Chapter 34 - What Happened To Me Part Two

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####And before we start, I politely ask you all to PLEASE STOP just commenting "Update please". Especially when I've just updated the story. This will be uploaded once a week or once a fortnight. I am, well trying to work on other pieces I want to upload for everyone.

Even if it is just one or two people each chapter asking when this is being updated, it's frustrating sometimes. I'm taking time out of my life to write this for you, don't get me wrong, I love writing this. Please stop just commenting Update update update all the time.

I have a life to live and currently as I write this, I can hardly sit down without being in pain so please just give me a break.

Thank you to those that comment about what they love about this story and offer critique. I love hearing from you guys like that.

Sorry about the rant (again). Let's have this chapter begin!!

"That's where things changed... where I began... to change."
"It's ok Dean."
"Roman, I turned my back on you hearing a fake recording. I should have never have believed it. You wouldn't say that, ever. Even if you was pissed with me. I'm sorry..."
"Don't you ever apologise Dean. This wasn't your fault. You didn't ask for Bray to abduct you and do all this."
"But I was the one that turned my back Roman! Figuratively speaking, I stood and walked away from you! That isn't ok!"
"Dean, if I was in that same situation. In there with him for as long as you were and that's all I heard for days upon days without rescue, I probably would have started to believe it too. I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner. I wish I had found a way to get to you sooner."
"It's not your fault Roman. He had me hidden well. Hell, I had no idea where I was. All I knew was I was locked up in this cold dark room and shackled to the fucking wall."
"It's not your fault either Dean. None of us asked for this."
"I know but still... He was still able to turn me. That scares me, I turn on people on my terms, not someone elses. I feel like all be has to do is do what he did before and the switch inside me will just flip... I'm scared that if he plays that recording again, I won't be able to stop myself from betraying you again."
"We won't let that happen. You'll never have to go back there Dean, not while I'm still breathing. He's gonna have to kill me to stand a chance at getting his hands on you again."
"Thanks Roman. No matter what happens, I love you."
"I love you too D. Was there anything else that happened that you need to get off your chest?"
"Should probably tell you what happened after I gave in..."


"Dean, my child. I am so sorry. I wish I didn't have to tell you this or have to play that damned recording. You had to know the truth though my child. I didn't want you living life under false pretenses. I didn't want you to live a life surrounded by lies."
"Why? Why couldn't you just leave me alone? I didn't need to know. Being around Roman, it was the happiest time of my life... even if he didn't truly care."
"But Dean, we can make you happy. Me and my brothers. We'll take of you. Love you like a brother should and not just use you and make you look like a sidekick. You deserve better my boy."
"What if I want to be alone for the rest if my life now? You gonna force me to stay with you?"
"Just please, give us the chance to show you love Deano. You deserve the best in life. You were dealt such a tough card as a child. Even now, you've been dealt a terrible card. Give us a week Dean. One week and if you haven't changed your mind, you can go."
"Just one week?"
"You think you can change my mind in a week?"
"I will give it a shot Dean. I want you to be the happiest you've been in all your life. I want you to feel the love you've missed out on. We will do our damned best to make you happy."
"Can you at least take these off? It's hurting me..."
"Of course child. Shall I get Luke to bring in a chair for you?"
"Is that OK?"
"Of course Dean. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
"Thank you Bray."

*The next day*

Dean awoke on mattress that Luke had brought into his room. It wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world but it was better than the cold floor he'd gotten used to. He was just sitting himself up, getting the urge to scratch his arm, he fetched up the scab from the etching of "worthless".


In the distance, Dean could hear Bray, calling his name. The door opened, Bray pushing past it as quickly as he could. Within seconds, Bray was by Deans side.

"Dean, my child. What happened?"
"I had the urge to scratch my arm and I fetched off this scabbing... where did this come from? I don't remember it being there."
"Do you know who... wrote... etched it onto me?"
"I do know. I'm so sorry Dean."
"Was it you? Why would you-"
"No my child. It wasn't me." Bray paused. "It was the man who calls himself your brother. One of your old Shield brethren. I'm sorry Dean, it was Roman."
"What? He... why?"
"I think he wanted you to believe you were worthless so he could just use you Dean. I wish I had seen this sooner, I could have helped stop your suffering a long time ago."
"I never thought he could do anything like that. He was always like a giant teddy bear full with feelings."
"Seems as though those feelings turned sour Dean. All I can do us apologise for not seeing this sooner my child."
"You weren't to know Bray. Seems he was able to hide this all. People always called me crazy. Called me the lunatic where it turns out I'm the victim of a lunatic. A lunatic wielding a weapon to cut into me... Thank you Bray."
"For what my child?"
"Thank you for saving me."
"Anytime my child... I must ask this Dean, do you want revenge upon Roman? Did you want to break him like how he broke you with all your lies?" Dean took a moment to ponder the decision. Should he? Does it make him as bad as Roman? Screw it, he thought.
"Screw it. Yes. I don't care if it makes me as bad as him. He deserves to suffer in pain like I have."

That was the moment where Dean turned his back on Roman. The Roman that truthfully had done nothing wrong. It was all Brays twisted words corrupting the broken mind of Dean Ambrose. This was where the alienation truly began.

"Dean, you'll need to go back to Roman for this to work properly. Are you ok with that?"
"Can you somehow reinstate the old me? Then at the right moment, you can give me a signal to awaken within myself and take control again."
"That I can do my child. This will take time to install into your brain but it can be done."
"Start right now. Do whatever you have to. If you have to inflict pain upon me then please do so, Roman has to pay for what he did. You don't manipulate Dean Ambrose and play him like he has."

*End of Flashback*

"The next thing I remember is being in that room with Bray slicing into my chest. And then, Superman came in." A small grin appeared on the face of Roman.
"I'm sorry."
"What are you sorry for Roman?"
"For saying the words to make up that damned recording. For not being there for you when you needed me the most. I'm sorry for failing you."
"Roman, you didn't fail me. You're the one that really saved me. I didn't know what was real when that thing was playing. It was me that failed you. I believed in that thing when I should have kiss stayed string and listened to my heart."
"You didn't fail Dean."
"Well, neither did you then. If you agree you didn't fail me then I'll agree I didn't fail you."
"A compromise?"
"Yeah. You know, why not?"
"Fine. I didn't fail you."
"I didn't fail you."

"But I failed the both of you by running off to the Authority."
"Seth. Don't go there."
"I shouldn't have ever said I never have a damn about you Dean. You and Roman, you always meant the world to me. Dean, I'm sorry I said I never gave a damn about you. I never truly meant it."
"Seth, it's ok. I forgive you."
"Just like that?" Tears filled Seths eyes. "Even after everyone I've done to you and Roman. You easily forgive me?"
"Yeah. After this stuff with Bray, I can see when people truly care and are sincere. I don't know how but I can. You are sincere Seth. I do forgive you." Seth got up and held Dean in his arms.
"Thank you. I'll never completely forgive myself for all I did but knowing you have, it helps."
"Glad I can help."

"I feel left out guys. Can we have a group hug?"
"Get in here Roman. Brothers hug!" Seth invited him in.
"I love you guys. I love you brothers."
"We love you too Dean. Brothers, always."

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