Chapter 8 - Failing To Heed His Warning

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"Braun Strowman? What kind of fucked up, made up name is that?"
"Dean, it's not made up."
"It obviously is. You know what, leave us alone from now on. You can run back to Bray and tell him his plan failed." Dean said as he left Rowan standing there.
"Why wouldn't you believe me?" Rowan said to himself. Was Rowan telling the truth though? The only way to find out was to wait for Raw to come around.

Dean was on the way back to the locker room when he bumped into an old nemesis, Seth Rollins.
"Look where your going Ambrose."
"Could say the same to you sellout."
"Aw come on. That was over a year ago."
"Yes it was. Glad you can still keep the time. Over a year since you stabbed me and Rome in the back. Look, I get it. You wanted to move on to bigger things. All you needed to do was just say, guys look, I think the Shield has ran it's course. We have got ourselves where we wanted to be. Now let's race each other to get to the title. You didn't do that though did you?"
"Dean... I-"
"No! You don't get to talk right now. The truth hurts. You broke our ability to trust Seth. We, me and Rome only just managed to trust each other for a long time. You damaged us Seth. You damaged us badly. You needed to know what you truly did. I hope you are still pleased with yourself. Now, excuse me. I have to go back to my brother that didn't hurt me and protect him."
"From Wyatt." Seth said quietly.
"Yes Seth, from Wyatt. I'm sure you've been watching, laughing back here when shit happens to us. It's fine because I do the same when you get laid out. Oh, wait, that's not that often because you have the Authority in your back pocket. I almost forgot about that. Goodbye baby brother, have a good time with your new family that will most probably kick you to the curb when they get the chance." With that, Dean walked off, muttering incoherent things.
"I'm sorry Dean." Seth whispered. He felt a small prickle in his right eye. Was a tear forming? Was he finally regretting breaking up the Shield?

*Back in the locker room*

Dean finally returned, Roman immediately stood and walked over to him. Jimmy, Jey and Naomi took that as their cue to leave the brothers alone.

"You ok?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." Dean shrugged.
"What happened?"
"You mean, what stupid thing did I do?"
"No, not stupid at least."
"I went to meet Rowan."
"Alone? Dean, it could have been a trap."
"Well, he said he thinks Bray got himself some help. An extra man going by Braun Strowman, I think that's what he said."
"Did you believe him?"
"Not really. Like who calls themselves Braun Strowman. It's made up. Oh, apparently he's from stuff of nightmares."
"Apparently? Dean, we gotta consider that Rowan could have told you the truth."
"I doubt it. He used to run with Bray, who says he hasn't gone back again."
"Can I see that letter he left for you?"
"Yeah I guess." Dean pulled it from his back pocket.

Both remained quiet while Roman looked at the letter.
"I don't want you to suffer at the hands of Bray like I did." Roman recited. "Dean, why would he go back? Especially if this is true."
"I don't know. I don't trust easy Roman. You know that. It took a lot to fully trust you after what Seth did."
"I know. It hit us both bad."
"I may have ran into him on my way back."
"What did you do Dean?"
"Hit him. Well not literally. I hit him with some home truths of what he did to us."
"Trust you. How did he react?"
"I don't know. I walked away."
"Heel Ambrose."
"You know it."

*On Raw*

Tonight it would be Dean Ambrose vs Luke Harper. Of course Bray would be at ringside so Roman would sure as hell would be there for his brother. Ain't nobody touching Dean while he was around. Bray and Luke came out first.

Deans theme began to blare from the speakers. Everyone looked towards the ramp... but nothing. Instead he appeared in the crowd, coming in old Shield style or Roman style. Dean in front, Roman behind. Time to kick some Wyatt ass.

Dean initially took control. His wild and unpredictable style in the ring he used fully to his advantage. Until of course he made one slight error and Harper took full advantage of it. All Roman could do was look on, unable to do anything. He couldn't cause Dean to be DQ'd. He just had to stand by and hope Dean could pull something out.

Roman would have to keep an eye on Bray as he was out there aswell. At the start of the match, Bray was itching to get involved but now, now he was sat back in Cole's chair that he got Harper to take from him. He laughed each time Dean was slammed to the canvas. By god, Roman just wanted to run over to him and punch his face over and over and over again. How can he find that funny?! Oh wait, he's Bray Wyatt, he's a freak!

Dean was finally beginning to regain control and was about to hit Dirty Deeds when Bray jumped from his seat and charged into the ring. The millisecond Roman saw Bray move, he jumped into the ring. Bray had already caused the disqualification, hitting Dean square on the back of his neck. Dean would be down and out for at least a minute. The knock he took was a hard one, that just infuriated Roman even more, not that he needed it. How does Bray Wyatt think he is?

Roman had the upperhand of Wyatt and Harper when the lights went out. Roman was setting up for the spear on Wyatt when the lights just went. They were put for about ten seconds. When they came back on, a figure stood on the apron, looking at Roman. Staring him down through his black sheep mask. This wasn't Rowan. He had dark long hair, matching his beard. The mysterious superstar slowly removed his sheep mask, revealing his whole face.

Could this be the man that Rowan spoke of to Dean earlier? Perhaps it was, who else could it be?

Roman wouldn't back down from him. It wasn't in his nature. The nameless superstar climbed over all three ropes and stood between Roman and Bray. Dean had been pushed out of the ring by Harper before Roman laid the smackdown on his ass. Just a warning, never touch Dean or Roman might actually kill you.

It was Roman versus this thing, this guy. Freak of nature. Nothing would stop him getting to Wyatt so he cocked it up for a Superman Punch. He went to hit this thing but he caught Roman by his best. Roman tried to struggle out but the death grip on his vest was too strong. He was then thrown like a ragdoll.

Dean stepped into the ring and was trying to figure out what was happening. He heard Roman shout something.
"No. No. Dean, run. Save yourself."

No. Dean wasn't going to abandon his brother in arms. You can forget that ever happening. Dean would stand up to this guy, no matter what happened to him.
"I'm not abandoning you." Dean shouted to Roman.

Dean went to charge at the huge figure but he just easily shoulder barged him away. He was then picked up by the bigger man. Roman had gotten up as quick as he could to help Dean. He got his attention momentarily but even Roman was swatted away easily. His attention was switched to Dean again, he picked him up and clobbered on his shoulder hard, causing him to fall to the canvas hard and fall out of the ring once more.

Roman went for the larger man again but this time he was grabbed by the mouth, a death grip. The grip wouldn't loosen at all. Roman was then put in this hold. Another unforgiving hold in which Roman was becoming limp, passing out. In the matter of ten seconds he was completely out. Dean was just climbing into the ring when Roman was dropped to the floor. Dean tried kicking and punching him but nothing affected him, instead, he was grabbed in the same grip as Roman. Dean faded quicker than Roman.

Bray called for Dean to be released. He then flopped to the floor. Both former Shield members were out. Both had fallen at the hands of one man. A nameless man. Dean should have listened to Rowans warning. Was this Braun Strowman?

They failed to heed Rowans warning and had paid the price. Would Rowan still want to help Dean and Roman? Would he still want to stop them from possibly suffering like he did in the past?

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