Chapter 18 - I Should Have Trusted You

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That's what Roman was feeling right now. A ton of it. He should have stayed with Dean. He shouldn't have ever left him alone, not with Bray around. Stupid mistake. Even if it were for only a few minutes. He should have expected something like this from Bray.

He should have trusted Seth.

Seth stabbed him in the back. Broke his trust. That's why. Why should he trust someone who tossed him aside like he was a piece of trash? Like he was nothing. Like he did nothing for the man over the last number of years.

But he still should have trusted him, for Deans sake. Just in case he was actually telling the truth. He used to be able to tell when Seth was lying or not. These days, all those faces he pulled, little mannerisms all rolled into one. He couldn't tell anymore. How he wished he could have. He could have saved Dean. Saved Dean from whatever torture Bray would put him through. That's what Bray meant by fun and Roman knew it.

Everything was on him. It was all his fault. He stood up, holding one of Deans wife beaters.

"It's my fault." He said, gripping into the shirt tighter.
"This isn't your fault."
"Yes it is Seth! I didn't trust you and look what happened? DEAN'S GONE!"
"I know. We'll get him back-"
"How? Any bright ideas?"
"I... uh..."
"No... You done have any... I just want him back..."
"We'll get him back. We'll find a way Roman."
"Bray should have taken me instead of Dean. It all started with us, that's how it should of stayed. I'm getting the car and driving around to look for Dean-"
"Roman you're not driving in this state. Let Rowan drive. I'll come with-"
"Suddenly your coming with us?"
"Roman I want to help get Dean back."
"So you can have us all back together again like a cute little family? Get that brotherhood back?"
"I would like that. I know it'll take time to-"
"It'll take time for us to trust you again? Who said there will even be an us... What if Brays already done the worst huh? You should have thought about this before you stabbed us in the back like an asshole. Yeah, come with us if you like. Don't expect anything from me. I still fucking hate your guts you self centred bastard."
"Let's just go yeah?"

*Two weeks later*

Neither Roman, Seth, Rowan or the Wyatts were at Raw. Heaven knows where Dean was with the Wyatts. He could be anywhere in any kind of state.

Roman on the other hand had already started drinking excessively. Bray had already made Roman break. Deep down he did feel responsible for Seths attack, not that he would tell the architect, fuck that. It wouldn't come out of him while he was sober, that was a fact. If he had taken what Seth had told him and Dean seriously, they wouldn't be in this position.

"Roman, you need to stop."
"And who the fuck do you think you are Seth? My mother?"
"No I don't think I'm your mother. I'm fucking concerned for you. I hate seeing you so broken like this."
"I'll break you in a fucking minute."
"No. We... me and Rowan, we want to help find Dean."
"So do I."
"Then the drinking needs to stop and now. Dean needs you, sober. Do it for Dean."
"Yeah... hand me the bottle, I'll get rid of it."
"But you said-"
"I'll pour it down the sink. I have to do it. For Dean."
"Then you rest up for the night. We'll carry on looking tomorrow. I'll check in with the Usos in the morning."
"I'm sorry I didn't trust you before. I should have trusted you."
"It's ok... well, not completely ok but we will make it that way. We'll get Dean back. No matter the cost."
"Can you get rid of all the alcohol I bought? I don't want the temptation. I know it'll be there."
"Of course."
"Thank you... baby brother."
"Ro... did you?"
"I... uh... yeah... maybe we are turning a corner... Please don't expect too much yet."
"I won't."
"Sorry for being an asshole earlier and when..."
"You don't need to say it and you don't have to apologise either. It's ok. We all say and do things when we're stressed and emotional."

*With Dean in the middle of nowhere*

Dean began to stir. He was beaten. Everyday. It was torture. His body ached. Head to toe, everything hurt so bad. No part of his body was free from pain. Bruises had formed on top of other bruises.

Something else was on his body. Slowly cutting deeper inside him, across his left lower arm, the word... WORTHLESS. A constant reminder from Bray. He was worthless, no one cared for Dean. That was the message Bray was desperately trying to drill into Deans mind. He would make Dean believe that.

Roman didn't care. Roman never cared. Seth never cared either. He was the stepping stone to greatness for the two. Just trample on Dean. He doesn't matter. He's just a poor kid who happened to get somewhere in life just to get knocked back down to where he came from.

Bray wanted Dean to break.

Dean wouldn't. He would remain adamant that Roman cared. He wasn't alone. Roman would be thinking about him right now. Thinking and searching for a way to save Dean. That would be Romans only goal. Dean just didn't know that Roman was feeling guilty for everything that was happening right now. He didn't know Roman was breaking right now.

Neither knew where the other was right now. All they could do was hope the other was ok.

"Dean my child. How are we on this fine day?"
"Go fuck yourself Bray. You can't break me, no matter how hard you try."
"I bet you I can."

*Back with Roman*

Roman woke with another hangover. It had become the norm since Dean was taken from him. His first thought was of Dean. Was he ok? Was he scared? Was he even alive..?

Already a tear fell down Romans face. He'd give anything to have Dean safe and sound right now. He'd love to hear him snoring from the next room like he does sometimes. It was very tempting to sneak out and drink. The temptation was strong but he had to resist, for one man. He couldn't. He wouldn't... for Dean. Stay away from it, for Dean.

Roman stepped out of his room, walking into the living room he was confronted by friends... and family.

"You all here to... help find Dean?"
"Yeah, we are and to help you." Jimmy Uso stepped forward. Walking to Roman. "We will find him Roman. No matter how long it takes. None of us will give up on the search. No one will give up on Dean."
"Thank you."
"No worries Uce. We'll get our cousin back."
"You remember when he said he was your cousin aswell?"
"Hell yeah Uce. You two wouldn't keep quiet that night. What were you doing again?"
"Play wrestling each other."
"No wonder you weren't quiet, all Naomi and I could hear was you two shouting out, screaming for each other to tap. Next time, when we have him back, invite me and Jey. We'll have a tag match."
"Okay, I'm sure he'll love that."
"I hope so. So we're gonna all head out in an hour. You want to come with me and Uce?"
"Yeah, I'll get dressed."

It was Roman, Jimmy and Jey out looking on the outskirts of the next city and town on the list. They parked the car and walked down some of the few alleyways there. They checked everywhere they could. Jimmy and Jey were able to keep Romans spirits up and have a smile on his face.

Little did they know, one of the Wyatts were following them. Taking pictures of them for some unknown reason. They were on a mission you could say from Bray. Bray would be able to break Dean... and now he could use proof to go with something else he had put together.

Dean wouldn't be the same. Never would he be the same again.

"Bray, I got them."
"You get exactly what I wanted?"
"Good child. Return home to us. We shall now break him."

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