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I'm so normal abt them

"I Wait For You"

FANDOM: Spider-Verse

Pairings: Pavitr Prabhakar X Gayatri Singh (mentioned), Pia Parand X Pavitr Prabhakar (Close Platonic)

Synopsis: Everyone thought Pavitr's dimension would be the first to crumble into obscenity and nothingness after Inspector Singh was saved. They were wrong. Pia Parand is dying, cell by cell, and no one wants her to go.

OR: Pavitr Prabhakar is about to lose his (other) best friend forever and he realizes being Spider-Man isn't so easy.

The aftermath of chaos enveloped Marseille, a city bearing the scars of a battle that should have brought triumph but instead birthed tragedy. Pavitr Prabhakar, Pia Parand, and Hobie Brown stood amidst the wreckage, shadows cast by the twisted remnants of a malevolent anomaly.

Pia's screams of grief echoed through the alleyways, a raw symphony of loss that reverberated in the emptiness left by Henri Osborn's lifeless form. Pavitr and Hobie, silent witnesses to the devastation, grappled with the weight of guilt and the haunting refrain of "What have we done?"

Days unfolded like a morose tapestry, grief clinging to Pia's every step. Nausea, lightheadedness, and the relentless embrace of guilt became her constant companions. The city, once vibrant, now bore the weight of the tragedy it had witnessed.

During a subsequent mission, the trio faced an anomaly of unparalleled strength. The battlefield became a cacophony of chaos, and in the midst of the tumult, Pia's reality unraveled.

Mid-battle, a searing pain gripped Pia. Agonized yowls pierced the air, a stark contrast to the fast-paced unfolding around her. Pavitr's eyes mirrored Gwen's and Miles', a reflection of panic and helplessness.

As Pia fought, glitches marred her movements, distortion that defied comprehension. Each glitch etched a mark of pain on her contorted face, a narrative of suffering that painted the battlefield in somber hues.

By the battle's end, Pia stood as a mere chromatic silhouette of her former self, a husky puppet ensnared in the threads of an inavoidable fate. Her voice, once vibrant, now echoed with distortion, a haunting melody that resonated in the emptiness.

Miles, Gwen, and Hobie pleaded for help, desperation etched in their eyes. Words, distorted and fragmented, spilled from Pia's fading existence. A plea for understanding, a cry for salvation lost in the dissonance.

Pavitr, grappling with the haunting emptiness that seemed to follow him relentlessly, couldn't bear the thought of losing Pia. It was a familiar ache, reminiscent of the void left by his latw girlfriend Gayatri's death. Yet, this time, the emptiness echoed louder, more profound.

He pleaded, not just for Pia's sake but for his own. She was an irreplaceable piece of their fractured ensemble, and without her, they were incomplete.

"I can't lose you too," Pavitr's voice cracked, the weight of impending loss bearing down on him. Realism blended with his despair of hope, of a miracle, as he confronted the undeniable truth.

Pia's final words, distorted yet hauntingly clear, lingered in the air - "I'll wait for you." The echo of a promise, a vow.

The "Spider-Verse", shattered and fragmented, faced an unfathomable void. Pia Parand, a brilliant light extinguished, left an indelible mark on the hearts of those entangled in the cosmic dance of anomalies. As Pavitr stared into the particled ashes of where she once stood, the ache of emptiness persisted, a somber reminder of the fragility the multiverse held. All those dimensions, worlds, lives. And how easily they can be snapped and dissipated like a beittle branch.


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