Chapter 9 - A Close Call

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The Wyatts left the ring, disappearing backstage leaving Roman and Dean laid out. They slowly regained themselves, taking their time getting backstage, both helping each other back there.

Upon arriving backstage, Seth was there waiting as his segment was next but Seth decided to check on his former brothers.
"Are you guys ok? It looked rough out there."
"Fuck off Seth. Like you actually give a shit about us. We need to look out for ourselves. Go play happy families with The Authority." Seth was stunned. He expected that from Dean, not from Roman though.
"No! Don't even try after what you did. Go count all that money you've got coming into that bank account of yours. Go worry about that. We'll be real brothers, something you now miss out on. It's your own fault. Deal with the consequences. Dean, you ok brother?"
"Yeah. Just sore. Can we get back to the locker room?"
"Of course. Let's go. Goodbye baby brother."

Seths Pov

It's been over a year since I did stab my brothers in their backs. Sometimes when I'm sat in my hotel room, I think about the times when we were the Shield. The stuff we would do together. The pranks, our pathetic arguements. The play fights. I really don't want to admit this to anyone but myself but I honestly miss that. I miss the love of my brothers. I miss them bickering all day. I miss bickering with them too. Nowadays, all they do is spill hate towards me.

I know, you don't need to tell me, I deserve it. I know I do. I'm the one that ended the Shield. Broke it. Dismantled what I liked to call my own creation... it wasn't my creation like I told you all. We all made the Shield. We all had our part to play, we all looked out for each other. We truly were brothers. Then I just ruined it all. Great Seth. I'm rethinking everything I've done since then. Was it'll worth it?

Should I have just cast away the two people in my life that I could always count on? The guys I could trust with my life. Was it stupid that I walked away from the best thing in my life?

No ones Pov

"How's the neck brother?"
"It's alright. Still sore. I'll be lucky if I don't end up with a bruise man."
"Shit. I didn't know he hit you that hard. Sorry I couldn't stop it."
"It's alright Rome. Just a little bump. We all take em."
"We do, just hate it when it's family."
"Me too bro. How much further to the room?"
"Just around the corner.... Dean?"
"Your blaming yourself aren't you?"
"I should have listened to Rowan."
"Hey, we should have. I wasn't sure either."

Roman used his free hand to open the locker room door. They entered, both slumped down on the benches next to each other.

"Let me take a look at that neck of yours."
"Nah, it's ok."
"Dean, just let me make sure."

Dean turned to Roman would be able to see his neck. The samoan slightly lifted Dean's short curls to reveal a bruise that had already formed. Surely he had to have a huge headache that he was hiding.

"You got a headache? And please don't lie."
"Yes. Yes I have an headache."
"Here, take some of these. It'll help get rid of the pain."
"Thanks, you're always there for me, even if I don't think I need the help. Just the little things like this. Thanks brother."
"No worries. Let's get your sentimental ass sorted so we can head off to the hotel."
"Good idea. No more feelings or nothing. I'm not a chick."
"Really Dean? Wow I never actually noticed. Thanks for letting me know."
"But a good asshole."
"I bet they all say that."
"Oh yeah, they do alright."
"Ok, I'm showering. Won't be long."
"Sure. See you in a week."
"Cheeky fucker." Dean muttered, entering the shower room.

Fourty five minutes later the pair were ready to leave the arena. It had been a tough night. Neither could wait to get to the hotel and sleep. Tonight was one they would rather forget.

They took a slow stroll to the car they had rented. They did plan on buying a cheap little car to go around in but at the moment, renting was easier. Yes, it would cost more in the long run but right now it was for the best. At least Wyatt wouldn't know which car was theirs whether kept changing. That was a great advantage.

A car began drive towards them at an incredible speed. Initially neither Roman nor Dean noticed it because of the lights being off and they were too indulged in their own conversation to hear any car. It was only when Roman happened to glance in that direction was when he and Dean were basically speared put of the way. Who had been their saviour?

Erick Rowan.

"What the fuck just happened?" Dean asked.
"Yeah, it's Rowan. That was Bray by the way. Trying to mow you down."
"Shit. Thanks for saving our asses. We probably would have been dead or knocking on the door if it weren't for you. Thanks."
"Yeah. Thanks Rowan."
"You're welcome. Can we talk now about this problem you two have with Wyatt?"
"Yeah. Sorry for not trusting you earlier. It just all sounded weird."
"It's ok Dean. I probably would have been the same way if the roles had been reversed."
"Well that's kinda good to know. Should head back to the hotel? We can talk there in private there."
"Sounds like a plan."
"I'll follow you two. I've got the cream car over there." Roman said, pointing in the direction of his car.
"Alright. Stick close though."
"I will."

*At the hotel*

Roman had been able to get room which had three beds. Rowan insisted he could sleep in the couch but Roman wouldn't have any of it. The guy had just saved his own and his little brothers life, no damn way would he be sleeping on a fucking sofa. No god damn way.

"I could have slept on the couch, it wouldn't have been a problem."
"Dude, you saved mine and Ro's lives tonight. Why would we let you sleep on a damn sofa? Accept it man. It's all good."
"Well, thanks. I appreciate it."
"No worries. Get used to it. As long as you are good with it, you can hang with us."
"I think I'll take you up on that thank you. I want to be able to keep you safe. Keep you from Bray clutches. I can't let anyone else suffer like I did in the past... the stuff he does to you..."
"Erick? Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not tonight... It's a long story."
"Ok. Did you want anything to eat? We can get some takeout?"
"Yeah, I won't have much. I'm not that hungry."
"Ok. Erick?"
"Yeah, Dean?"
"Open up when you are ready, there's no rush."
"I will. Thanks for understanding."
"No problem."

*Early morning*

It was 2am when screams soared from Rowan. He was still in a deep slumber, fighting in his dream. More like a damn nightmare. Roman and Dean both woke with a jolt. They glanced at each other and looked in Rowan direction. He was still tossing and turning. Trying to fight off whoever it was that seemed to be attacking him.

"Rowan! Wake up its just a nightmare." Both shouted, trying to get him to awaken. It just didn't work.

Dean stepped forward and tried shaking Rowan, hoping that even that would wake him. His efforts received an accidental punch, hitting him just under his left eye. Dean collapsed hard to the floor himself. The thud that Dean made hitting the thinly carpeted floor had finally woken Rowan.

"What happened?" Rowan had no idea.
"You just punched me in the face, that's just what happened. Ah, I'm going to the bathroom." Dean grumbled and muttered as he left.
"I'm sorry."
"It's ok. He'll be fine he's just moody if he wakes up during the night."
"I guess it was a pretty hard punch."
"Yeah. It was. What was you dreaming about? Was it the stuff Bray did?"
"Yeah. I'll tell you both about it later on today."
"Ok. Just try not to punch Dean anymore dude. He'll end up punching you. Hard."
"I'll do my best."
"Take it easy. Get some more sleep. I'll sort out Dean."
"Ok. Night again."

Roman left Rowan to check on a grumpy Dean. He was stood in front of the mirror, glaring at his already bruising eye. He was definitely doing to have a shiner by morning.

"Shit Dean."
"Yeah, gonna have a beautiful fucking shiner. Is he alright?"
"Yeah. He's sorry. He didn't mean to."
"I know. Fucking stings though, to the touch and sometimes when I blink."

Roman grabbed a cold, damp cloth and lightly placed it under Dean's eye.
"Keep it there for a little bit."
"I will. Let's head back to bed and hope I don't get punched again."

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