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(We'll see how long her character design sticks 😭)

Alright, we're doing this again, one more time from the beginning.

More specifically, at the dawn of autumn in the heart of Marseille, France where the sun paints the city in warm hues of deep reds and burnt orange, weaving tales in every faint sunbeam that caresses the ancient cobblestone streets. Autumn in this bustling port city is not just a season; it's an embrace, an immersive cacophony of light, laughter, and a gentle breeze carrying whispers of the Mediterranean Sea.

Pacifica "Pia" Parand, known to her city as Lumière-Arachnée, stands atop one of Marseille's historic rooftops. The vibrant energy of the season pulses through her veins, reminiscent of the times when the city itself seemed to hum in harmony with her spirit. Not that it didn't now, in fact it's only ran deeper since she became the Light Spider.

The air is scented with a mix of sea salt, falling leaves and slowly wilting flowers, a fragrance that mingles with the echoes of life below, the symphony of a city waking up to the day.

Marseille, with its intricate tapestry of culture, history, and modernity, provides the backdrop for Pia's ongoing journey as a guardian in suit. The fabric of her suit rustles softly as she moves, each thread telling a tale of the many nights she has swung through the city, weaving her own narrative in the spaces between buildings.

As she surveys the cityscape, memories cascade like a waterfall, recalling the first time she embraced the responsibilities that came with her new life. The streets of Marseille, once familiar and unassuming, transformed into the canvas upon which Pia painted her story. The familiar landmarks, from the bustling Vieux-Port to the quiet corners of Le Panier, hold secrets only she knows.

Pia's connection to her city is not just physical; it's an intimate understanding, a dance with the rhythms of its heartbeat. Her eyes, the color of rosy salmon, reflect the pride and affection she feels for every cobblestone under her feet, for every soul whose life she has touched, and for every building she's leaped. Marseille is not just her home; it's a living, breathing entity, a partner in the dance of heroism she performs each night and day.

Yet, as Lumière-Arachnée, Pia's nights are anything but routine. The city, bathed in the warm glow of streetlights, becomes her playground. She swings effortlessly between buildings, a silhouette against the canvas of Marseille's night sky. The thrill of the chase, the quiet moments of solitude atop ancient structures, and the distant hum of the city below become nearly adjacent to a rhythm one may hum alone.

But, beyond the web-slinging and crime fighting, Pia's heart beats with a sense of duty deeply intertwined with her powers. The Lumière-Arachnée suit, adorned with red, blue, and white, is more than a costume; it's a symbol of hope, a beacon that pierces through the shadows that threaten to engulf her city.

As Lumière-Arachnée, Pia is not a mere vigilante; she is a guardian of light, a custodian of the delicate balance between the ordinary and the extraordinary. Her powers, a manifestation of the luminescent energy coursing through her veins, grant her control over light itself. Se adores these powers, though they're minor on a scale of power themselves. But she can't forget they're source. She can't forgive it. She probably never will.

Maybe I lied. We'll go back to the beginning again, for real this time.

Spring of the year 2030. Aside from the ever blooming flowers and cool breeze, another matter was on the rise in Marseille-pun not intended.


Specifically in Normand Osborn's own Laboratoires scientifiques de photons de Osborn. (Osborn Photon Science Laboratories).

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