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Snotlout Jorgenson paced restlessly in the Dragon's Edge training grounds, his thoughts swirling like a storm inside his head. His usually confident demeanor faltered as he muttered to himself, words heavy with confusion.

"I can't stand Tove, but I would die for her," he had confessed to Hiccup, his best friend (in some rare cases), and fellow dragon rider. This sudden admittance had surprised even himself, revealing a conflicted side he rarely allowed others to see. Let alone Hiccup. But with the arisen news of Astrid and Hiccup's betrothal, it seemed there was only one person to ask about...feelings.

Hiccup, ever perceptive, watched Snotlout with a mixture of empathy and amusement. He knew the tumultuous emotions that came with being torn between disdain and an inexplicable protectiveness. After all, when Hiccup first shot down Toothless from the sky all those years ago, Astrid seemed to loathe him, and now the two are betrothed. It's all just a matter of really coming to terms with those feelings.

"Snotlout, to me it just sounds like you've got yourself all tangled up in feelings you can't quite figure out."

Snotlout stopped his restless pacing and turned to face Hiccup, frustration etched on his face. "Well then how do you do it, Hiccup? How do you manage to keep it all so together when it comes to Astrid? Huh?"

Hiccup leaned against a nearby wall, contemplating his response. "Well I- I really don't, sometimes, honestly- Look, love and relationships are very complex, Snotlout. They don't always follow a logical path. Sometimes, you find yourself drawn to someone you can't explain or understand."

Snotlout scowled, his brow furrowing in deep thought. "But she drives me insane, Hiccup. Her sarcastic remarks, her sharp wit. I can't handle it. She just makes me so, so mad! And yet, I can't stop thinking about her."

Hiccup chuckled softly. "Sounds like you've fallen into the age-old trap of love, my friend. It's messy, unpredictable, and it rarely makes sense. But that's what makes it beautiful. And besides, don't you think you probably drive her insane, too?"

Snotlout sighed, his frustration mingling with a newfound sense of vulnerability. "Yeah, yeah, probably. I just don't know how to navigate this. It's like I'm at war with myself."

Hiccup approached Snotlout, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "The key is to embrace it. Allow yourself to feel them, even if they don't make sense. And most importantly, be honest with yourself. And with Tove."

Snotlout nodded, a glimmer of understanding dawning in his eyes. "You're right, Hiccup. I need to face my feelings head-on, even if it means admitting that I care about Tove more than I'd like to admit."

Hiccup smiled, proud of his friend's self-reflection. "That's the spirit, Snotlout. And remember, love can be messy and complicated, but it's worth the journey. Just be true to yourself and take it one step at a time."

As Snotlout absorbed Hiccup's advice, a newfound determination settled within him. He would confront his conflicting feelings for Tove, unravel the tangled web of emotions, and see where it led. It wouldn't be easy, but he was ready to face the challenge.

With a resolute stride, Snotlout left the training grounds, his mind buzzing with thoughts of the fiery warrior who had captured his attention. Love was a battlefield, but he was prepared to fight for the connection he couldn't deny. And perhaps, in the midst of the chaos, he would discover a love story as unique and unpredictable as his own stubborn heart.

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