Chapter 36 - He's Everywhere...

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"This is so much fun Deano! Are you having fun too?" Dean gasped for air after Braun finally released his hold on his nose and mouth.
"Fuck. You."
"No, no, no. Dean, what has Roman done to you? This isn't you."
"Yes, it is. I'm not your puppet. Not anymore. I'm stronger now, Roman made me stronger."
"He made you weaker Dean. You've become his puppet. This was what I was afraid of if you ever left my side. I knew he'd suck you back in."
"He saved me from your freak show ass!"
"Dean! Such language like that is unacceptable. Braun, do it. Luke, find a cameraman and drag him here then stand guard outside."
"Yes saviour."

"Time for some fun Dean."
"I'm waiting Braun. Give me your best shit asshole."
"My games are just about to begin. I'm glad your, let's say, strapped in."

The first punch landed on his face... the first of many to come...

*With Seth and Rowan*

"Dean!... Dean!...AJ?"
"Hey. You want some?" Styles asked, offering food from his plate.
"No thanks. You seen Dean around anywhere?"
"He was in catering not too long ago. We had a little chat actually. Quite happy he was. Something happened?"
"He's missing. He should have been back at the locker room by now but he wasn't there. We think, we think Bray got him again..."
"Crap. Want a hand looking for him?"
"You don't mind?"
"Course not. I have the time to help y'all out. Ain't gonna leave you two hanging high and dry."
"Thanks AJ, means a lot. Could use the extra pair of hands if we get in a sticky situation."
"Good thing I got my gloves with me then. They don't want none of us if they use their brains."
"I like what you did there but I doubt they have brains."
"They started on you guys, probably proof enough they have no brains."
"So did you leave before Dean?"
"Yeah, but he was just about ready to go. I assume he didn't go back the way I went as I went back there looking for Chris."
"Let's head that way then."

*Out in the ring with Roman*

Roman was hanging in the match quite well at this point. It wasn't easy being in a two on one handicap match, let alone most of your brain focused on being scared for Dean. Not knowing where he was. Not knowing if he's scared if Bray has him. It was the not knowing anything that was scaring him so much.

He had been able to knock Kane off the apron and get Randy down aswell then he heard a familiar voice beam from the speakers.

"Roman... Roman? Can you hear me?"

His eyes shot up to the tiatron. There was Bray. Surrounded by fog in a dark room, only slightly lit by a dim light bulb.

"How are you? Worried? Scared for someone you claim to love dearly? What's his name? Oh... Mr Ambrose. Don't you worry Roman, he's with me. He's safe."
"You bastard!"

Bray moved from camera shot to reveal Dean. Still bound to the damned chair. He looked so scared. His eyes wide. He was unable to shout for help, gagged by a piece of cloth.

"Want to say hi to Roman, Dean? If you look straight at this camera, he's on the other end."
"Fuck you Bray!" Dean tried to shout, but all that could be heard were muffled sounds.
"You going to come save your boy Ro-"

The door flung open and it wasn't by Luke coming with a warning. No way, there stood, Seth Rollins, Erick Rowan and a suprise, AJ Styles.

"Back away from him Bray, you too Braun."
"Why would I do that? We can easily take you Seth. You're just a little fly, just like this new best friend you have. Hello AJ."
"Let Dean go Bray. We ain't leaving here without him."
"Oh you will. I get what I want and Deano here, is what I want."
"Well, you don't know us then at all. We are here for Dean and whatever he wants, we will do our damned best to help him. So, if that means crushing you hillbillys, that's what we will do. I know Roman can't be here do I'll say this for him, believe that."
"Oh, look how adorable you are."
"Settle this with fists, right now."
"Bring it on ladies."

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