rub my eyes to wake myself up when something stopped my hands from reaching my face..." He stopped and looked at his wrists. He still had marks from his bounds. It had been an age since he was bound but those marks were still clear on his skin. He lightly glided his finger over his scars. Roman slowly held one of Deans hands as Dean looked up into the Samoans eyes. It was a reassuring touch, one to let him know he is safe again. Romans eyes told Dean that he'll never let Bray get him again.
"I knew it would be hard talking about it... but not this hard..."
"You don't need to talk anymore about it tonight-"
"I do. I need to let it all out. Let it all go at once."
"Ok. Just take your time. I'm here Dean. I'm never leaving you." A moments silence passed before Dean began to tell Roman and Seth his story.

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