③⑤•Genshin Impact

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♥︎Next one-shot featuring Sumeru's six gayest men. Also removed the Pairing tag.♥︎

"Idle Gossip"

FANDOM: Genshin Impact

Synopsis: A gossipy get together between the academic geniuses of Sumeru. TCG, drinks, gossip, banter, what's there not to love? Bazi the Archivist, Permana the Cartographer, and Cyno, Tighnari, Kaveh, and Alhaitham. How they make quite a group.

Kaveh stepped into the lounge room of the Sumeru Archeology and Research Historical Museum, in short, the SARHM—his eyes lighting up at the sight of Bazi and Permana. "Ah, there you two are! My favorite men of the Sarhm." he exclaimed, his enthusiasm evident.

Bazi greeted him with a warm smile, and Permana offered a friendly wave. "Kaveh! Always a pleasure to see you. How have you been?" Bazi inquired, his eyes reflecting genuine interest.

"Oh, you know, surviving the hellscape of architecture commissions and impatient clients." Kaveh replied with a chuckle. He couldn't help but admire the ambiance they had created within the lounge. The room felt like a sanctuary where time intertwined with the echoes of the past.

Permana, with a playful grin, teased, "And getting richer by the day, aren't you, Kaveh?"

Kaveh blinked in mild surprise, glancing between Bazi and Permana. "Richer? I— I wouldn't say that, sadly."

Before he could finish, Bazi handed him a sizable stack of Mora, the glistening currency of Teyvat. "Consider it a token of appreciation for your outstanding work on the latest exhibits. Sure it's more than what I owe you, but you deserve it, Kaveh."

Kaveh's eyes widened, caught off guard. "This is… I can't accept this, Bazi. It's more than I—"

Permana interrupted with a smirk. "Don't argue with him, Kaveh. He's persistent. Believe me, I'm married to him."

Bazi chimed in, "Consider it overdue payment for the beauty you've brought to our museum. And this time, spend it on yourself, as admirable as it is donating it to charities or those in need."

Kaveh hesitated, the weight of gratitude and reluctance settling on his shoulders. "Well, if you insist, but I truly can't thank you both enough. You've been too good to me."

Permana, noticing Kaveh's discomfort, lightened the mood. "Where's Alhaitham? Late again, I presume?"

Kaveh chuckled. "Hah! More like he's lost in some ancient tome or sleeping in a corner of the Akademiya. You know how he is."

Permana chuckled in agreement, and Bazi added, "Well, we can start without him. He'll join when he decides to grace us with his presence. And you, Kaveh, you've earned a break. Let's enjoy the evening."

They gathered in the cozy lounge, and Kaveh couldn't help but feel grateful for the friendships that had blossomed amidst the artifacts and designs of SARHM.

Minutes later, Cyno and Tighnari entered together, their presence commanding attention. They greeted the trio warmly, taking a moment to appreciate the ambiance of the lounge. Permana modestly credited Kaveh for the splendid decor, to which Tighnari offered a sincere compliment. Kaveh, however, brushed it off with a casual shrug, declaring that work was work.

Bazi, ever the conversationalist, inquired about the recent exploits of Cyno and Tighnari, noting that it had been a while since they last caught up. Cyno, with his signature deadpan expression, casually remarked that it was the usual unsavory line of business. Tighnari, the disciplined chief, interjected with pride, sharing the news of Collei's exceptional progress in her training. Bazi chimed in, affirming that she was indeed a commendable individual.

As the conversation flowed, Cyno recalled a recent encounter with a formidable opponent who happened to wield an Electro Vision, just as he did. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he regaled the group with his electrifying tale, filled to the brim with puns.

"I faced an Electro user the other day. Shocking, right? They really knew how to amp up the voltage. I told them, 'Your attacks are electrifying, but my defense is just as shocking!'"

The trio, accustomed to Cyno's penchant for puns, couldn't help but groan collectively. Permana, ever the critic, couldn't resist expressing his disapproval. "Can't we go one get-together without your incessant jokes?"

Tighnari joined in, adding, "Why do you always have to do that?" Meanwhile, Bazi, the appreciator of Cyno's quirky humor, laughed heartily at the clever wordplay.

With the banter lightening the mood, Alhaitham finally arrived, offering apologies for his tardiness. His entrance was met with playful teasing from the group, and he took it in stride, accustomed to their good-natured ribbing.

Once settled, they decided to indulge in a game of the Genius Invokation TCG, Cyno's favored pastime. The cards shuffled, and the room echoed with laughter, strategic discussions, and the clinking of glasses.

As the game reached its climax, Bazi, ever the strategist, managed a well-executed move that turned the tide in his favor. Permana, looking at his diminishing cards, sighed dramatically. "Looks like I'm at your mercy, dear."

Cyno, Tighnari, Kaveh, and Alhaitham chuckled at the scene, appreciating the lighthearted moments that filled the lounge.

With the game concluding, they shifted seamlessly into idle gossip, tales of their latest endeavors, and the warmth of shared connections. The night unfolded, and somehow brighter than the moon was the shine of friendship and shared history amidst the artifacts that surrounded them.

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