Chapter 2 - I'll Come After Whats Precious To You

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Dean and Roman arrived at Raw together as they usually did. They always travelled together since Seth up and left to join the Authority. Their brotherly had grown stronger since then and hadn't wavered other than that moment on Smackdown when they go into each others faces after Seth sent Roman into Dean. That had been the only friction between them. They would do anything to protect each other, keep each other safe. Anything.

Roman parked the car up then looking over at a preoccupied minded Dean. Something had been on his mind since Bray had turned up at the locker room after Dean's match with Seth. Roman locked the car doors as Dean went to open his side.

"Roman, what the fuck?"
"What's eating at you Dean?"
"Nothing, I'm fine big dog."
"Dean, I know you."
"And I know myself."
"Something is up with you. You seem distant."
"I do?"
"Yeah. It's about Bray isn't it? Are you worried about me?"
"Kinda. It's not directly about you."
"I'm scared of what Bray might try and do to you."
"Like hurt me?"
"Yeah, I mean look at what he did to me. My neck, my windpipe. He could have completely crushed it. Hell, he probably could have killed me. I don't want to lose you Roman... I can't lose you. You're the only family I have."
"I won't let him do that, I promise Dean. Can't get rid of me that easily."
"Good. Does that mean we can go into the arena now? I want to go to catering... I'm starving."
"Do you ever stop eating man?"
"Yeah, when I sleep."
"You're a massive pain in the ass Dean, I hope you know that."
"Yeah I know. That's why you love me so much. You wouldn't have me any other way would you?"
"I wouldn't. I love you too much little brother."
"I love you too big brother. So, I have a question."
"Shoot. Not literally though." Dean mimicked a gunshot as Roman faked being shot. These two together were just complete idiots but that's why they got along so well.
"Can we go inside then? I want to eat."
"Alright alright greedy guts."
"Shuddup Roman."
"Shuddup Dean. Let's go then." He replied, unlocking the doors.
"Finally, now I can take a piss aswell. Can you bring our stuff in?"
"Yes Dean." Roman huffed in reply.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you. I don't want to be pissing out here."
"Dean... go to the toilet."
"Yeah, I'll find you when I'm done."

Roman waited until Dean had ran inside, running like he had already shit himself, before chuckling and saying anything else.
"Dean, you are one crazy dude but that's why I love yah."

*At catering*

Roman had grabbed his food and had got sick of waiting for Dean to grab what he wanted. You see Dean took a hell of a long time to decide on what he fancied that day. He always ended up with a ton of food that he would keep for when they got back to the hotel. At least they wouldn't have to pay for any snacks.

On the way back with his yet again full plate, Dean had his phone in the other hand. He was attempting to play this new game that Roman had downloaded or whatever he said. Dean had no idea what he meant by that. All he knew was there was this thing on the screen and you had to press the same coloured thing to move on to the next level or whatever. Roman had shown him but this wasn't his thing at all. He would try to the best he could but it all confused him. Him and technology just didn't go together at all.

Dean turned around the corner when the phone was 'accidently' knocked out of his hand by no one other than Bray.
"I'm so sorry Dean. Please forgive me."
"Let me get that for you Dean."
"Thanks I guess." Bray placed Dean's phone onto his own device, cloning all the data that was on there, pictures, numbers, everything.
"Again, I'm sorry my child. I should have been more careful."
"Stop calling me that Bray. I'm not a child. I haven't been for a very long time."
"But it fits you perfectly Dean. You're a sweet innocent child." Bray went to move a piece of Deans dirty blonde hair away from his eyes. Dean immediately stepped back.
"Bray, STOP! I'm serious. Stop all this shit. Stop going after Roman aswell. He's done you nothing to you."
"I'm sorry Dean. That is one thing I can't do. I can't stop going after your boy Roman until I get what I want."
"You lay a hand on him away from the cameras or you purposely try to injure him then I will end you. Hurt me all you like, I don't care. Just don't hurt him. Understand? I won't hold back."
"I understand."
"Good. Now give me my damn phone and keep walking." Bray silently gave Dean his phone before walking away with a huge smile on his face. If only Dean had known of what Bray had done but he didn't, he was clueless to Brays plans. Dean continued onto the locker room, pissed off while Bray would go lurk in the shadows to look over what was on Deans phone. See if there was anything he could use against Roman.

Speaking of Roman, he had left the room door open slightly. He knew Dean usually brought more back than he would actually eat at the time. When Dean came through the door, he kicked it open and then kicked it shut, startling the Samoan.

"Dean, what happened? You ok?"
"That fucking mind fuck Bray happened!"
"What did he do? Did he put his hands on you? I swear if he did then I'll kill-"
"He didn't Rome. I think he was trying to get in my head a little. He kept calling me child. A sweet, innocent child. I told him not to but he said it fit me perfectly. I tried to get him to stop coming after you but he wouldn't listen to me Rome. I tried... I wanted to protect you-"
"Dean, listen to me."
"Ok." He replied quietly, slowly looking into Romans grey eyes.
"It's ok, I can handle-... no, we can handle him. Together. I got your back Dean."
"I got your back too Roman."
"Brothers for life?"
"Yeah, brothers for life."

*On Raw*

It was time for Romans segment. He hated leaving Dean backstage on his own, especially knowing what lengths Bray is willing to go to get into your head. He will do anything and everything. Nothing would stand in his way. Absolutely nothing. He would bring up your darkest secrets from your past, your childhood. The things you didn't want to remember, the things you had built a wall around in your mind, those walls were bulldozed down. Bray would force you to remember your toughest times, no matter what it would or could do to you, it didn't matter to him. As long as he was in your head and had the upper hand, that's all that matter to him.

"Bray, get your ass out here now! Either come out here and be a man or I'll come back there and I'll find your sorry ass." He then appeared on the tiatron, his usual laugh filled the arena. Everyone's mobiles lights appeared at the lights went off. Brays fireflies were everywhere.

"Roman, Roman, Roman. Dear boy. Why would I come out there when I'm perfect back here? Back here, lurking in the darkness, hiding is the mist."
"Stop being a coward and get your ass out here! Are you too much of a chicken?"
"I am nothing that you speak of. Be careful of what say to me boy. Watch that tounge of yours. I hold more cards than what you think I do. One thing is I'm back here, while your out there with those people. Those people that cheer you because you are the big mighty Roman Reigns. The fearless Roman Reigns. The big dog. The man that goes it alone. One versus all. But you have a weakness Roman... don't you? One weakness. One person that you care dearly about. One that you would do anything for. That one person you would risk everything for. Your only friend. Your best friend. The only man you call a brother... Dean Ambrose. You took something away from me Roman, you took my chance to change the world. Make it closer to being a reality. Make people like me be seen and embraced. Not considering us as outcasts. With that I need to do the same, I need to take something special from you..." Bray took out a private picture of Dean and himself. (See photo, sorry it's a terrible edit) The crowd gasped and the camera showed Romans face. Shock, that was from Dean's phone. How on earth did he get that photo?

"Anyone but you Roman... Anyone but you... Roman... Run!"

###Tah dah!!! Chapter two complete!! I hope you enjoyed it. I was so shocked with the amount of people that have checked out the first chapter. Thank you all so much for the feedback and that you enjoyed the first chapter so much. Hopefully I've done the first chapter justice with this one. Let me know if you ever have any ideas that you think might work within the story. Ciaaaaaaaooooooo!!!!

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