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Hiccup stood on the edge of Berk, squinting against the glare of the midday sun. The village bustled with its routine activities, oblivious to the approaching presence that had caught the chief's attention. His eyes fixated on the distant figures silhouetted against the horizon, a lone rider atop an albino Skrill.

"What in Thor's name is that?" Snotlout muttered, his eyes narrowing as he squinted at the approaching duo.

Astrid, standing beside Hiccup, crossed her arms, her expression guarded. "A Skrill, and a white one at that. What's it doing here?"

Hiccup frowned, a hint of concern creasing his brow. "I don't know, but we need to be cautious. Skrills don't just show up on Berk for a friendly visit."

The other dragon riders gathered around, their dragons tensing at the sight of the approaching thunderous creature. Tension itself hung in the air as the albino Skrill descended, its scales gleaming like a beacon.

"Identify yourself!" Hiccup called out, his voice carrying across the open expanse.

The lone rider dismounted with a grace that spoke of familiarity with her dragon. The dark-skinned woman turned to face the dragon riders, her expression revealing no hint of hostility but a subtle strength.

"A Skrill rider?" Fishlegs muttered, his eyes wide with a mix of awe and apprehension.

Snotlout, ever quick with his words, shouted, "Are you here to fry us all with lightning bolts?"

Tove's gaze met Hiccup's, a calm acknowledgment passing between them. "No frying intended," she called back, her tone steady. "I'm Tove Steinketill, and this is Achak. We come in peace."

A murmur of surprise rippled through the dragon riders. The notion of a Skrill rider coming in peace was as unheard of as a Gronckle doing somersaults.

The dragon riders found themselves in a huddle near the edge of the village. The rhythmic sounds of the waves crashing against the cliffs provided a backdrop for the impending decision that loomed overhead.

Hiccup took a deep breath, his eyes meeting those of Astrid, Fishlegs, and Snotlout. Ruffnut and Tuffnut were presumably out causing mayhem again.

"Alright, let's talk about this. Tove and Achak are an unknown factor, and we need to decide whether having them on Berk is a risk worth taking."

Astrid crossed her arms, her expression serious. "Hiccup, you know Skrill are unpredictable. They're aggressive, territorial, and bringing one onto Berk is just begging for trouble."

Snotlout chimed in, "I don't know about you guys, but I've had enough close calls with Skrill. One more lightning bolt, and I might just end up with permanently fried hair."

Fishlegs, ever the voice of caution, added, "The Skrill's reputation precedes it. If it decides to go on a rampage, Berk won't stand a chance."

Hiccup sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I get it, I do. But what if having a Skrill around can help us solve more problems than it causes? Achak is different; I can feel it. Maybe he could be an asset to Berk, not a liability. I mean, did you see the way he stayed closely huddled to her? That's a protective stance, she's tamed him somehow."

Astrid's gaze bore into Hiccup's, her concern evident. "You're taking a big risk, Hiccup. One that could put everyone in danger. We can't afford that."

As the riders deliberated, little did they know that Tove had approached, her steps quiet but purposeful. She overheard snippets of their conversation and decided it was time to speak up.

"Look, I understand your concerns," Tove interjected, her voice carrying across the small gathering. "Achak isn't like any other Skrill you've encountered. I've spent time learning his behaviors, gaining his trust. I can assure you he won't hurt anyone."

Silence settled over the group as they exchanged glances. Tove continued, her tone sincere but urgent, "I promise to take full responsibility if anything goes wrong. But I believe having Achak around can be beneficial for all of us."

Astrid folded her arms, her skepticism unwavering. "Promises won't change a dragon's instincts, Tove. We can't afford to gamble with the safety of Berk."

Tove's eyes flickered with desperation. "I was once a Berserker, feared and ruthless. But I changed, and it was because of a dragon that I loved. She's gone now, and it's my fault. I've learned from my mistakes, and I won't let history repeat itself. If I can change, maybe others can too."

A tense pause followed, the words hanging in the air like the storm clouds above. Tove's voice grew more distressed as she practically begged, "I'm not asking for protection; I have Achak for that. This isn't a permanent stay. I just need a place to regroup, a chance to prove that not all Skrills are what people believe them to be. To learn about them. His stay is par with having a Night Fury."

The dragon riders exchanged somber looks, caught between the caution of their experiences and the desperation in Tove's plea. Tove's gaze hardened as she spoke again, "People I once knew killed my dragon, and they won't stop. I don't want Achak to face the same bloody fate."

The weight of Tove's words settled on the dragon riders, each grappling with the implications of the decision before them. Hiccup sighed, glancing at each member of the group. "We've faced challenges together, and we've made allies where we least expected them. Maybe it's time we extend that trust to Tove and Achak. We can't let fear dictate our choices."

Astrid's expression softened with a mixture of understanding and concern. "Hiccup, I get that you want to give everyone a chance, but we can't ignore the risks. It's not just about fear; it's about survival."

Tove's eyes bore into Hiccup's, a silent plea for understanding. He met her gaze, then nodded. "Alright. You and Achak can stay, but we'll be keeping a close eye on you. If anything goes wrong, you'll need to be ready to face the consequences."

Relief flooded Tove's features as she nodded in gratitude. "Thank you, Hiccup. You won't regret this. Achak and I are here to prove that. I'm ready to face the brunt of any consequence, if needed."

The dragon riders dispersed, each returning to their daily routines, leaving Tove standing on the outskirts of the village with Achak by her side. The journey ahead was uncertain, but as the sun dipped fully below the horizon and night settled, Berk embraced the arrival of an unconventional duo—a Skrill and its rider—ready to challenge preconceived notions and forge a new path in the ever-evolving future of dragon riding.

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