Chapter 3 - I Need To Protect You From Him

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As soon as Bray disappeared from the tiatron, Roman rushed backstage. There was no time to waste, Dean could be in danger, right now. Upon reaching the corridors, Renee Young appeared, microphone in hand. Roman didn't have time for this bullshit. He needed to find his brother. Protect him from Bray, no matter what it took. Even if it were to cost him his life, he would do it. There's nothing he wouldn't do for Dean.
"Roman, I wanted to get a quick question with you concerning what we just saw happen when you called out Bray Wyatt. What are your thoughts-" She went to ask, trying to keep up with him. Roman turned and punched the wall. Why ask pointless questions like that when you know what the answer is going to be. Stupid much?
"My thoughts are solely on finding my brother and keeping him safe. I don't have any time for any of your stupid questions Renee."
"Ok... thank you Roman." Renee walked the opposite way that Roman did.

The locker room door was left slightly open, this was the norm but Roman was fearing the worst. Brays words had infiltrated his mind, taking residence where they weren't welcome and there was nothing Roman could do about it. He would be haunted by those words.
"Dean?" No reply. The shower wasn't on either. It was silent until Roman heard a yelp from the bathroom. He knew that voice... "DEAN!"

Roman ran into the bathroom to see Dean picking himself off the floor.
"Dean, what happened? Where is he?"
"Where's who? There isn't anyone else in here. Just me. I slipped on that wet flannel I left on the floor earlier." A wave of relief rushed through Roman. Dean was ok. Bray hadn't got his dirty hands on him. Dean was safe. "What's up man? You seem real tense there bro."
"Something Bray just said and showed me and everyone."
"He said he'd take something I hold precious to me. Something I really care about... You Dean. Then he showed a picture of us. One of the pictures from your phone."
"What? How?"
"Has he touched your phone or anything?"
"Yeah, he knocked it out of my hand. He picked it up and placed it on his. Can he do stuff when they are like that? Just placed together?"
"I guess so. I don't see why not... he could have cloned your phone."
"Cloned? What does that mean?"
"Everything that was on your phone, he now has on his phone."
"So is it still on my phone?"
"It should be. Let's have a look."
"Okay. It's on the bench in there."

Sure enough everything was still on Deans phone. How was he to know that everything would still be there? He hardly even knew how to make the damn thing function. All this confused him. He only had the phone so Roman could always call him, check up on him.

Dean was in the main event tonight. He would be facing the rubber wearing sellout Seth Rollins. A perfect opponent to vent out some frustrations onto over this Bray situation. Dean was already furious that he had already innocently played his part into Bray getting into Romans head. All because he couldn't work technology and know that Bray could clone his phone or whatever Roman said. Bray 1 - Roman (and Dean) 0.

"I'm coming out there tonight with you Dean."
"Dude come on, it's only Seth. I can take him easily."
"I know you can. You're Dean fucking Ambrose. You can beat anyone put in front of you."
"You want to come out to make sure Bray doesn't try anything tonight."
"Dean, I need to protect you. You're the only family I have around here. You're the only guy I like around here-"
"Rome, you know I love you but not in that way man."
"Haha funny guy. I'm serious Dean, I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you. I love your unstable ass too much."
"And I do love your overprotective ass too much MOM. Seriously though, I do love you brother."
"So, we going out there tonight together?"
"Yeah. Yeah we are. Brothers united."
"Believe that!"
"Let's rage!"
"Yeah, let's rage."


Dean and Roman arrived at the gorilla as Seth headed out with his two little goons known as J&J Security. Even away from the cameras, they followed Seth around like they were lost puppies. Like they had nothing better to do in life. Both Dean and Roman looked up at the small screen in the gorilla, showing what lied ahead. Roman was canvassing the area while Dean just started giggling.
"What are you giggling at?"
"Look at Noble and Mercury trying to keeping with the sellout. Look at their little legs getting a major workout." Roman had to admit, it was pretty funny.
"Now you mention it, it is pretty hilarious."
"I think they'll need nap time soon."
"Dean you are too much."
"You can never have too much Dean Ambrose."
"Very true."
"You ready Rome?"
"Yeah, you doofus?"
"Yeah, wait what-"
"You're up."
"Let's kill it Rome."
"Time for some ass kicking."

Deans theme began blaring through the arena. The crowd was going crazy before Dean even went through the curtain. As soon as he stepped out, the volume went up and then when Roman came through with him, if it were possible it got even louder. They were going crazy for the pair.

A long, hard fought match ensued. Moment swayed in Deans direction and then in Seths. They knew each other so well, the match was filled with counters from both men. Nearing the end, the two little goons tried to get involved, emphasis on tried. Roman was there to stop anymlre interference in the match. Dean had just hit a superplex. Both men were laid out... Brays music hit and the lights went out.

Roman instantly went to cut him off. He wasn't going to come down the ramp and ruin the match for Dean. He had this match, he knew it. The lights finally came back on.

Dean was stumbling, picking himself up when he was grabbed from behind. Bray!
"Rome-" That was all he could shout before he was hit with Sister Abigail.

Roman turned instantly to see Dean planted into the canvas. The match was over. Dean had won the match, via disqualification. The Samoan instantly ran into the ring, seeing Bray off. He then dropped to his knees to check on Dean. He had failed at protecting his brother.

"I'm ok." Dean mumbled as Roman brought him into his lap.
"You sure? Dean, I can't take any risks."
"Yeah, I'm ok. Can we stand?"
"Of course."

As soon as Roman was helping Dean to his feet, the crowd were cheering once more. Roman ruffled Dean's half dried dirty blonde hair. That thing was a mess. Anyways, it was time for them to leave the ring. Roman jumped out first, ready to catch Dean if he slipped. Good thing he did when Dean's own momentum made him almost fall flat on his face.
"I got you bro."
"Thanks, I don't really want to be dealing with a broken nose."
"Yeah I don't want to hear you complain twenty four seven about it."
"Hahaha. Funny. Very funny Rome."

On the way up the ramp, they signed a few autographs before heading backstage. Both let out a sigh of relief get back there.
"I'm taking the first shower."
"Dean, come on. You always get the first shower."
"But I need it this time. I got beat up bad out there. I promise you get the shower first next time."
"You do know you say that everytime." Roman said opening their locker room door.
"I mean it this time."
"Yeah, ok. Go on. Get your unstable ass in there before I kick it." Of course Dean being Dean, he had to smack his own ass after picking his street clothes. That earned a chuckle from Roman. "Only you Dean. Only you." He mumbled after Dean had gone into the shower.

Romans Pov

I've failed twice today. Twice. What kind of brother does that? I should be able to watch over him. Protect him from anything and everything. This is just the beginning. Brays going to have more up his sleeve. He'll have more dastardly plans lying in wait. Am I even going to be able to protect Dean at all? I know he can look after himself, he's told some of his childhood. I still worry. He's my little brother. He's been through enough in his life. Bray already went after him not too long ago. He brought up Dean's parents. All those painful memories resurfaced in Deans mind. If I didn't return when I did, Dean would have self destructed. He was lost in his own mind. No one even tried to help him break out, help him escape his tortuous mind. Selfish bastards. I'll always be there for Dean. No matter what happens. Brothers come first.

No one's Pov

They may be having a little laugh now but Bray got to Dean twice today. Bray 2 - Roman 0. He needed to switch things up, right now. He needed to figure out how he could protect Dean before anything serious happened to him. One thing Roman knew, Dean would stand but his side. They would go after Bray... together.

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