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The sunset on the horizon of Yokohama's city skyline cast a warm orange glow over the rooftop of the Armed Detective Agency. Chiyo Uno, his beret tilted jauntily, scanned the familiar spots where Atsushi Nakajima usually sought solace. Not finding him in his usual refuge, Chiyo's instinct led him to the rooftop.

There, amidst the gentle breeze, Chiyo spotted Atsushi, the evening sunlight turning his ivory hair into a halo. Without a word, Chiyo settled beside him, the quiet between them was enough to fill thesilence, ironically.

For minutes they sat in companionable silence, the city below stretching out like a canvas painted in hues of orange and pink. Atsushi's gaze remained fixed on the horizon, lost in his thoughts. Chiyo, however, stole glances at Atsushi, sensing an unusual contemplation in the air. Atsushi did come to the roof quite often to think, but never this long.

Finally breaking the silence, Atsushi's voice emerged, hesitant and faint, "How do you know... if you have a crush on someone?"

Chiyo's laughter bubbled forth, a sound that danced in the quiet air. He sighed, gaze lingering on the sun's descent. "Well, you can't stop thinking about them. Your heart feels a bit strange when they're around, and then you want to—why are you looking at me like that?"

Atsushi's gaze, previously fixed on the horizon, had shifted, fixing on Chiyo with a mix of curiosity and something more profound. The unspoken hung heavy between them, the rooftop now a backdrop for a revelation the two boys mutually found long overdue.

Chiyo, realizing the shift in atmosphere, tilted his head, the playful glint in his eyes dimming to reveal a softer side. "Atsushi," he began, voice gentle, "do you remember when we first met? You were all puffed up and wary, like a scared kitten."

Atsushi nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips, the memory vivid in his mind.

"Well, I didn't just like you because you're an Ability user or because of your strength," Chiyo confessed, his gaze fixed on Atsushi's. "I like you because you're you. There's something about you that just draws me in, and being around you feels... right."

Atsushi, now fully facing Chiyo, seemed to process the words. The vulnerability in Chiyo's admission was met with a warmth that blossomed across Atsushi's expression.

"I... I think I feel the same way," Atsushi admitted, his voice quiet but resolute.

Chiyo's smile widened, a reflection of the sunset's final burst before fading to the night. "Well, that's a relief. Here I was, thinking I might have to charm you with more of my ability. Though it's ironic, is it not? My ability, Confessions Of Love, and I'd never found that until today."

The tension dissipated, replaced by a shared laughter that echoed against the backdrop of the city below. The rooftop, once a solitary haven for the ivory haired boy had transformed into a sanctuary where the complexities of his geelings were embraced, and he didn't have to to from them this time. He'd found someone who just gets him for—him. Had someone told him that months ago Atsushi would have laughed in their face and nonchalantly shrug a "Yeah, right."

But not tonight. Chiyo did get him. And it was a relief to know, to know that he loved him for him. His crooked bangs, shaggy hair, how he can't really tie a tie right and it's always lopsided no matter how hard he tries, that he wakes up so late, that he constantly willows in self doubt, that he's an orphan.

None of that mattered. Even if Chiyo's ability was centered around love, that didn't matter. He loved Atsushi Nakajima for Atsushi Nakajima. Nothing would change that.

And the conversation closed perfectly timed with the sun dipping below the skyline, casting long shadows, Atsushi and Chiyo sat together, and from a close enough distance one could faintly make out how Atsushi's hand inched closer to the ombre-haired boy's next to him.

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