Chapter 20 - Escaping Hell

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### Before you start this chapter, in the last I wrote that Braun was the face of desolation... I meant for it to be destruction. My mistake, I've changed it now. Just so you all know. Anyways enough of my babbling, enjoy the chapter.

*Back with The Usos and Cesaro*

"I don't care who or what you call yourself." Cesaro looked at Jey, giving him a nod. "Where's Dean?"
"Not here, how foolish of you to think he'd be here. We knew Roman, Seth and Rowan would take our other hold up. That's why it's all set up like this."
"They walked into a trap..."
"You caught on well. Congratulations." Cesaro began to walk to the wall adjacent to where Jimmy laid unmoving. Braun turned to face Cesaro, his back now to both Usos. Jey took the opportunity to run to Jimmy. Braun went to grab Jey but Cesaro caught his attention.
"Hey! Over here! Jey, get him out of here. I'll handle Braun."

And then fight ensued...

Jey ran to his twin who was still out of it. He pulled Jimmy up so he had one of his arms across his shoulders and dragged his lifeless body away outside. Jey slowly placed him down to inspect the wound on Jimmys head.

"Jimmy, wake up. Damn it wake up!"

Meanwhile Cesaro was doing a good job keeping Braun busy. Off balance aswell. Swinging fist after fist, hitting the target each time. The Swiss then kicked Braun hard in the guts, finally making him stumble to his knees. Someone appeared back at his side... Jey. Both nodded and superkicked Braun flush in the face. He was momentarily out. Enough time to get the hell out of dodge before he had chance to regain his composure and attempt to strike again.

Once out they picked up the unconscious body of Jimmy, then darting to the car. Jey got in the back with Jimmy while Cesaro jumped into the front seat and began driving away. Just in time in fact as Braun had just tried to open one of the doors.

"Holy shit. You ok Jey?"
"Yeah but Jimmy isn't. He needs to go to the hospital... He's still..."
"It's ok Jey, he's gonna be fine. He's samoan, your all badass and strong. He's a fighter."
"I know... It's just... I can't lose him... ever."
"You won't. I'm not going to let that happen. The hospital is five minutes away. We came past it on the way here."
"What for?"
"Staying positive."
"That's alright-"
"Jey..." Jimmy managed to croak out.
"JIMMY! Shhhhh, you're gonna be ok."
"I know, I know, we're going to get you to the hospital. It's going to be ok Jimmy."
"Love... you.... Uce..."
"I love you aswell Uce. Hang on, we're almost there."

*With Rowan and Seth*

Harper threw the first punch, landing straight at Rowans jaw, causing him to stumble back for a moment. Rowan threw the next punch, causing Harpers repeat Rowans own actions.

"You're going down Rowan, it's just a matter of time. After I'm done with you, I'll sort of Seth over there."
"That's what you think. I'm not giving up."

It was an all out brawl. Old vases that were just discarded on the floor were used as weapons, throwing them. Using broken shards aswell. Just anything to inflict as much damage as possible to the other man.

Both had slashed each others arms, Rowan had been able to catch Harpers chest and then heard Seth begin to mumble, moaning in pain as he was awakening. While Harper was down for a moment, Rowan checked on Seth, cupping Seths left side cheek in his hand.

"Seth, you ok?"
"I...uh... My head."
"I'll get us out of this, promis-"
"Behind you!"

With Seths warning, Rowan was only just able to avoid Harpers attack. Still Harper maintained control, beating Rowan down.

He had beaten Rowan down to the floor, the ginger bearded man was hardly moving. Harper grinned devishly as he turned to Seth.

"Your turn. I like to inflict pain on those who can't fight back."
"No... Please. Harper, think about what you are doing."
"I know exactly what I'm doing."
"Please don't. Please. I'm begging you... please."
"Keep begging. Makes this even more enjoyable for me."
"You sick freak..."
"I may be... but I'm not the one that can't defend myself right now."

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