③③•Genshin Impact

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♡Chongyun♥︎ my first main. Love him love him.♡

"The Young Boy She Met In Liyue"

FANDOM: Genshin Impact

Pairings: None

Synopsis: Utami helps a frantic Chongyun on her day off.


Utami relished her rare break from the Front Line Division's duties, opting for a change of scenery in the bustling markets of Liyue. As she strolled near Wangshu Inn, her eyes caught a glimpse of a frantic, light blue-haired boy who seemed to be in distress.

Bumping into him accidentally, Utami's instincts kicked in. "Oh, sweetheart, are you alright?" she inquired, using a term of endearment with a warm smile. The boy, Chongyun, was waving his hand in front of his face, muttering about something being "so very hot."

Concern etched across her face, Utami decided to lend a helping hand. She used her Cryo abilities to cool him down, creating a makeshift cool breeze that provided some relief. Seating him on a bench, she maintained a steady supply of ice to his forehead.

After a few minutes, the frantic panting subsided, and Chongyun slowly returned to a more composed state, offering mumbled thank-yous. Upon realizing that Utami was a Knight, he expressed his shock, apologizing for not noticing earlier.

Utami chuckled, "I guess I hide it well, huh?" Chongyun, taking her words literally, continued to apologize. She reassured him with a playful grin, then asked about his well-being. "You were running quite a fever."

Chongyun, with a wry smile, explained his high constitution, detailing how he couldn't handle high body temperatures or anything hot, including spicy foods – a lesson learned through an unfortunate encounter with Xingqiu's culinary trickery.

Utami, disapproving of such pranks, laughed and insisted on treating him to something cold. Chongyun, polite but hesitant, argued she didn't have to go out of her way.

As they walked in silence for a moment, Chongyun finally voiced his concern. "I appreciate your help, but you're a Knight from Mondstadt, and I'm from Liyue. It's not your duty to assist me."

Utami's smile persisted, her gaze warm. "True, my loyalty lies with Mondstadt, but my care extends to all of Teyvat. No matter the nation or status, everyone needs someone to look after them."

Chongyun, thoughtful, mused on her words. "Putting on this armor means putting on the face of someone who'd do anything for people." Utami added, her voice tinged with sincerity.

He acknowledged her perspective, commenting on the valiance of such thinking. Utami, never one to let a moment grow too serious, quipped, "Knights and valiance – two things that fit well."

After buying Chongyun a refreshingly cold treat, they continued to chat. Utami discovered Chongyun's occupation as an exorcist, though his high constitution posed challenges in detecting ghosts or demons. Utami, frowning, assured him, "You'll find one someday."

As they parted ways, Utami bid farewell with words of encouragement, leaving a thoughtful Chongyun in the lively streets of Liyue. The encounter, born from an accidental collision, had transformed into a brief but meaningful connection between two individuals from different corners of Teyvat.

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