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"Welcome to Mumbattan"

FANDOM: Spider-Verse

Pairings: Pavitr Prabhakar x Pia Parand (PLATONIC)


Beneath the neon-lit skyline of Mumbattan, India swung an oddly illuminated figure amidst the city's bright backdrop. Pia Parand of Earth 1214, the Lumière-Arachnée, swung between towering buildings, her agile movements propelled by the intricate movement of webs.

Assigned to assist Pavitr Prabhakar, the Spider-Man of this universe, with a Scorpion anomaly, Pia couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. She adjusted her web shooters, ready for the encounter that lay ahead.

Pavitr, battle-worn and nimble, faced the Scorpion, its monstrous form a formidable challenge. Pia descended swiftly, landing a distance from the Indian Spider-Man, a subtle glow emanating from her fingertips.

Scorpion's venomous tail whipped through the air, sending a car hurtling toward Pavitr. The young Spider-Man, caught off guard, scrambled to evade the impending collision.

"Duck, Pavitr!" Pia's voice cut through the air as she swung at full tilt into action. Her French accent lent an exotic cadence to the name "Pavitr," a term of endearment that carried hints of the friendship she hoped would come of this.

Pia unleashed a burst of phosphorescent light from her fingertips. The light-based ability- born of the light enhanced amalgamated cells that made up Pia- struck the incoming vehicle, creating a dazzling display of white-hot light that dispersed the threat. Pavitr watched, awe-struck, as the car disintegrated into a shower of harmless particles.

"Vah, shant! Did you just... disintegrate a car with light?" Pavitr's exuberance spilled into his words, his eyes widening with a mix of disbelief and admiration. "Is that, like, a standard spider thing? Because if it is, I need an upgrade or something."

Pia chuckled, her web shimmering in the night. "No, sorry, it's a little Earth 1214 exclusive.. I think. You know, for those 'chaleur du moment' moments."

Pavitr raised a brow in curious observation. "You're French?"

Pia chuckled, swinging to the top of a lamppost for a brief moment of rest. "Oui. Pacifica Parand, but Pia's just fine."

Pavitr, brimming with energy, couldn't contain his curiosity. "Cool, cool. I'm Pavitr Prabhakar. I've been like swinging around for a few months, and I haven't seen anything like that. You're, like, a superhero level above."

Pia grinned, appreciating Pavitr's infectious enthusiasm. "I'm as new to this as you are, mon gros. Maybe we can share stories over chai sometime."

Pavitr's eyes lit up, his excitement reaching new heights as he tossed his head back in a sort of posthumous relieved gesture. "Chai? Oh, ant men, I have never met a spider-person who doesn't say chai tea. ...You're so cool..."

As they bantered amidst the ongoing battle, the Scorpion, undeterred, prepared for another strike.

The two's quick thinking seized the moment. In a swift, practiced move as instructed by her, Pavitr grabbed Pia's arm, their bodies intertwining in a spinning maneuver that generated plenty momentum. With precision born of moments notice, Pavitr released his grip, hurling Pia towards the Scorpion.

Pia, webs at the ready, soared towards the creature. However, the Scorpion displayed an uncanny reflex, anticipating her attack. With a powerful swing, he intercepted Pia mid-air, sending her crashing into the side of a nearby building.

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