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(The Dragon Age hyperfixation is real.)


In the land of Thedas, birthdays were often celebrated with fervor and extravagance, making them an important part of people's lives. It was a time when friends, family, and well-wishers gathered to mark another year of life, and for the Inquisition's leader, Gemmelarke Trevelyan, it was no different.

Gemma's birthdays hadn't always been special. As the Inquisitor, her position came with great responsibilities and challenges, but her friends and companions had made it a tradition to ensure that her birthday was an exception.

This year, the preparations began weeks in advance. Varric, Dorian, and Sera formed an unlikely party planning committee. Varric was the mastermind, drawing upon his storytelling skills to weave tales of grand adventures, hidden treasures, and mythical creatures. Dorian used his magic to create stunning decorations, turning the main hall into a vibrant sea of colors, while Sera, true to her unpredictable nature, secretly added prank candles to Gemma's cake.

Cassandra and Blackwall, ever the pragmatically strange pair, took charge of the feast. Their heated debates over whether to serve roast nug or roast druffalo had almost ended in a duel, but eventually, they agreed to serve both, ensuring there was something for everyone. They meticulously planned the menu and spent days in the kitchen, with Cassandra sharing stories of her youth.

Josephine and Leliana, the diplomatic duo, composed heartfelt messages and arranged for a handcrafted, ornate card and crest to be presented to Gemma. The item were a perfect blend of Josephine's diplomatic vigor and Leliana's sharp wit, the sleek yet regal nature of the card and the crest made it so. Nevertheless they encapsulated the warmth and admiration that the Inquisition held for their leader.

With the preparations complete, Cullen was tasked with the role of keeping Gemma occupied while the surprise was being set up. He suggested a visit to a remote cave, claiming it needed investigation for Inquisition purposes. Gemma, always eager to contribute to their mission and keen to explore, agreed without a hint of suspicion.

As they ventured into the cave, Cullen began to spin tales of lost treasures, ancient mysteries, and forgotten relics. He did his best to keep Gemma enthralled and away from Skyhold, all the while concealing his eagerness for the surprise celebration.

However, their journey took an unexpected turn when they stumbled upon an actual relic-really, just a near perfectly crafted wooden statuette by Blackwall-inside the cave. Gemma insisted on bringing it back to Skyhold, not realizing it was all part of Cullen's well-orchestrated plan.

Back at Skyhold, her companions had only moments to complete the last-minute preparations as they heard Cullen and Gemma's returning footsteps. The main hall was transformed into a dazzling sight, illuminated by the soft, flickering glow of countless candles. Streamers and banners adorned the walls, and a long table groaned under the weight of a lavish spread.

As Gemma and Cullen entered the main hall, her eyes widened with surprise and delight. The room was a whirlwind of colors and decorations. The long table was laden with scrumptious food, and a large, beautifully decorated birthday cake took center stage.

"Surprise!" her companions and advisors shouted in unison. Gemma was momentarily stunned, her eyes welling up with tears. She couldn't believe her eyes.

"You are a devious lot," she managed to say, her voice choked with emotion. They all gathered around her, hugging her, wishing her a happy birthday, and presenting her with the grand birthday card filled with heartfelt messages from everyone.

Dorian, ever the life of the party, raised a glass. "To the Inquisitor, our fearless leader and dear friend! May your days be filled with adventure, joy, and our good company."

The evening was a beautiful. A well deserved moment of peace and prosperity with all Gemma's been through as Inquisitor. As Gemma blew out the candles on her cake, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the companions and friends who had truly become her family.

Cullen, who had been more reserved during the festivities, took Gemma aside as the night wore on.

Cullen had carefully chosen a beautiful pendant for Gemma, one that bore the Rutherford family crest- A lion, befitted with a sword, shield, and a rose. He had it crafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that it was a perfect representation of his heritage.

As Gemma admired the pendant, her heart swelled with emotion. It was a thoughtful and meaningful gift, and she couldn't help but feel touched by the significance it held. Bur nonetheless she was a sliver confused, this seemed more like a gift she would have crafted for Cullen.

Then, as she turned to express her gratitude to her dear Commander, she saw him down on one knee, a ring box in his hand. The sight took her breath away, and she felt a rush of joy and surprise.

"Cullen," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.

Cullen looked up at her, his eyes filled with the same look of love Gemma had seen when they first met in Haven. The flustered gloss in his eyes and how they narrowed slightly, same as his brow. The clench of his jaw, the quiver of his lip. All nervous ticks.

"Gemmelarke, you are the light of my life, the strength in my heart. You've faced countless challenges, guided us with wisdom, and shown incredible courage. With you, I've found my home, a true reason to believe... believe in the Inquisition.. in- Maker's breath... I'm not very good at this. But will you‐ will you make me the happiest man in Thedas and be my wife?"

Gemma's heart soared as she gazed into his eyes. Tears welled up as she found her voice, a resounding "Yes!" escaping her lips. Cullen slid the ring onto her finger, sealing their love with the promise of a future together.

Amid the cheers and applause of their friends, Gemma and Cullen shared a tender and passionate kiss. The pendant, the symbol of their love, now joined by a beautiful engagement ring, became a cherished reminder of the love they had found in each other's arms. It was a birthday Gemma would never forget, one filled with love, surprises, and a promise of a future as bright as the sun that shone over Skyhold.

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