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"The Sixth of Us Could Be The End of Us"

FANDOM: Voltron: Legendary Defender *shudders*

Pairings: None

Synopsis: There's so much classified and unknown knowledge of the five lions histories. The deeper roots of their origin. And the existence of the sixth lion. The Silver Lion, made for Prince Lotor in secret, in the event of Zarkon's repossession of the Black Lion. But it's no secret that the Lions can't be so easily molded. And Lotor was not the Silver Lion's pilot.

The Castle-Ship's holographic room bathed the Paladins in a somber glow as Allura commenced the mission briefing. "Paladins, I must make you aware of the existence of the Sixth Lion – the Guardian Spirit of Darkness. It's temperamental and prone to choosing a pilot with a tumultuous past."

Images flickered to life, showcasing Nova Choi – the soul chosen by the Silver Lion. Shiro's jaw clenched as he absorbed the information, an uncanny sense of recognition prickling at the edges of his memory. The curls, unkempt and matted, to her three-toned hair of grays, whites, and blacks. Her eyes, tones of purples and pinks, like stars, but stained with eyebags, forever narrowed. One could easily tell the anger she held in her gaze alone.

"Nova is a quintessence-harborer," Allura continued, her tone carrying the weight of the girl's untold story. "A victim of the Galra's cruel experiments, one of knows the horrors of what she went through. Her anger is a shield, a coping mechanism she adopted to survive."

The hologram unveiled Nova's visage, a tempest of anger and defiance captured in pixels. The Paladins exchanged knowing glances, understanding just who they were about to confront.

As they prepared for descent, Shiro, Lance, and Hunk huddled in a private corner. Shiro, the seasoned leader, spoke with a measured urgency. He understood more than anyone how much Nova must be hurting. And that she doesn't have a support system like he did with the Paladins. Two sides to the same old coin, fabricated from the same cloth.

"Listen, you both know the real reason we're doing this is to get the Lion. Keep your guard up, but please approach with empathy. There's so much she's probably going through right now."

Lance smirked, the humor a thin veil concealing his unease. "So, we're playing therapists in space now?"

Hunk chimed in with a slight glare, " Yeah, yeah joke all you want Lance but you saw. She's human. And probably as lost as we are. We need to help her find that person again."

The planet unfolded beneath them, a barren canvas punctuated by Nova's remote outpost. The tension in the air thickened as they touched down, the ominous stillness amplifying the Paladins' awareness.

Nova's hostility struck like a lightning bolt. As Shiro attempted to reason with her, the air crackled with aggression. "Who the hell are you? What do you want?" she spat, eyes ablaze with a fury that mirrored the Silver Lion's roars in the distance.

Lance, always quick with words, quipped, "Hey, we come in peace. Just looking for a new lion pilot. I swear."

Nova's laughter, bitter and scornful, reverberated. "Lion pilot? Cute. But I've got enough problems without babysitting this... thing."

The situation escalated into a whirlwind of hostility, Nova's rage clashing with the Paladins' attempts at diplomacy. Shiro, seasoned in the silent language he hoped she could also understand, stepped forward. "Nova, we understand your anger. We've been through it too. But we're not here to hurt you. We're here to help."

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