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Inquisitor Gemma Trevelyan had always been more of a morning person. She appreciated the crisp air, the promise of a new day, and the sense of serenity that came with the dawn. It was no surprise to her companions that she often began her day with a brisk morning walk, followed by a hearty breakfast. Dorian Pavus, on the other hand, was not one to greet the day with such enthusiasm.

One morning, Gemma decided to introduce Dorian to her morning ritual. She knocked on his door, rousing him from his slumber with a groan and a mumble. "You're mad if you think I'm joining you for an early morning walk," he protested.

Gemma chuckled. "Not a walk, Dorian. Tea."

Dorian's interest was piqued. He'd heard of her fondness for tea but had never shared a cup with her. The idea of a more leisurely start to the day sounded appealing. Reluctantly, he followed her to the dining hall.

The large wooden table was already set with an assortment of teapots and cups. Gemma had prepared a selection of teas, ranging from fragrant herbal blends to the more robust black teas she'd discovered during her time with the Inquisition. The morning sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room.

Dorian took a seat across from her, eyeing the array of tea choices. "Impressive collection you have here," he remarked.

Gemma grinned. "Well, I've had a lot of time to explore different teas during our travels. So, what's your preference? Something strong to wake you up or a gentler flavor?"

Dorian thought for a moment. "I'll take a black tea, please. It seems like the right choice for someone who's barely functioning this early."

As Gemma prepared the tea, she couldn't help but comment, "I'll have you know, tea can be a good companion for late nights and early mornings."

Dorian raised an eyebrow. "Are you implying that I need to reevaluate my sleep schedule?"

Gemma laughed. "Oh, not at all. I just thought it would be nice to share a peaceful morning with you for once."

Their conversation flowed as easily as the tea. They talked about everything from their childhoods to their respective journeys before the Inquisition. Gemma learned about Dorian's experiences in Tevinter, from his time at the Magristerium to his eventual falling out with his family. And in turn Dorian learned of the near meticulous life planned for Gemma as a Noble, until it crumbled just like his own.

"Being a mage in Tevinter isn't always an advantage, you know," Dorian admitted. "It's a political game of snakes and ladders. One wrong step, and you're sent to the proverbial chopping block."

Gemma nodded, her gaze sympathetic. "I can relate to that. My background as a noble from the Free Marches doesn't always earn me favor among Ferelden or Orlais, much less my fighting for mages does. Of course, a want-to-be Templar fighting for mage rights is... quite the ordeal, no?"

Dorian chuckled. "Ah, of course. The joys of being a pro-mage outsider, yes? We both know what it's like to have eyes upon us, judging our every move."

As they sipped their tea, the hours passed by. The Inquisition's bustling activity felt a world away, and in that quiet moment, Dorian and Gemma discovered the simple pleasure of each other's company. Their banter was a mix of wit and genuine conversation, punctuated by laughter.

Before long, other members of the Inquisition began to filter into the dining hall, and the peaceful interlude came to an end. Dorian realized he'd lost track of time, and he'd also discovered that mornings with Gemma were not so bad.

As they left the dining hall, Gemma turned to him and said, "I know you're not a morning person, Dorian, but I hope you'll join me for tea again."

Dorian smiled and replied, "Well, perhaps if you keep providing that delightful company and delicious, I might start to reconsider my stance on mornings."

Their friendship had taken another step forward, forged over something as simple as tea and quaint conversation, and neither of them would forget that peaceful morning they'd shared. No judgment, just understanding and acceptance, regardless of their origins and backgrounds. In the Inquisition, they found a bond that transcended their differences and a friendship that grew stronger with each cup of tea.

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