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"Horsing Around With Fear"

FANDOM: Dragon Age: Inquisition

Pairings: Dorian X Gemma (platonic)

Synopsis: Dorian is scared of horses. Gemma helps.


It was a typical day in Skyhold when Gemma stumbled upon Dorian in the courtyard. What was unusual, however, was the sight that greeted her. Dorian was gingerly petting a horse, wearing an expression of both fascination and apprehension.

Curiosity piqued, Gemma approached him, her eyebrows raised. "Dorian, I never took you for an animal lover. What's going on here?"

Dorian looked up, his face flushing slightly as he attempted to maintain his composure. "Ah, Inquisitor, it's merely an... experiment. I've been told that facing one's fears is the path to growth, so I thought I'd start with this delightful creature."

Gemma couldn't help but chuckle. "You're afraid of horses?"

Dorian cleared his throat. "It's not just horses. Harts, Dracolisks, it's all the same. They're large and unpredictable, and I've heard far too many tales of people being kicked or trampled by them."

Gemma couldn't resist teasing her friend. "Dorian, I've seen you take on demons, giants, and dragons with pompous confidence, but a horse sends you running for cover?"

Dorian scowled playfully. "It's not the same thing. A dragon is a majestic, awe-inspiring creature, and it doesn't have a habit of wandering into cities and stepping on unsuspecting bystanders."

The Inquisitor couldn't help herself; she laughed heartily. "Alright, I suppose you're right, Dorian. But horses are gentle creatures. They won't hurt you. Not like a dragon would."

Dorian raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Are you sure about that?"

Gemma nodded. "Clearly. Let me show you." She approached one of the horses and patted its side to show it was safe.

Dorian hesitated for a moment but finally took a deep breath and approached the horse. Gemma could see the tension in his shoulders and the uncertainty in his eyes. She whispered encouraging words as she guided his hand to pet the horse's mane.

The creature nuzzled Dorian's hand gently, and he couldn't help but crack a small, surprised smile. "Well, I suppose it's not as terrifying as I once thought."

Gemma laughed and gave him a reassuring pat on the back. "See? Conquering your fears, one step at a time."

Dorian continued to pet the horse, and it was evident he was growing more comfortable with the gentle animal. The courtyard had gathered a small audience of onlookers who couldn't believe they were witnessing the mighty Dorian Pavus getting over his fear of horses.

As Gemma and Dorian continued their horse-therapy session, a few of their companions approached, smirking at Dorian's predicament. They were greeted with playful jibes and laughter as Dorian demonstrated his newly acquired horse-whispering skills.

In the end, Dorian's humorous attempt to conquer his fear of horses became a memorable moment for the Inquisition amidst the trepidation battles they'd be facing these past months. It showed that even the most formidable allies had their quirks, and with a bit of encouragement, they could face their fears and come out stronger for it. No matter how strange.

As the sun began to set over Skyhold, Dorian's session with the horses turned into a lighthearted competition. He challenged his fellow companions to a race, and as they all mounted the horses, it was evident that even the most unlikely horseman could be swayed by the charms of these gentle creatures.

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