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💔This is how I'm coping. Jae-Ha bbg please beat the death allegations :[💔

"You came."

FANDOM: Yona Of The Dawn

Pairings: RinHa (Rina X Jae-Ha)

Synopsis: The Dragons and Company had made many enemies since they joined up, and many have sought to hurt, kill, or exploit their power for their own selfish desire. One such was a band of mercenaries who had personal grievances against the pirate crew Jaeha was once a part of an Awa. So, learning that Jae-Ha really had one other weakness— Rina, and they would do everything to use that against him. Her capture was inevitable.


The port town's Night Markets buzzed with life, lanterns casting a warm glow over the vibrant tapestry of stalls and shoppers. Jae-Ha and Rina strolled through the lively scene, enjoying the ambiance as the aroma of street food wafted through the air.

As they meandered through the market, Jae-Ha couldn't help but appreciate the resilience of the townspeople, the spirited laughter, and the joyous chatter that filled the air. It was enlightening to see the spirit that thrived despite the challenges faced by this small coastal community.

However, the tranquility shattered abruptly as a group of mercenaries, motivated by personal vendettas, descended upon them. Jae-Ha's reflexes kicked in, and he instructed Rina to assist in protecting the market-goers while he swiftly engaged the attackers. The familiarity of combat returned to him like an old friend as he skillfully countered their moves. They knew his only weakness—the fierce, fiery-eyed woman by his side.

Yet, these mercenaries were not mere opportunists. They were well-versed in Jae-Ha's fighting style, a painful realization that unfolded within moments. One of them, adorned in leaves as if mocking nature itself, seized Rina, a dagger dangerously close to her neck. Jae-Ha's heart pounded in his chest, and a cold sweat gripped him as he halted, torn between defending the innocent and ensuring Rina's safety.

Taunts and jeers echoed through the night air, and pleas for mercy mingled with desperate protests. The mercenary, reveling in the power he held over Jae-Ha, remarked callously about Rina's beauty. A moment of hesitation, and that was all it took for the green-haired dragon to be overpowered.

When Jae-Ha awoke, he was alone, and the haunting reality of Rina's capture struck him like a blow to the gut. Anguish, anger, and fear mingled within him as he grappled with the consequences of his momentary pause.

Days later, when the others found him, he was a broken man. Angry and vengeful, he recoiled from their attempts to console him. Only Yona's calming presence had the power to soothe the tempest within him. Rina's safety haunted him, the uncertainty of her well-being gnawing at his every waking moment.

The promise of Yona, that they would retrieve Rina because she was family, echoed in Jae-Ha's mind as he embarked on a relentless search. His determination surpassed the limits of his physical endurance, fueled by the love he held for the woman who had become an integral part of his world.

Weeks passed, and the trail led them to the mercenary band's camp. Yona, understanding Jae-Ha's urgency, tasked the others with engaging the mercenaries in battle, knowing that Jae-Ha would prioritize searching for Rina immediately.

He did.

Rushing through the cavernous depths of the mercenaries' hideout, Jae-Ha's voice echoed through the rocky passages. "Rina!"

The response, a faint but distinct yell, guided him further until he found her, bound to a rock with a rope that spoke of careless brutality. She looked worse for wear, auburn hair matted and clothes torn.

"Jae-Ha?" she whispered, voice barely audible.

She looked up, eyes dull but gaining a spark at the sight of him. To Jae-Ha, she was still the epitome of beauty, her strength and resilience shining through even in her worn state. With a swift yet gentle motion, he freed her from the ropes, and she fell into his arms.

"You came?" Her voice was a whisper, carrying a mix of disbelief and relief.

"You called." he whispered back, his breath catching at the sight of her alive and safe.

Their reunion was full of whispered questions and gentle laughter. Rina asked how he found her, and Jae-Ha's response was simple yet profound—"How could I not? I'd look for you everywhere, in every lifetime, no matter how short."

"Stop saying things like that; you're ruining the moment," she teased, and he chuckled, agreeing with an "Alright."

A sigh escaped him as he cupped her face, expressing the depth of his longing. "I missed you."

Her response was soft but echoed with sincerity. "I missed you too."

The cave, once a prison, now felt like a haven—a sanctuary for their shared whispers, laughter, and the countless "I love yous" that filled the air. In that moment, they found home in each other's arms.

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