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"Duffy & Lefebvre"

FANDOM: Red Dead Redemption 2

Synopsis: Josie takes Kieran out to wrangle wild horses.

The sun hung low on the west, casting long shadows across the rugged landscape of Horseshoe Overlook. Josephine Lefebvre stood near the scout campfire, her sleek black hair illuminated by the flickering flames as she engaged in a spirited debate with Arthur Morgan. Kieran Duffy, a young member of the Van der Linde gang, watched the exchange with an inquisitive glance.

"Arthur, you've been keepin' Kieran on a short leash for long enough," Josie argued, her voice carrying a hint of stubbornness. "The boy needs to stretch his legs and prove himself. Let me take him with me to break some wild horses."

Arthur, the grizzled right hand of the gang, folded his arms and regarded Kieran with a stern expression. "Kieran's had a rough go of it, Josie. I'm not lettin' him out of my sight so easily."

Josie scoffed and leaned closer to Arthur, her gaze unwavering. "Arthur, there ain't much Kieran could do to kill me, and he'd be a fool for tryin'."

Arthur's response was a weary groan, and he waved a dismissive hand. "Fine, fine. Take him with you. But you keep a close eye on him, you hear me?"

Josie beamed, her eyes sparkling with triumph. "You won't regret it, Arthur."

Kieran, who had been silently observing the exchange, felt a mixture of shock and gratitude. He never expected Arthur to allow him this freedom. "Thank you," he managed to stammer.

With Arthur's reluctant approval, Josie and Kieran mounted their horses and set off into the untamed wilderness of New Hanover. The sun was beginning its descent, casting a warm, golden glow over the landscape. The soft rustling of the prairie grass in the breeze was the only sound that accompanied them as they rode side by side.

The landscape unfolded before them, a mesmerizing panorama of hills and plains. New Hanover's hills were painted in every shade of green imaginable, dotted with bursts of vibrant wildflowers that added splashes of color to the earthy canvas. In the distance, a meandering river sparkled under the late afternoon sun, its gentle curves reflecting the light. The blue sky above was vast and unbroken, as if it stretched into nothingness.

Josie guided her horse, Badger, with an air of confidence that complemented the untamed terrain they traversed. Her black hair, wind-tousled and gleaming in the sunlight, caught Kieran's attention. He couldn't help but admire her spirit and tenacity, which seemed to resonate with the rugged wilderness surrounding them.

Kieran, riding his horse, Branwen, was a young man in his late twenties. He'd experienced hardships and challenges. Yet, there was a sense of optimism in his eyes, as if he saw this adventure as a chance to forge a new path.

"Josie, you sure about this?" Kieran asked, a mixture of excitement and apprehension in his voice. "I mean, I've been cooped up for a while. Don't want to make any trouble."

Josie glanced at him with a reassuring smile, her eyes filled with warmth. "Kieran, we're just goin' for a ride. No trouble at all. Besides, you're a good kid. I'll keep a close eye on you."

As they continued their ride, Kieran couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance to prove himself to the gang, even if it was just one or two members at a time. "Thanks, Josie. I appreciate this."

The duo finally reached the large hillside that Josie had scouted, and she handed Kieran a pair of binoculars. He fumbled with them for a moment before adjusting the focus, his eyes widening in amazement. "Wow," he breathed, spotting a large herd of wild horses grazing in the distance. "They're beautiful."

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