③⑦•Genshin Impact

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"The Frightened Wolf Boy and the Knight-Captain"


Synopsis: There was blood, so so much blood. So many lifeless bodies, so much fear. The wind was cold. The memories of Razor receiving his vision were ones he'd long to forget. But still, there was some good things that came about in the days that followed. And Razor felt a little less alone.


Wolvendom lay shrouded in the remnants of a fading storm, the echoes of thunder still lingering in the air. Utami's footsteps crunched softly against the damp earth as she ventured deeper into the woods, an uncanny sense guiding her toward the cryptic forest. Wolvendom was something travelers scarcely entered, even some Knights. But it was one of Utami's many rounds when scouting, but tonight she felt more drawn to it then before.

Razor cowered in a corner, his figure drenched in sweat and tears, a ghastly sight surrounded by a rather gruesome scene. Huddled, he was, between bodies of wolves. Long they've been dead, and Utami assumes long has the young boy also been here.

Dry blood clung to him, the pungent stench mingling with the musky scent of the forest. Why was he here? And who on earth could have done this? He's only a child, maybe no younger than ten, or older than twelve. Was this the mysterious boy everyone has been mentioning? Who lives amongst the wolves?

Many questions raced, and answers surely may come eventually. But right now she believed this boy needed help. She can't leave him alone after something like this.

"Oh, sweetheart, I am so sorry... Was this your family?" Utami's voice held a soothing cadence, a gentle murmur in the face of loud loss.

A somber nod was Razor's response. "They were my Lupical."

"Lupical? Is that how wolves say family? Like a pack, right?" Utami's attempt to understand, to connect, brought a flicker of recognition to Razor's eyes.

He nodded again, fatigue evident in the gesture. "It's a beautiful word."

"Yes. My favorite word."

"Your favorite word? I think it's a good favorite to have." Utami's gaze softened as she observed Razor, realizing that the blood staining him wasn't solely his lupical's. A deep gash marred his torso and thigh.

"Honey, we need to take care of that. Can I take you back to Mondstadt to get help?" Utami's concern resonated, a maternal instinct that sought to heal the physical and emotional wounds.

Initially resistant, Razor hesitated to leave, a silent plea echoing in his eyes. Utami's resolve held firm. "I'll have some of my Knights come take care of them. They'll be buried somewhere beautiful. But you're hurt; you can't protect Lupical if you're hurt, right?"

A reluctant agreement escaped Razor's lips, and with a newfound understanding, he allowed Utami to carry him back to Mondstadt. Clutching his Electro Vision, a symbol of both power and pain, he vowed to wield it fiercely, ensuring that his lupical's sacrifice would not be in vain.

As they departed Wolvendom, the watchful eyes of Andrius, the guardian of the wolves, witnessed their retreat. A silent acknowledgment passed between the guardian and the compassionate knight – a shared understanding that Razor's journey had only just begun.

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