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"Fate's Design"

FANDOM: Kimetsu No Yaiba/Demon Slayer

Pairings: None

Synopsis: Everyone knows that when you sign up to be a Demon Slayer, you sign your life and mortality to the cause. Tama Asobigokoro knew that better than anyone when he faced a battle he knew he wouldn't win. He just hated leaving knowing that his friends had to watch.


The moonlit battlefield was full of chaotic clashes and roars, demons and demon slayers locked in a desperate ploy for survival. Tanjiro fought alongside Tama, their blades cutting through the darkness with Ghost and Water Breathing techniques. The air was thick with the scent of blood, and a formidable demon emerged, a monstrous entity with blood-red eyes and razor-sharp claws.

As the battle intensified, Tanjiro's senses were attuned to every movement. Tama's Ghost Breathing weaved with an otherworldly grace, it always did when Tanjiro watched. His style was truly a stark contrast to the brutality of the demon they faced. The silver-haired demon slayer moved like a phantom, his blade dancing with ever-deadly precision.

Suddenly, the demon unleashed a swift and unexpected attack. Tama, sensing the imminent danger, threw himself in front of Tanjiro. A pained gasp escaped Tama's lips as claws tore through him, his silver hair now tainted with the crimson of his own blood. Tanjiro, frozen for a moment, witnessed what had unfolded before him.

"Tama!" Tanjiro's voice echoed with a mix of horror and desperation. Heavy, harsh breaths escaped Tama as he staggered backward, the grace replaced by the grim reality of the mortal wound. Trembling, Tama's hands pressed against the injury, a futile attempt to stem the bleeding.

Tanjiro rushed to his side, their blades forgotten and clattered on the rocky ground. Tama's ragged breaths filled the air, each one as painful as the last. Tears welled in Tanjiro's eyes, the world blurring as he clutched Tama's shoulders.

"Tama, hold on! We'll get you help," Tanjiro pleaded, his voice thick with sorrow. Tama's eyes, once vibrant with life, now gazed back with a mixture of pain and acceptance. Dull gray, soon to be lifeless.

"I'm sorry, T- Tanjiro. I couldn't... couldn't let it take you," Tama whispered, his words strained. Unable to speak further, he winced in pain, his body trembling with the effort to remain upright.

Tanjiro's hands pressed against Tama's wound, futilely trying to ease the flow of blood. Tama's eyes rolled up into his head for a moment, the world spinning around him. The moon above seemed so bright, like it begged him to come near.

With each passing second, Tama's breaths grew more labored. The pain in his eyes mirrored the anguish in Tanjiro's heart. Unable to hold back his emotions, Tanjiro wept openly, the tears mingling with the blood on Tama's face.

"I'm here, Tama. You're not alone," Tanjiro whispered, his voice breaking. Tama's hand weakly reached for Tanjiro's, a final connection forged in the face of inevitable loss.

As Tama's breaths slowed, the battlefield continued around them.  The sound of swords clashing with the demons muffled Tanjiro's cries completely. The moon witnessed the passing of a soul, etched into the night. Tanjiro cradled Tama's lifeless form, the heavy silence broken only by the sounds of muffled sobs.

In the aftermath, Tanjiro rose, his eyes still clouded with tears. Tama Asobigokoro, the contemplative and welcoming soul, had become another casualty in their war against demons. The moon, indifferent to their pain, hung high in the sky as Tanjiro carried the burden of loss into the shadows of the night.

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