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The night enveloped the ADA's silver sheen van in urgency, Kunikida's hands, once meticulous, now gripped the wheel with a manic fervor as the vehicle hurtled through the city's streets. Atsushi and Junichiro, shadows of concern etched across their faces, hovered over Chiyo Uno in the back seat, a tableau of despair as blood stained the leather a deeper shade of crimson.

"Chiyo, hold on!" Atsushi's voice quivered, each word a desperate plea that hung heavy in the air. Junichiro's grip on Chiyo's hand tightened, an anchor in the reckless sea of panic filling the car.

The city lights blurred into streaks of neon as Kunikida, his foot heavy on the accelerator, navigated the night with reckless precision. Panic, like a tangible force, permeated the vehicle, mingling with the distant wails of his colleagues in a dissonant symphony of urgency.

"Kunikida, damn it, faster!" Atsushi's words cut through, his eyes fixed on Chiyo's ashen face. The vibrant ombre of Chiyo's hair seemed muted against the backdrop of blood, the pink of his hair now a deep mauve, the white a deeper red.

Junichiro's gaze darted between Atsushi and Chiyo, caught in the crossfire of helplessness. "Chiyo, don't you dare give up. We're almost there!"

The car screeched to a halt in front of the Armed Detective Agency's complex, its looming presence a sanctuary in the chaos. Atsushi and Junichiro spilled out, supporting Chiyo's weakened frame.

Yosano, her composed facade momentarily shattered, appeared at the entrance, urgency etched in the lines of her face. "Move!" she commanded, her hands motioning with practiced speed as she assessed Chiyo's injuries.

The winding corridors echoed with the sounds of pacy breathing and hurried footsteps. The air, now heavy with the scent of blood, held the collective breath of those who dared to hope.

As Kunikida, Atsushi, and Junichiro lingered in the sterile waiting room, the Agency's fluorescent lights casting an unforgiving glow, they exchanged glances heavy with unspoken fears. The silence pulsed with the gravity of the night's events.

Hours passed, and it was clear physically how panicked the others had been. Atsushi's hair and tie were disheveled and red with blood, Junichiro's hands damp from sweat. Even Kunikida's glasses hung crooked in his face, far from the always straight angle they've been.

Even the Agency's President, Fukuzawa, was more stoic and quiet than anyone's ever seen him. He hadn't come out of his office since Chiyo's weakened state arrived.

Atsushi feared for when Ranpo and Dazai arrived. They'd hate to see everyone this way.

Eventually, Yosano emerged from the room, her face revealing a blend of exhaustion and relief. Flyaway's danced on her face, proof of how hard she'd been working for him, even with her special ability. It'd almost been too late.

"He's stable, but it was touch and go. We did everything we could," she stated, her voice a measured reassurance that barely concealed the strain.

The room exhaled a collective breath, a muted sense of relief hanging in the air. Atsushi and Junichiro slumped into nearby chairs, the weight of the night settling into their bones. Kunikida, though outwardly composed, clutched the back of a chair, knuckles turning white.

As minutes stretched into hours, the ADA members found themselves caught between the harsh fluorescence and the echoing footsteps of the staff. Each creak of the waiting room door intensified the anticipation until, finally, Yosano reappeared.

"He's awake. You can see him, but keep it brief. He needs rest," she advised, her gaze holding a rare softness.

They filed into Chiyo's room, a subdued atmosphere enveloping them. Chiyo, though weakened, managed a feeble smile as his eyes met theirs. Atsushi, Junichiro, and Kunikida, their worry etched into the lines of their faces, surrounded him.

"Hey, Chiyo," Atsushi's voice carried a blend of relief and lingering concern. "You scared us back there."

Chiyo's response, a faint chuckle, betrayed a hint of his usual playful demeanor. "Well, you know me. I'm always keeping things fun."

Junichiro, a mixture of gratitude and worry in his eyes, spoke softly, "You're a tough one, Chiyo."

Kunikida, though sparing with words, nodded with a rare sincerity.

In the quiet moments that followed, the ADA members found solace in the fact that Chiyo Uno, their vibrant thread in the tapestry of the agency, had not been severed.

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