Chapter 15 - Triggered Memory

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Dean was pacing in the locker room as Roman came in. Muttering, over and over. Why? Why now? Why? Dean stopped once he saw Roman. Rowan had tried to calm him, at least to get him to stop pacing. Dean only stopped when he saw Roman come into the room.

"Why? Why is he doing this shit now? Why does he suddenly decide to leave the Authority? What the hell?"
"Dean. Stop. Take a breath."
"He thinks he can worm his way back in doesn't he? Not happening."
"I know. I told him that."
"You told him Roman?"
"Straight up."
"How'd he take it?"
"I walked off just like what you di..." Roman forgotten Dean still didn't remember anything of the past week or so.
"What did I do?" Dean questioned.
"You told me you hit him with some home truths and walked away before giving him time to react..."
"Oh... Sounds like me huh?" He then replied scratching his head little. Right now he wished he could remember that. He could imagine himself saying that to Seth and just walking away without a care in the world.
"Yeah it does, a bit."
"Well, I'm proud of you man."
"I should be proud of you. I'm surprised you didn't run out there and try to kill him."
"Rome, I know I'm bad but not that bad."
"But you are close."
"Shut up."

Dean went to walked over to Roman when he had this surging pain in his head. He winced, dropping to his knees.

"Dean?" Deans hands remained on his head as he curled himself lower to the ground as the pain worsened. Roman brought him our of his curled shape and held him into his chest as Dean was still wincing from the severe pain in his head.

"Shhhhh. It's ok Dean. Shhhhh... It'll pass. Rowan, my bag. Grab the paracetamol, fast as you can... and some water."
"I know. I know. Rowans getting you some pills and water." Dean placed his head into the crook of Romans neck.

Roman felt Dean hold on his vest and his neck dampen.

"Dean? Don't cry." Dean seemingly didn't hear him. He was lost in his own mind...

"Look where your going Ambrose."
"Could say the same to you sellout."
"Aw come on. That was over a year ago."
"Yes it was. Glad you can still keep the time. Over a year since you stabbed me and Rome in the back. Look, I get it. You wanted to move on to bigger things. All you needed to do was just say, guys look, I think the Shield has ran it's course. We have got ourselves where we wanted to be. Now let's race each other to get to the title. You didn't do that though did you?"
"Dean... I-"
"No! You don't get to talk right now. The truth hurts. You broke our ability to trust Seth. We, me and Rome only just managed to trust each other for a long time. You damaged us Seth. You damaged us badly. You needed to know what you truly did. I hope you are still pleased with yourself. Now, excuse me. I have to go back to my brother that didn't hurt me and protect him."

"Dean..?" Wait, that didn't happen then. "Dean? Come back..." Roman?

"Dean? Come on Dean. Come back... We're here. I'm here." Roman had brought him back from being lost within his own mind.
"I'm here. Look up at me, we've got some pills for you."

Dean looked up with red, puffy eyes. His face just screamed he was in pain. Rowan bent down beside him and passed him the water and paracetamol. After taking them, he reassumed his position, clinging to Roman, hiding his face in his neck.

"I remember talking to Seth."
"You do? What did you talk about?"
"What he did to us. I... I told him how hard it was for us. I walked off and left him to think about what I said."
"And you didn't give him chance to talk?"
"Nah, he didn't deserve that chance. He took that chance away from himself when he stabbed us in the back. You won't leave me will you?"
"I'll never leave you Dean. I love you brother. You mean the world to me. I wouldn't do anything that could cause me to lose you." Dean finally looked up at Roman.
"Thank you. I won't leave either. You're the only one to stand by me. The only one that didn't decide they couldn't deal with me anymore. Deal with me waking them up most nights then calming me down. Letting me sleep with them because I don't always feel safe after those... dreams. Roman, you do so much for me and you don't realise how much it means to me. I love you Rommy." Mere seconds later, soft snores followed. Dean had fallen asleep. Of course he would, pour out his heart and sleep. Typical Ambrose Roman thought. Funnily enough, he wouldn't want it any other way.

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