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The luminous pathway stretched ahead, a captivating journey of lanterns casting a warm glow on the lively night market. Rina and Jae-Ha strolled hand in hand, their figures dancing among many others in the radiant light. The air was filled with the melodies of distant musicians and the enticing fragrance of exotic spices, creating a vibrant backdrop to their evening.

As they navigated the bustling market, Rina's usual sparkle was replaced by a subtle worry that clung to the corners of her eyes. Jae-Ha, ever attuned to her emotions, sensed the shift and squeezed her hand gently. "What's on your mind, dear? The market is meant for wide smiles, not furrowed brows."

She sighed, her gaze drifting to the lanterns above. "I suppose I can't help but worry, Jae-Ha. For you, for the dragons, for everyone I've come to love. But especially for you."

Jae-Ha, known for his flirtatious banter, softened at her genuine concern. He gave her a reassuring smile. "Ah, worrying for this me? You're breaking my heart, Rina. But go on, enlighten me. What's troubling that beautiful mind of yours?"

"It's just... knowing what you said. About the dragons having a limited lifespan. I worry about all of you, but you..." Rina trailed off, her voice filled with a tenderness that echoed her deep affection.

Jae-Ha's protective instincts kicked in, and he stopped, turning to face her. "Rina, my worries are mine to bear. You needn't carry them on those shoulders of yours. I've faced the reality of our existence, time and time again.. But tonight, forget such heavy thoughts. We're here to revel in the light of these lanterns, not drown in the shadows of worry."

She looked up at him, gratitude shining in her eyes. "You know I just can't help but care, Jae-Ha. I'm prone to that, and maybe it's a flaw, but you and the others have become my world, and I can't imagine it without you."

He brushed a stray strand of hair from her face, his tone sincere. "And you've become the beating heart of mine. But tonight, let's leave the worries for tomorrow. Tonight, we make moments we won't forget, dear."

Rina nodded, a soft smile gracing her lips. They continued along the pathway, the lanterns above painting their journey with a gentle radiance. The market's lively commotion became a distant hum as they found a quiet spot beneath an arch of lanterns.

Jae-Ha turned to Rina, his french-violet eyes filled with a mix of admiration and affection. "You know, worrying suits you even less than my clumsiness. But in all seriousness, Rina, your concern means the world to me."

She chuckled, a mixture of playfulness and relief in her voice. "Well, I suppose someone has to keep you in check, Jae-Ha."

He flashed a mischievous grin. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

As they continued their journey through the night market, Jae-Ha maintained his usual playful banter and flirts, but the worry that had clouded Rina's eyes began to lift. The shared pathway they walked became a testament to their current goal -to enjoy the present and savor the love that illuminated their hearts much like the lanterns did.

Hand in hand, they embraced the night, the soft glow of lanterns reflecting in their eyes. Jae-Ha's protective nature shone through as they navigated the market, ensuring Rina felt secure in the midst of the crowd.

Rina knew her worry was justifiable, and something she'd need to fave eventually. But the night was fading, as was the day, and she wanted to enjoy it. Especially with him.

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