Chapter 39 - The Match

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The day had finally come around. Today was the day that this feud would be over. Either Roman would win and Dean would be forever safe from Brays clutches or be forever in his clutches with no Roman to ever save him.

He'd be forever living in a nightmare until the day he died.

Roman couldn't allow that. He'd fie for Dean in that ring if it came down to it. He'd do anything to keep his boy safe. Dean was everything. It couldn't be said enough.

They woke this morning with Dean still clinging to Romans arm. He was nervous. He didn't doubt Roman for a second but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't scared at all. Bray freaked him out, after his time being held by him, his mind games playing on his mind a lot. The nightmares that had been plaguing him.

He wanted this to be over. He couldn't take anymore.

Roman had to win. He had to. He couldn't let Dean go to Bray. He'd never see him again and just imagine the pain he'd be put through everyday for defying Bray. He wouldn't let that go easily. Dean would be reminded of that every single day.

Roman was the one to wake first, to see Dean desperately clinging to him. Deans face filled with a frown. Fear. A single tear strolled down Romans face. Why was this happening? Why did it happen?

He should have kept Dean at arms length throughout this, for his own good. Saying that though, would Dean have sat on the sidelines like a good hound? Hell no. That's his boy, his brother. Two versus all. Well, four but in this moment, two against the world. Two against Bray and his henchmen.

I have to win. Or die trying.

Deans eyes began to flutter open. The sun, shining through the small gap in the curtain shone on Deans cheek.

"Today is it then?" Dean mumbled, looking up at the awoken Roman.
"It'll all be over today."
"Today is the day Bray Wyatt seizes to exist. I'm ending him. Him and his goons."
"I'll be there with a front seat ticket."
"Dean, look. If he... You know."
"Dean, let me..."
"No Rome. There's no, if I don't win then please look after yourself. Live the best you can considering the situation. You will win. I know you will."
"Just if I don't, say he puts me down, permanently, run. Just run. Take Seth and Rowan and leave. Never come back to wwe. It'll never be safe again."
"Didn't you just listen to what I said? You will win, that's it. You got this. I know I've let him in my head and I shouldn't have. Don't let him in yours. If he gets in there he's already won. You got this down. He can't touch you. Do I really need to call up Xavier and tell him to bring Big E and Kofi to unleash some power of positivity?"
"No thanks."
"So, do you believe me? Do you believe you will win?"
"I can and I will."
"Believe that. Now, I'm hungry. I need food."
"You always need food. And hey..."
"I know you're scared. It's alright. I know you put up this little front to make out you are ok. Like you said, we got this right?"
"Yeah." Dean took a breath. "Yeah we got this."
"Come here you."

*Later, at the arena*

All four men were sat in the locker room in silence. In just a few minutes, Roman and Dean would be heading out for the match. No one wanted to say it but this could have been the last time they see Dean with them. The real Dean.

"Everyone stand up."
"You heard me Ambrose. Get up. Come On Reigns, you too."
"This the final goodbye Rollins?"
"Nope. I'm getting some before match photos and after match where we'll all be much happier."
"What's the point? Are you doing this just in case I lose?"
"No, Roman. Look, you will win. I want a photo of us all in. All four of us."
"Our family."
"Yeah exactly."
"Alright. Let's do it."
"Good thing I found a tripod to put my phone in then. Get yourselves set up then."
"Yes Sir Rollins. How do you want us stood dear Seth?"
"You and Roman in the middle and Rowan and I on each side if you two."
"Just something simple then? Good."

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