Chapter 40 - The End Of It All

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He won.

He won. He had done it. He won.

Dean couldn't believe his eyes. He really did it. He was still a little off after the bang to his head but he saw the pin happen. He saw the referee count it. It did happen. There was no denying it, one... two... three and the match was over. He had actually won.

He had been confident he'd win. He had to believe that he'd win. You couldn't go into a match like this not believing you could win. If you didn't have that confidence, you would have already lost.

Dean was still shocked. He had pulled it out the bag. This was the end of it all. This was the start of next chapter of his life with...


Roman had won. He struck out of nowhere with a spear. Funny that Bray had just called Roman foolish as he was the one to mess around on the apron. Claiming this match was his. Dean was his.

"He's mine! Romans done for. He doesn't have the fight. He'll let his brother down all over again, just like last time. Dean belongs to me now."

"You hear me Deano? You belong to me!"

That was when he entered the ring and was immediately hit by a spear. The one, two, three soon followed.

"Dean belongs to no one. He owns himself. You have no right to him along with no one else. Now, leave him alone."

It partly sunk enough for Dean that he, along with Roman, Seth and Rowan were free. Free from Bray. He couldn't touch them again.

Freedom. No better feeling huh?

Dean dove into the ring. Roman was just sitting up when Dean tackled him with a desperate hug causing him to fall back to the ring floor. They rolled a couple of times before sitting up once more.

"You did it."
"We said I would."
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."
"Wouldn't have given up. You're too important to me to lose you. I love you brother."
"I love you more than you'll ever know brother. You saved me, countless times."
"That's what family does, right?"

They broke their brotherly hug, finally seeing each others faces properly after this match.

"Dean, you're bleeding. Holy shit."
"It's alright. It's not too much."

"Doc, you got a gauze or something I can use to clean him up quick?" After ten seconds of rummaging in his bag, he found what Roman asked for, handing it to him with a smile.
"Congrats on the win. I was praying you'd win."
"Thanks." Roman returned the smile before turning back to Dean. "Here we go."

As Roman began dabbing carefully around the wound on Deans forehead, the crowd awed. They were witnessing the most delicate brotherly moment live. It was honestly the most beautiful thing.

A singular tear fell down Dean's cheek.

"Too hard? Sorry."
"It's not that."
"What is it then?" Roman asked, gently moving some of Deans wild hair.
"It's all over. I... I almost can't believe it's all over. I'm... We are free. He can't touch us anymore. Never again..."
"Yeah. Never again. You're safe."
"I can't say thank you enough, can I?"
"You never needed to thank me. I got us into this, I had to be the one to get us out. I just hope you can forgive me for all this."
"You never need to ask for forgiveness. If I needed to forgive you, it would have been done way before now."
"Shall we get out of here? People might starting thinking things."
"Who gives a fuck? I'm celebrating my brothers victory with him. Fuck the world. Saying that, I kinda need to pee."
"And the brotherly moments gone."
"Come on you, lets get out of here. Get a plaster on it."

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