Chapter 38 - Dean's Nightmare

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"Dean, what happened?"
"Remember when I saw Bray in the bathroom?"
"It was about that. He had that knife too."
"I probably don't want to know but I'm gonna ask anyway, what did he do?"

*The nightmare*

Dean's phone rang, finally Roman had decided to call him back. It was only supposed to had been an hour to and back to the supermarket. I say an hour because Roman sometimes has thing need to go down every single aisle and practically look at every product. Safe to say, that might just annoy anyone.

"What'd you find? A new lady? Get laid man?"
"Why oh why would Roman as you say, get laid?" Dean almost dropped the phone. How did he get Romans phone?
"Where is he?"
"Oh, he's just propped up against the wall at the moment. He's fine."
"Let me talk to him."
"I would love for you to be able to but he's a little, well, out of it."
"Just let him go Bray."
"I'll dictate how this goes thank you Deano. I'll tell you want I want and then give me it, then he's free."
"What the fuck do you want then? Anything, just let him go."
"I want you Dean. I want you in his place."
"Why didn't you just take me? Why drag Roman in again?"
"Because he is your weakness. I take advantage of weaknesses, you should know Dean. Think of the times we had together."
"No! Where are you? I want this over with."
"Our usual place. Our special place. The place we became intertwined, our destinies sewn together."
"I'll be there."

Half an hour had passed, finally Dean had arrived at this godforsaken place. Memories filling his mind. Every word Bray ever uttered. All the lies he told. Then the pain he felt at the hands of Luke and Braun.

He had to forced that to the back of his mind. He wasn't here for that. He didn't come back for a cinematic replay of what happened to him. He was here to save Roman. His Superman.

Now he had to be the Superman. He had to be someone's saviour. He had to be Romans saviour.

Save Roman.

That was his only goal. Get Roman out, deal with whatever Bray has planned later. Roman was the focus. Roman was the centre of his world.

He could only pray that Roman wasn't too hurt right now. He'd somehow have yo get Roman to leave and forget about him. Easier said than done. Roman cared for him so much. He'd have to find a way to cut the bond, the friendship, the brotherhood with Roman.

After a moment, he slowly entered. Life was going to change.

It was as eerie as it was before. The chill, too familiar to his skin. The darkness that loomed around the corner, pulling him in. Slowly but surely he was making his way to that room. That room that was filled with dark memories, pain, heartache. Now, he heard, tap, tap, tap, tap.

He was waiting.

"Deano, oh Deano. I know you're here. Come out, come out wherever you are." Metal was tapped against metal harshly. "Don't make me hurt Roman again, he already looks quite bad. Tired, a little rough around the edges."
"Leave him alone Bray." Dean entered the room. Dark, cold, exactly how the room was when he was held in here himself. "Let Roman go."
"And what stops you from giving me what I want?"
"Dean, go. Leave me here. I'll be fine." Bray spun on his heel and clocked a defenseless Roman right in the mouth with the metal pipe he had in his hand.
"HEY! Stop it!" Bray immediately pulled out a knife.
"Shut it or poor big dog here gets well, how shall we say this? He'll get put down."
"Don't, please."
"Aww, look how sweet this scene is. Baby brother coming to save big brother. Big brother is in a pickle so baby brother has to do the rescuing."
"Just let him go."
"So, you're finally going to do as I say?"
"Yes." Dean whispered.
"I'm sorry. I didn't quite hear you, what was it you said?"
"I said yes you sadistic bastard! Just do whatever you want to me and let Roman go."
"Come here. Come to me." Bray said with a smile. Dean slowly walked over. "Stand here for a moment please."

Bray slowly dragged a chair across the ground, placing it in front of Roman.

"I ain't no dog."
"Sit or I'll kill him. I'll slit his throat and make you watch as he gasps for air. You'll watch the light leave his eyes, the life leave his body."
"Fine. Asshole."

The next thing Dean knew, his eyes woke in the dream, feeling like it had been just meer seconds. His head was pounding. He went to move his hand to check for blood but he had been restrained. He struggled against the ropes that had tied him down.

"You awake D?"
"Huh? Yeah. You alright?"
"Bruised up a bit but alright. How's the head?" Roman asked, lifting his own.
"Sore. Ro..?"
"Your face..."
"Worse than what it feels then?"
"You rest. I'll get us out-"

"You're not going anywhere Dean. You promised to stay."
"Then let Roman go."
"Oh fine then dear child."

Bray slowly began to loosen Romans bounds. Deliberatley taking his time to rile up Dean.

"Hurry up damn it."
"Dean, watch closely."
"Watch what-"

A knife suddenly appeared in Brays hand, sliding from his long sleeve.

"Bray, no-"

The metal slammed into Romans chest. The blade touched his heart.

"Of course you will. I'll be back later to get rid of this... corpse."

Seemingly like an age later, Dean had been able to break away from the ropes and fell to Romans front. He desperately pulled the larger man onto his knees.

"Roman! Hang on. Please hang on. I need you. I need you more than you know. Brother, please."
"Dean, it's ok."
"Roman, he..."
"Shhhh... I know. I'll be fine."
"I need to get you to the hospital."
"I'm not going to make it there."
"Dean, do something for me, please?"
"Anything." Dean replied, on the verge of tears.
"Smile for me. I want your smile to be the last thing in this world I see."
"How can I? With this..."
"Please? One last act for a dying man."
"Don't say that."
"It's true. Please Dean? Don't make the tickle monster come out." Dean laughed.
"Tickle monster? You're threatening that now?"
"Yeah. Dean?"
"Thank you. For everything. For being my brother and best friend. Thank you..."

His eyes slowly closed. A smile crossed his face before the life left his body.

"Roman?" He was gone. "Roman, please don't leave-"

Bray grabbed the back of the neck of Deans shirt. Dean immediately spun and punched Bray square in the mouth.

"Piss off you bastard."

*End of the nightmare*

"And then the fight was just getting started. After a few punches, I woke."
"It's fucked up. I know. Sorry you got killed in my dream. And sorry for the jaw too. I didn't mean to."
"I know. It's alright. Don't worry. Come with me."
"Where are we going?"
"A quick walk then you can stay in my bed. Help you feel more safe."
"Thanks. Sooner this is over the better."
"I second that. This Sunday, it ends."
"And it ends with you stood tall."
"Damn right. Ain't letting no hillbilly beat me and no way in hell is he getting his hands on my brother. Over my dead- Ah, maybe not that."
"Too soon bro. At least give me a day to get over that before the over my dead body jokes."
"I apologise."
"Apology accepted. So, we gonna clean you up before we go for a walk or what?"
"But I might like walking around like I just got hit."
"So weird."
"Wonder where I got that from?"
"Shit head."
"Takes one to know one." Roman winked.
"I'd punch you but I already have."
"Save it for Wyatt. Break his jaw after the match on Sunday, yeah?"
"Yeah. Good plan."
"Believe that."

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