②⑧•Genshin Impact

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♡At this point KaeTami is my favorite thing to write ever♡

"Believe Me"

FANDOM: Genshin Impact

Pairings: KaeTami (Kaeya X Utami)

Synopsis: Utami isn't being believed by those she's closest to when it really matters.


In the quiet hours of night, Captain Utami Rathneau stood alone on the balcony of the Knight's Headquarters, gazing at the shimmering night sky. Her thoughts, usually disciplined, unraveled like a spool of thread tumbling down a steep staircase.

A discreet knock echoed through the otherwise silent room. Startled, Utami turned to find Kaeya standing in the doorway, his usually carefree demeanor now shaded with concern. "Captain, you've been up here for quite some time. Is everything all right?"

She managed a weary smile, attempting to shield the turmoil within. "Just needed some fresh air. It's a peaceful night."

Kaeya, attuned to the subtleties of her tone, leaned against the doorway. "Utami, you're not known for dwelling on the 'serene views' for this long. What's really on your mind?"

A momentary hesitation hung in the air, a palpable tension. Utami released a heavy sigh, "I had a report today-news of a disturbance in the outskirts of Mondstadt. An Abyss Mage causing trouble in Wolvendom, but I handled it."

Kaeya's eyebrow arched. "And that's the kind of thing we handle routinely, isn't it? What's bothering you about it?"

Utami met his gaze, her eyes reflecting a storm beneath their frosty exterior. "The problem is, no one believes me. Jean questioned my account, and the other knights dismissed it as a trivial matter. They believe I exaggerated, or worse, imagined it."

Kaeya's eyes narrowed, understanding flickering across his features. "They doubted you? After all you've done, they doubted your word?"

Utami nodded, a subtle shake in her voice. "It's not about being doubted as a captain; it's about being doubted as a person. The trust I've cultivated with my comrades... it feels like it's slipping away."

Kaeya's expression shifted to a mix of empathy and frustration. "That's absurd. You've faced unimaginable challenges for Mondstadt, and they question your honesty over a report? I'll have a word with Jean, make her see reason."

Utami shook her head, a resigned smile on her lips. "No, Kaeya. I appreciate it, but sometimes the whispers of doubt are louder than the shouts of support. It's a lonely place to be."

The moonlight traced the contours of her face, revealing shadows etched by the internal struggle. Kaeya placed a hand on her shoulder, a silent gesture of solidarity.

Utami spoke softly, "I thought sharing my vulnerabilities would strengthen our bonds, not fray them. I just... I never anticipated feeling so isolated within the walls I swore to protect."

Kaeya, recognizing the profound impact of her words, tightened his grip on her shoulder. "Trust takes time to rebuild, but those who matter will see through the fog of doubt. You're not alone, Utami."

A bitter smile tugged at her lips. "I used to believe that. But tonight, it feels like I'm standing at the edge of a precipice, and the abyss stares back."

Kaeya's response was a silent acknowledgment of her pain, an understanding etched in the lines of his gaze.

In that quiet moment, as Mondstadt slumbered beneath the vigilant moon, the silence spoke volumes, carrying the weight of a captain who bore not only the armor on her shoulders but the unspoken burdens within.

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