Chapter 21 - You're Safe

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*With Dean*

Dean was being checked over by the doctor and two nurses. All were shocked to see Dean's body in the condition it was in. They were shocked more when they discovered the "worthless" etched into his arm.

"Please don't tell them about that one."
"Mr Ambrose..."
"Please, just do this one thing for me. I ask you of nothing more. Just this. Don't tell them. I can take care of it."
"Are you sure Mr Ambrose? It'll be tricky to do by yourself."
"I'll be able to. I've shoved my shoulder back in place by myself. I think I should be able to wrap that one up."
"I strongly disagree with this decision but as you wish Mr Ambro-"
"Call me Dean. Mr Ambrose just sounds weird now."
"Ok Dean. We'll just wrap it up for you and we can then let your friends-"
"We'll call your family in so they can see you."
"Thank you."

*With Jimmy, before Dean and everyone else arrived*

"Mr Uso, we have concluded that you have a mild concussion. With your line of work, along with the severely bruised shoulder blade, I'd would stay away from the ring for at least a month and a half. Give everything time to heal properly."
"Damn it. No sooner, not a month instead."
"Unfortunately not. I am very sorry."
"It's alright, it's not your fault. Thanks doc."
"You're welcome. If you would excuse me, I need to speak with one of my nurses. She doesn't seem very interested in her job today."
"Is it the one that fetched us?"
"Indeed it is. She seems to be having an off day. I need to make sure all is well. I can't risk someone's health if her head isn't with her today. Good luck Mr Uso."
"Which one doc?" Jimmy asked with a grin.
"Your brother Jey here."
"You seem like you could be a playful handful."
"I'm offended doc. I'm a real cool Uce."
"Indeed you are. Your my own twin sons favourites. They want to be just like you."
"Yeah-" His pager went off. "I'm sorry, I must go. We have a patient that needs my attention. Covered in bruises, cuts, everything."
"Wait how'd you?"
"This is why we were where we were, trying to find and save him. He's family. Please can you let us know when you've seen to him."
"Of course. I'll send for a wheelchair for you Jimmy. Sit tight."

Minutes later the door opened, Roman stood at the door frozen.
"Roman, it's so good to see you."
"What happened?" Roman walked over to the bed slowly.
"It's not too bad. I'll be ok."
"Erick said it was Braun."
"It was."
"I'm sorry."
"What do you have to be sorry for?"
"It's my fault your here."
"Roman... Don't make me get out this bed and punch you. This isn't your fault. I wasn't paying enough attention. It's my fault. If I was on my toes I may have been able to do something. Don't blame yourself Uce-"

"Roman Reigns?" Roman immediately turned around.
"You brought Dean Ambrose in?"
"Yeah, is he ok?"
"He'll be ready for visitors in about twenty minutes. Just... He's got a lot of cuts and bruises that needed attention. A lot of stitches and the larger ones have been covered in gauges and bandages. Don't be alarmed. He will make a full recovery. There could be scars that won't fade initially but may in the future. Jimmy, I'll send for a wheelchair for you so it's here for when Dean is ready-"
"Or I can get one for him." Cesaro offered.
"That would be a great help. We are stretched thin for this hour. Thank you."

Minutes later he was back, Roman and Jey would help Jimmy into it. Once the nurse returned a short time later, they were on their way to see Dean all patched up, on the outside at least.

They arrived at Dean's room to see him speaking with another nurse. Dean glanced up at the door and upon seeing Roman, he smiled widely.

"Roman!" He threw his arms up towards Roman, wincing quietly. He probably shouldn't have thrown his arms up so fast, considering the state of his ribs...

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