Chapter 13 - Signed, Sealed, Delivered. Its On.

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Roman hadn't slept at all since he had gotten into bed earlier. In his mind he was playing the situation over and over. Could Bray be planning to attack the three in the ring? Leave them lifeless in the ring? Would he attempt to do what he did on Smackdown and try and take Dean again?

He couldn't let that happen again. Look what happened then, he'd do everything he could to make sure that would never happen to Dean again. Of course he wouldn't let Rowan be hurt or taken. The man saved his and Dean's life. One of the only ways he could ever try and repay that debt in a way was to protect him aswell and damn right that is what he would do.

It was two in the morning when Roman finally decided to take a short walk. He had to try something to help him sleep when he would get back.

It was obviously quiet during his walk. It stayed that way until he recieved a new message... a picture message from an unknown number. There was a photo of Dean peacefully sleeping in bed... and someone holding a knife in front of the camera.

"DEAN!" Roman ran as fast as he could back to the hotel. It honestly felt like an eternity to get there. Roman couldn't breathe properly. What if they had stabbed Dean and then Rowan aswell? What if Dean was dying? What if when he arrived, Dean was already dead? No Roman, shake those thoughts from your mind. Dean will be fine. He's ok. Just fill your mind with the thought of him being fine.

He couldn't help the few tears that managed to escape his eyes. He wouldn't be able to cope if that ever happened. Dean was his world. His baby brother. He wouldn't be able to live without him.

He finally arrived back at the room. He took the key out of his pocket, his hands were shaking violently. Please Dean, be ok. After dropping the key once, he was able to get it in the keyhole and get into the room.

"Dean!" Roman shouted as he jogged to Dean's bed. He got to the side of Deans bed as Dean opened his eyes. He immediately pulled Dean into an awkward hug.
"Why are you shouting? What time is it?"
"You ok? Your not hurt?"
"No. I'm fine, just that loss of memory that you told me about. Roman, whats going on, you look really pale. What happened?" Dean sat up in bed, moving the covers onto his lap.
"I... I got this picture. I was out for a walk when I got it. I... I-"
"Roman. Breathe. You're scaring me. Show me the picture." He slowly took the phone from his pocket, his hand still shaking. "Calm down Roman. It's ok. We're all safe. Rowans still snoring. I'm fine. Your fine."
"It's just... that picture. Dean, it scared me."
Dean gently took the phone from Romans shaking hand, replacing the void of the phone with a hand of his own. Dean unlocked the phone to find the message open, the picture there to see.
"He was in here. Watching me... us... sleep. He's playing with us Roman. What are we going to do?"
"I... I don't know. We're never safe, nor free from him. I locked that door, I know I did."
"How did he get in? Lockpick?"
"Must have been. When you came to bed and was asleep, Bray or one of the henchmen left a note under the door."
"What? You should have woken me. What did it say?"
"He wants to meet me alone in the ring on Raw. He's coming alone as long as I leave you and Rowan behind-"
"Nope. Not happening. You're not going out there alone. It's a trap. I'm not letting you get hurt Roman."
"He wants to discuss a match at Battleground. Us three against him and those hillbillys."
"He can have the match. You're still not going out there alone."
"Dean, it's the only-"
"No! He'll get his idiots out there too."
"Then you and Rowan hang in the gorilla. Be close as you can."
"Roman, I fucking hate this."
"So do I."
"If he tries anything, I'll end his sorry life." Roman couldn't help but chuckle.
"I'll help."
"Good. Now, can we sleep? I'm really tired bro."
"Yeah. Sleep sounds real good right now."

*Backstage at Monday Night Raw*

"So, we all good? If Bray tries anything and those stink babies show up, we are out there as quick as a gunshot."
"Well, not exactly that fast but yeah as fast as we can."
"Roman, if you feel like something is going to happen then you gotta give us some kind of sign."
"Like what? Flick of the hair?"
"No because your always adjusting your hair."
"I'm not that bad. I wasn't as bad as..."
"Seth? Two hours separating blonde from black? You can say his name."
"I know. What if I tap where I got the D tattooed?"
"Good idea. Tap once, then a second later, tap twice. Keep doing that and we'll come out... with weapons."
"Alright. Let's get this shit done."

*On Raw*

Brays theme played as he came out with his latern to guide his way to the ring. True to his word, he came out alone. He took his usual slow walk to the ring, entering it and swinging the metal light around until he came to a standstill.

"Roman... I recieved word you got my note and little message. I'm glad your here tonight... We can discuss our business decision. We can discuss Battleground. Yourself, your baby hound and my former brother face myself and my prodigal sons, Braun Strowman and Luke Harp-"

Romans music hit. He was tired of listening to Bray. He came through the crowd as he usually did. This time he wasted no time getting into the ring. Grabbing the microphone from the steps, he entered the ring.

"Yeah I got your note and your message. Your message threatening Dean's life. I sure as hell got that. You ever, and I mean this, ever do anything like that again, I will have no hesitation of ending you from where you stand. How dare you break in and threaten the life of a man that doesn't remember what's happened and you call yourself a man? A leader? You're a disgrace. This little match you want? Oh it's on. Myself, Dean and Erick, we will win the battle. This war may never be completely over, but we will win. Believe that."

Bray remained silent. Surely he would have had some snide comment to make. Roman gave his signal quickly. He gave it at the right moment, the lights went out. Ten seconds later they were back on. Braun and Luke stood behind Bray... Roman had Dean and Erick stood by him. They had made it out in time and with steel chairs. Weapons drawn, who would make the first move? Bray slowly began to step backwards and then exiting the ring. Keeping hold of his microphone he spoke once more.

"Look after yourselves. I'd hate to have to face you at fifty percent instead of one hundred. I want to face the best. See you boys on Sunday." He dropped the microphone and soon disappeared along with his family.

Roman, Dean and Erick walked backstage, upon reaching the gorilla, they met another not so friendly face, Seth Rollins.

"You fucking stalking us Rollins?"
"No Ambrose. I suggest you stay here and watch what I'm about to do."
"Give us one good damn reason why we should. Come on Mr Architect. What's your latest great invention, or what you claim to be yours to then destroy?"
"Watch and find out Ambrose. It might have something to do with you."
"Get out there then, your people who hate you await."

Seth went through the curtain, welcomed by boos, just as Dean predicted. Everyone hated Seth. He sold out his brothers that would have done anything for him, anything at all.

Dean, Roman and Erick made small talk until Seth said something that could change his career...

"I've done a lot of thinking and made a decision. I want to be able to do what I want without anyone questioning what I do. Therefore I..."

###Da da daaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Little cliffhanger for you. I wonder what Seth is doing here? Have a guess in the comments.

Thee next chapter is going to be in Seths Pov, entirely. We'll be going back in time a little and lead up to this moment. We'll have to find out in the next chapter what he's going to and the reaction to it.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'll see you at the end of the next one.


P.S. Enjoy Hell In A Cell xxx

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