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♡Tovelout canon. I guess OC X Canon is my guilty pleasure-♡

"Laugh It Up"

FANDOM: How To Train Your Dragon

Pairings: Tove X Snotlout

Synopsis: Snotlout admits he likes Tove and his arrogance briefly becomes a thing of the past.


The dragon riders gathered near the stables of Dragon's Edge. Tove and Snotlout, usually at odds in their banter, found themselves lingering on the outskirts of the group, drawn to the quiet beauty of the fading light.

Snotlout shifted nervously, his usual swagger replaced by an uncharacteristic awkwardness. He cleared his throat, avoiding Tove's gaze. "So, uh, Tove... there's something I need to say."

Tove arched an eyebrow, a subtle smile playing on her lips. "Well, don't keep me in suspense, Snotlout. I'm all ears."

Snotlout scratched the back of his head, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Yeah, so, you know, we've been on this island for a while now, and, um, I've kinda noticed some things."

Tove tilted her head, a playful glint in her eyes. "Oh, really? Do share."

Snotlout took a deep breath, his gaze finally meeting hers. "I, uh, I think I might... kinda sorta... have feelings for you."

A hush fell over the dragon riders nearby, their attention captured by the unexpected vulnerability in Snotlout's confession. Hiccup exchanged amused glances with Astrid, while Fishlegs grinned, and the twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, elbowed each other with mischievous smirks.

Tove, her amusement giving way to flustered surprise, blinked at Snotlout. "You... like me? Seriously?"

Snotlout nodded, avoiding direct eye contact as a faint blush crept onto his cheeks. "Yeah, seriously! I know it's unexpected and all, but there it is, I said it."

Tove chuckled softly, her amusement genuine. "Snotlout, you're adorable when you're flustered. Who knew you had such a soft side?"

Snotlout scratched his head again, his embarrassment deepening. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up! I never signed up for this mushy stuff. It's weird."

The dragon riders exchanged glances, stifling laughter as they watched the usually brash and arrogant Snotlout navigate the unfamiliar territory of feelings. Astrid nudged Hiccup with a playful smirk, whispering, "This is priceless. Who would've thought Snotlout had it in him?"

Hiccup grinned, his eyes fixed on the unfolding scene. "Love can bring out the unexpected in everyone. Look at us-"

As Snotlout continued to stumble through his confession, Tove placed a hand on his arm, a warm reassurance. "Snotlout, it's okay. I appreciate your honesty. It's not every day I see this side of you."

He glanced at her, a mixture of relief and vulnerability in his eyes. "You're not gonna make fun of me?"

Tove shook her head, her tone gentle. "No, Snotlout. I'm touched that you opened up like this. It takes courage."

The dragon riders, still in their silent spectator mode, exchanged approving glances. Even the twins seemed momentarily subdued, absorbing the rare sight of vulnerability in their fellow rider.

Snotlout sighed, a mixture of embarrassment and relief washing over him. "Well, I guess that's out in the open now. So, what do we do next?"

Tove grinned, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Well, we could start by not overthinking it. Just see where things go, no pressure."

Snotlout nodded, a newfound determination in his expression. "Yeah, no pressure. I can do that."

The dragon riders dispersed, giving the duo a semblance of privacy. Hiccup approached, clapping Snotlout on the shoulder with a teasing smile. "Well, well, Snotlout, who would've thought you'd become the romantic of the group?"

Snotlout scowled, though a hint of a smile played on his lips. "Shut up, Hiccup! It's not like I planned any of this. It just happened, okay?"

Astrid, always the voice of reason, added, "Just take it one step at a time, Snotlout. It's a brave thing you did, opening up like that."

The twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, chimed in with exaggerated gestures. "Oh, young love! How poetic! Snotlout, you've entered the realm of feelings, my dear friend."

Snotlout groaned, rubbing his temples. "Can we not turn this into a big deal? I already feel weird enough as it is."

Tove chuckled, her arm linked with Snotlout's. "They're only teasing you, Snotlout. It's all in good nature."

Snotlout and Tove stood side by side, alone, facing the unknown with a mixture of uncertainty and a shared sense of adventure. In the unpredictable world of dragons and riders, love, it seemed, could be the most unexpected adventure of all.

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