Chapter 22 - Needing Time To Readjust

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Days later Dean was finally able to leave the hospital. He hated them with a passion. Of course he admired what they did, saving lives, treating the wounded but he just hated being in them. He couldn't pinpoint what it was, he just hated being in them.

He had been shown on his own the best way to clean and wrap up his arm that had that disgusting words etched into it. The constant reminder of Bray...

"You ready Dean?"
"Now convince me."
"When do we have to go back on the road?"
"They want us back when you're healed up enough to at least be at ringside."
"Basically in a few weeks."
"Yeah. They already booked me to face Bray at the next pay per view."
"They want me at ringside don't they?"
"Yeah... You don't have to. We can say you had a little setback and can't be there."
"I'll be there Roman. For you."
"Are you sure?"
"Yep. Come on. Let's get out of here."
"Yeah. No more hospitals."
"I hope not... I fucking hate them."
"I wouldn't have guessed Dean."

They would be staying with Seth, his place was by far big enough for the former Shield members along with Rowan. If they wanted, The Usos, Cesaro, they could have stayed aswell. The room was there for them.

They had all planned a little suprise... well, if you can call a few beers, small batch of food a suprise welcome home party then that is what it is.

Dean wasn't too sure about going to stay with Seth yet he felt like it could be a great opportunity to help rebuild their broken relationship. His emotions were everywhere.

"So this is his place?"
"Yeah. Pretty big huh?"
"Roman, it's fucking huge. Why does one man need all this space?"
"I don't know Dean. He was a different guy. Almost like Hunter brainwashed him into someone no one knew."
"Well it didn't take that much then did it? Maybe he should have dealt with what I... Ignore me. I'm sorry."
"Don't you apologise Dean."
"I was just insinuating he should..."
"It's alright. I won't tell. Our secret. Sometimes he could do with an ass whooping." Dean chuckled slightly.
"We gonna get you inside then?"
"Yeah. See what the rich kid got."

Roman pulled himself out of the car and around to Dean's side to help the still injured man out and into the house. Dean was still walking with a limp, ribs still sore, tender. He had his orders to take it easy.

"What happened with the arm D?" Silence ensued. "No, I'm sorry. That was stupid."
"Bray cut deep there, that's all." Avoiding the detail of, "Oh yeah. It actually says worthless to remind me of that particular fact. I am worthless." It's a great thing to talk about. "Docs said I should try and re wrap this one up by myself."
"Yeah. It's not like I can't."
"I can help you with it Dean."
"Nah, it's good. I want to. I'll be depending on you guys enough. I can do this little thing myself. I want to."
"Well, if you need any help, you shout and I'll come running."
"So help getting a beer?"
"That's just being cheeky. Speaking of beers, Seth better have got some."

Roman opened the front door, taking Dean straight to the kitchen... where everyone was waiting for them.

"Let's see if Seth got some-"
"SUPRISE!" Seth, Rowan and Jey jumped up. Jimmy was resting at home with Naomi.

Dean slowly backed from them all. A look of fear filled his face. His eyes clearly telling them he was petrified. It was too soon for something like this. Seth frowned and then Roman turned to Dean as the young man ran the best he could away from them all.

"Dean? Wait!"

Dean hid in a dark corner. His breathing was now erratic. Sudden light bursting into a room... Shouting... It was reminding him of the torturous time with Bray. He didn't want to remember, he wanted to forget... forget it all happened.

"Dean?" Roman slowly approached Dean. Careful not to panic him any further. "It's Roman."
"Is he... Is he here?" Slowly peering up from his knees.
"Bray? No... He wouldn't get within ten miles of this place. It's ok Dean. You're safe. He isn't touching you again."
"The... The... light... And then the shouting. Bray used to do that. Everyday that I can remember. Him, Braun, Luke..."
"I'm sorry... We should have eased you back..."
"It... It's alright. No... No more suprises like that."
"I can promise that." Roman placed his hand on Dean's shoulder, instinctively Dean flinched. He couldn't stop himself. He was do used to a hand hitting him, over and over and over.





Also an attempt to make Dean turn on Roman some days. Well, the time he could remember at least. Looks like he had been unsuccessful, their bond was still strong.

"It's ok. Adjustment time. Readjust to everything again. It'll take time but you will get there."
"Doesn't feel like I will."
"I know... I understand that's how you would feel."
"I just wish it would go away. I want to forget it all ever happened. I just want to be the normal me again."
"You will. You have that fight in you Dean."
"You won't get annoyed if this keeps happening for a while?"
"Of course not. I ain't abandoning you. Not now, not ever."
"If you do... I wouldn't blame you at all. I'm a fucking mess Roman. I'm all fucking jumbled up."
"We'll piece you back together. You'll be as good as new."

"Roman? You find Dean?"
"Yeah!" He looked towards Dean. "You alright to come back out?"
"Think so." Roman stood and slowly extended an arm out to Dean.
"Come on then. How does a beer sound?"
"Fucking brilliant?"
"Thought so. Seth better had brought the good stuff."
"Any stuff will do."

Roman and Dean returned to the kitchen where the three men were again. This time, no shouting, no big suprise... just them silently waiting.

"Hey Dean." Seth said quietly, with a sad smile. "Sorry for... this. It was my stupid idea. I didn't think."
"It's alright. Roman wants to know if you got the good beer?"
"I do. Made sure I got the stuff we always had back..."
"Back in the day?"
"You gonna get it out or what?" A grin appeared on Seths face.
"Yeah of course. Straight from the bottle?"
"Some things never change." Seth happily jogged to the fridge, then revealing a six pack. He handed two to Erick and Jey and then removed three more from the pack.
"Here you are."
"To Dean. Back where he should be."
"To Dean."

*During the night*

He was tossing and turning. Cold sweat filled his forehead while he writhed amoungst his covers. Fighting off his invisible attacker.
"No!" Dean screamed. "Stop!"

Roman woke from his own slumber hearing Dean cry out. Immediately he rushed to Dean's room.

"Dean?" The small amount of light from the night sky shone on the constant moving body of Dean. "Dean wake up!"

Roman climbed onto the bed. He held Dean's shoulders, trying to shake him to awaken him, not too hard, just enough to hopefully get Dean awake.

"Stop hurting me!"
"Dean, wake up it's Roman."
"It hurts!"

Still Dean hadn't woken. Still he trapped in his nightmare. Roman then shook him harder. It was then, finally Dean woke.

"Dean?" He was wide eyed. "It's Roman. It's alright. He's not here."
"But... but he..."
"It was just a nightmare." Dean clung to Roman desperately. Roman gladly took him into his chest, wrapping his protective arms around him.
"It felt so real."
"I know. It's alright. You are safe. He won't get here. I'll die before he dares to come near you again." Dean was now almost calm. His breathing wasn't yet calm but far better than it had been a meer minute ago.
"My protector." Dean sleepily mumbled.
"Yep and I'm not going anywhere. We can stay like this for as long as you wan-" Soft snores followed. Roman just chuckled.
"Some things about you never change huh? Wouldn't have you any other way brother."

Roman slowly moved both of their bodies to the top of the bed, then slowly lying down. He pulled the covers over them both before slowly slipping into his own slumber. Just as he was slipping into that he heard Dean mumble.

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