Chapter 32 - Me Versus You Bray

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Roman woke up to find the space where Dean was empty. Perhaps he had just gone to the toilet? Or was making breakfast or something? He wouldn't want to admit it to Dean but a small part of him was already scared that Dean had got up and left. Left to be with him.

Being honest, Roman wouldn't be able to handle that again. That would be the end. He couldn't take that again. Once was too much, a second time would completely ruin him. He'd crawl into a dark corner and die. The pain of being betrayed like that twice would be far too much for Roman.

He stumbled out of bed in only his boxer shorts, not that he cared. In the back if his mind, he was just hoping and praying Dean was sat somewhere or attempting to cook again.

He walked into the main area of the hotel room, the bedroom had its section away from the main space. He was thankful to see Dean...

But something was wrong.

He was clutching onto his knees, rocking himself and muttering away to himself.


He still carried on. He was lost, lost inside of his own mind. Fighting against something or someone. Roman closed the gap between them and went to place his hand in Deans knee when he jerked away. He scrambled to the corner of the room. There he hid his face from Roman.

Roman had been able to get a mere seconds look at his face... he looked petrified.

"Dean, it's ok. It's Roman. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise."
"He said that. He said that all the time. I got hurt. Hurt bad."
"He as in Bray?"
"Don't say his name. Don't say it." Dean then began to scratch the arm. The arm that had had worthless etched into it.
"Dean, your going to hurt yourself. Stop."
"It hurt. Was bad." Still, the scratching continued.

Roman wasn't going to stand by and watch Dean keep doing this and then cause himself harm.

"Hey, stop." Roman loosely grabbed Dean's arms as he slowly pulled him to his feet. "It's ok. You're safe. He's not here." Dean still, with little strength tried to pull himself from Roman but to no avail. Roman wasn't going to let him go.
"He's everywhere. Everywhere. He's watching. I know he is."
"It's just us in here Dean. I promise. Me and you. Superman and Batman remember?"
"I'm Batman?"
"Yeah. Or you can be Superman?"
"Batman. He's my favourite. I think he is."
"I hope he is. He's clever, resourceful isn't he?"
"Got the Bat-mobile."
"He does."
"He won't hurt me will he?"
"Never Dean. Never."
"Won't cut me?"
"No way. Not going to let that happen."
"'kay. Safe, I'm safe."
"Yeah, you're safe." Roman stroked through Deans hair gently, to calm him.
"Safe. Not here... safe."
"Yeah." Dean quickly latched onto Roman. Romans shoulder quickly became wet. "It's ok."
"He hurt me. So bad. It hurt so much. Didn't want to give in. I didn't."
"It's ok Dean. I'm here. Shhhhh."
"Sent Luke and Braun in. Beat me."
"Dean... I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault. I know that. You were going what you could. You tried."
"I did. I tried. I tried."
"You tried, that's all that matters."


To take Deans mind off the things he kept remembering, they took a trip to a mall that was close by. Like suggested yesterday, they would be buying Dean more things. More wifebeaters, jeans, socks, boxers, the works.

Dean always remained close to Roman. Always withing two or three steps of each other. Roman was his safe place. Roman was the guy he could trust and would protect him from harm.

When they sat down to eat, Dean moved his chair so it was just meer inches from Roman. Roman acted like everything was fine but inside, he was so worried about Dean. Well, he was worried and scared for Dean. He'd never seen him like this, this bad. Of course he used to have his moments but... this was every second of that day.

He was scared that whatever Bray had done to him, whatever he was remembering was making him turn into a scared little boy. That was something Dean should never have to go through all over again. Dean didn't deserve any of this.

Once they had returned back their shared hotel room, Roman asked for Dean to come and sit beside him. He needed to get Dean to open up. He needed to know whatvwas going on with Dean.

"Dean, what's going on with you?"
"N... Nothing. Why?" He replied, scratching the back of his neck.
"It's just, after this morning and how you were acting earlier while we were out. What's going on? What are you remembering? And you always scratch your neck when someone calls you out like that."
"Nothing. Doesn't matter. I'm fine Roman."
"It does Dean. I'm worried about you. I didn't want to say anything in front of Seth and Rowan."
"It's... Just... the pain of what he did and..."
"What?" Roman said with a soft, caring tone.
"How he tried to turn me against you."
"You remember it?"
"Hard not to when it's all you hear for days upon days."
"What did he say?"
"More like it was what did you say."
"Huh? I'm not sure I'm following."
"There was this recording. It kept playing. Over and over. You kept saying, over and over, I don't care about Dean. He's nothing to me. He's just this crazy guy that has no one. I felt sorry for him really. He's not a brother to me really. He could disappear and I wouldn't miss him for a second."
"I'd never say that."
"I believed that you wouldn't. I don't know how he made me turn against you. I just remember that going over and over. Probably why I was so close to you today. I didn't want to disappear and for you not to care."
"Don't ever think like that. I'll always care, I'll tell you that every morning, every minute of the day if it will help. I'll never stop caring for you Dean. You're my brother and I love you so much."

*At Raw*

Roman was calling out Bray with Dean by his side. He refused to stay backstage when Roman wasn't there. As said before, Roman was Deans safe place, that was all he knew. Roman was the good guy, no matter what.

"Get your bearded ass out here Bray! I'm sick of you and what you've done to Dean. I want this over and done with. Get out here!"

Seconds later, Live in Fear blared from the speakers as the lights went out. When they came back on, Dean was situated behind Roman, one hand on his shoulder and the other close to his wrist. Roman laid a protective hand on Dean's opposite side. Bray was standing at the other side of the ring.

"Hello my child." Bray said as he stared into Deans eyes. Dean pulled the microphone from Romans hand.
"Don't talk to me you freak."
"I'm not a freak. I showed you the light remember."
"No. You showed the darkness."
"That's what he has you believing. This isn't why I was summoned here, so Dean, politely I ask for you to let the grown ups talk."
"Who do you-"
"Dean, calm. I've got this." Dean nodded his head once. "I have a proposition Bray. We both want this over right?"
"Not really, this is fun for me but go on child."
"One match. Me versus you. One on one."
"And what does this do Roman? Are you going to make yourself look big and strong to convince Dean you are the good guy here. We all know deep down, Dean thinks I'm the good guy."
"You're sadly mistaken Bray. Quite the opposite. So how about this, Bray, if I win this match, you never, ever go near him again."
"And you realise you will lose this match?"
"I won't though will I? Oh, I forgot to mention, no interference from any of your goons or my own family."
"None from yours though even Roman. Let's be fair here."
"Fine. One on one. Me against you. I win, you leave Dean alone. You leave him alone."
"And if I win dear Roman, Dean comes with me and you will never see him again." He had to have expected something like that to come from Brays mouth, he just hoped he wouldn't. Roman looked towards Dean, who reluctantly nodded his head.

"Do it." Now it was Roman how was nodded at Dean.

"It's on Bray. You'll have to kill me to win this."
"I have no problem with doing that Roman. Dean is the key to the future, I told him that, didn't I? You are and I'll treat you right. I'll treat you better than he does." Dean stole the microphone from Romans hand again.
"You'll never ever be able to do that. I know the truth, I'm starting to remember what you did to me."
"Of course you are child. Ignore his lies Dean."
"YOU DID THIS! This crap on my arm, I remember! YOU DID THIS! All this is because of you! This is why I will be at ringside for this match, whether either of you like it or not. I'll be there to immediately raise Romans hand when it's all said and done. You don't stand a chance Bray."
"Oh I do and when the match is over, you'll wish you never made this match."
"Bring. It. Bitch." Dean then dropped the microphone before storming out of the ring with Roman close behind.

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