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Atp my writing schedule syncs with my hyperfixations 👍


FANDOM: Bungo Stray Dogs

Pairings: Chiyo Uno X Osamu Dazai (neutral)

Synopsis: Chiyo Uno is running extremely late to work on his first day. Not very humane of the Humanitarian, but he doesn't worry about being humane when Osami Dazai, also late, hits him with his motorcycle.



he vibrancy of Yokohama unfolded in its daily splendor, chaotic noises of bustling crowds and rushing vehicles. In the heart of this urban, Chiyo Uno, adorned in shades of pink and white, dashed across the street with an urgency that bordered on madness. Unbeknownst to him, fate had scripted other plans, a meeting that would redefine his day.

On the other side of the road, the infamous Osamu Dazai navigated the city on his trusty motorcycle, a vehicle with an appearance that mirrored the disarray of its rider's existence. As Chiyo's hasty sprint brought him directly into Dazai's path, they collided – not in a "tragic dramatic", but in a comedic clash.

Dazai's motorcycle met Chiyo's trajectory with an audible thud, a collision that sent the eccentric young man tumbling into an unintentional pirouette. Dusting off his coat with practiced nonchalance, Dazai brought the motorcycle to a stop, his disheveled appearance mirroring Chiyo's

Chiyo, amidst a tangle of beret and trench coat, groaned as he picked himself up from the pavement. Dazai, wearing a grin that hinted at amusement, observed the scene.

"Well, well, looks like someone just became a pedestrian pancake." Dazai deadpanned, his morbid humor in full display.

Chiyo, still catching his breath, shot him a bewildered look. "What just happened? Did I die? Am I a ghost now?"

Dazai chuckled, finding Chiyo's panic more amusing than concerning. "If you're a ghost, I must say you're quite expressive. Most ghosts don't groan and question their existence."

Chiyo blinked, processing the situation. "Wait, did you just hit me with your motorcycle? Jeez, what are you some kind of hitman?"

Dazai raised an eyebrow, mildly impressed by Chiyo's assumptions. "Hitman? No, no. I'm just your average individual who occasionally collides with pedestrians. You, my dear friend, are my latest victim."

Chiyo, still trying to piece together reality, muttered, "Great, So I get hit by a motorcycle, and the driver is a sarcastic lunatic. Just my luck."

Dazai grinned, helping Chiyo onto his feet. "Consider it a unique welcome to Yokohama. Welcome to the city, where even the collisions are unconventional."

As they stood on the sidewalk, Chiyo, still slightly winded, glanced at Dazai with a mix of confusion and wariness.

"So, who are you, really?" Chiyo asked, still uncertain if he could trust the man who had just turned his day upside down.

Dazai's smirk widened. "Call me Dazai. Just a lonesome wanderer who occasionally stumbles upon lost souls in the dear old 'concrete jungle'. And you, dear pedestrian, are?"

Chiyo sighed, resigning himself to the absurdity of the situation. "Chiyo Uno. Just a guy trying not to get hit by motorcycles on his way to work. But no, my first day in Yokohama involves a crash course in urban survival."

Dazai chuckled. "Well, Chiyo Uno, brace yourself. Yokohama has a way of welcoming newcomers that defies all expectations. You're in for quite the journey."

As they ventured into the bustling city, Chiyo couldn't shake the feeling that his collision with Dazai was only the beginning of a tale filled with unpredictable twists and turns.

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