Chapter 5 - Making A Promise

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Roman and Dean returned backstage, both holding their respective jaws. Show doesn't hold back when he throws that punch at you. It'll ache for hours or days after. If you can avoid getting hit by that punch, do because damn, damn and that's it. It fucking kills.

They finally got back to their locker room. The walk there had been completely silent. Roman looked towards Dean and saw he was pissed, he was clearly pissed with Bray and himself. Roman knew there were times where he should talk to Dean but this was the time to leave him to himself. Just give him just a little bit of time to relax. It could be minutes to hours.

Dean sat himself down on one of the benches and fiddled around in his bag.
"Go get in the shower Ro. I said you'd go in first next time."
"Thanks Dean. I won't take long."
"Good because I want to go and sleep after I go in."
"Ok, I'll be super quick."
"Super quick superman." Roman smiled as he grabbed his things. Passing Dean he ruffled his short hair. Dean playfully swatted Romans hand away. He just need to have a little sulk before Roman would usually do something to lighten the mood. Everyone needs that time to be annoyed at stuff. Anything and everything. We are all entitled to a mood swing now and again.

Roman came back out to find Dean had packed everything up and had even craftly gone to get them both a cup of coffee. He must have just come back in with a smile on his face seeing Roman.
"Coffee for Superman."
"Does the Joker have a coffee too?"
"I'm Batman dude."
"But you look like the Joker."
"Why so serious?"
"See, you're the Joker."
"But I want to be Batman. He's my favourite."
"Ok Batman. You ready to head to the hotel?"
"Yeah, I'll shower there and then head to bed."
"Ok, we do need to talk about something though."
"That Rowan thing that happened."
"Let's wait until we get to the hotel. No prying ears around."
"Good idea."
"Batman always has the best ideas."
"Yeah yeah. Superman does aswell."
"Same with Batman."
"I suppose." They looked at one another before laughing their asses off.

*Back at the hotel*

Dean had quickly vanished to the bathroom for his showers while Roman unpacked the few bits they would need for the night and morning. Roman propped himself up on his bed and was sat watching the TV when Dean came out.
"What's on?"
"Nothing much really. Usual stuff."
"Usual shit you mean."
"Yeah." Roman switched the TV off. Now was the time to talk about this Rowan situation. "So, this Rowan thing." He stood and went over to the counter to make them both a cup of coffee.
"Yeah. Do you think he's back in with Bray? Maybe he's using him as a scare tactic?"
"He could be, but saying that, why say what he said. He's coming for you Dean. Watch yourself. What if he's trying to warn us. He knows what Bray is like. He knows how he plays-" Deans phone went off. It scared the shit out of both of them as only Roman had Dean's number, well that would have been until Bray cloned his phone. The message read:

I'm coming Deany. I know everything about you. I know those deep dark secrets. I understand you. I understand the pain you go through daily. Let me in. Let me help.

Bray x

His phone went off moments later with other message, from someone else.

Dean, he's coming for you. Stay with Roman. Don't leave each others side. It's for your own good. Please heed my warnings. Rowan.

Dean had read out each text out loud to Roman. Roman was certainly getting pissed. He slammed down the cup into the counter as he turned to face Dean. Dean flinched as Roman slammed it down.
"Shit. I'm sorry Dean, this is all my fault. If it weren't for me then you'd be safe. You wouldn't have to look over your shoulder all the time."
"It's not your fault Rome. You can't blame yourself. You didn't ask for Bray to come after us both. Don't apologise for something that isn't your fault."
"Feels like it though. Whatever I did, if I did something, it's put you in danger..."
"I like danger-"
"Dean, this type of danger is different."
"Are you trying to get me to leave? Ro I thought-"
"No, god no. I want you to stay. Damn, I don't ever want to lose you, in any way. That'd be the worst thing to happen. If Bray or anyone took you away from me... I'd crumble. I'd have nothing left."
"Can we make a promise?"
"Yeah. What's the promise?"
"No matter what, we're always here for each other. If something happens, we won't rest until the other one is safe."
"I promise. Your the most important person in my life Ro. I'll do anything. We should do something to seal the deal."
"I know." Roman grinned.
"Oh god, I know that look. It's something I'm not going to like."
"We want something permanent right?"
"Yeah but- wait, no Roman. Just no."
"A tattoo is permanent. Just what we want right?"
"But Roman..."
"Dean, it's just a tiny bit of metal. You're telling me big, bad Dean Ambrose is scared of a needle."
"Yes. I am."
"I... Ummmm..."
"Is it something that happened when you were a kid?"
"Yeah. Since then, I stayed away from them."
"Well, do you want to try and conquer that fear?"
"You'll be there right?"
"Of course. I'll hold your hand if you need me to."
"No, that's girly. No holding hands."
"Ok. Let's decide on what the tattoos should be."
"What about something simple? Like for you a 'D' and I'll get a 'R'?"
"I like that idea. I'll have the D amongst my samoan sleeve. It belongs with my family tattoo, you are family."
"Yeah. I'll have mine on my ankle. Ro... I never really had a family until you came along. You're own family took me in as if we were blood."
"Blood doesn't mean everything. I mean me and the Uces are cousins but I'm closer to you then I am them. Same with Rock. They are your cousins too."
"So, my cousin is the Rock. That's a pretty cool thing to have on my resumé. Cousin of the Rock and Usos. Brother of Roman Reigns. That's pretty sweet."
"Thought it might be." Dean sat there with a huge grin. "Get that grin off your face."
"Finish making that drink then. I started it, you finish it."
"Dean, shut it."
"Fine. I'll make it. Your making the one in morning."
"That's it! Come here." They wrestled around on the beds. Fake punching each other. Putting each other in submission holds. Yelling at each other, to quit. To tap out.

This continued until there was a knock on the door. Dean released Roman from the hold he had on him and rushed to the door. On the other side stood Jimmy Uso.
"Hey Uce. Rome, it's our cousin. Want to come in?"
"Nah, I'm good little Uce. Just want to ask you guys to quieten down. You Uces realise it's 11:30pm right?"
"What? Already. Shit. Sorry man. It's Romans fault you know."
"What? My fault? Dude, it's both of us."
"You mostly."
"Both of us."
"I'm not even going to argue."
"Good because I'm right. I'm always right."
"Whatever. Sorry Uce. We'll keep it quiet."
"Thanks. See y'all later."
"See ya." Dean shut the door.
"This continues tomorrow."
"After we get the tattoos Dean."
"Damn... Fine. Just don't laugh at me tomorrow."
"I won't. Well, unless you scream like a girl."
"You're an asshole Roman."
"I know, so are you."
"That's why we are the perfect brothers."
"Damn true."
"I'm gonna get some sleep. Sleep well Roman."
"You too Dean. Love you brother."
"Love you too bro."

#And that's this chapter done!! Sorry it's not as good. Dealing with something personal right now. I promise it'll get better. With help from JustMeAiden between us we've come up with some very interesting stuff that's going to happen. Thank you girl for helping me out with this! I hope you all continue to enjoy reading this as I will writing it. Ciaaaaaaaoooooooooooo!!!!

P.S. there is a reason why I've mentioned the boys getting tattoos. To find out why, stay tuned.

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