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"Hi my names Maivy, i've just move here from New York." I explain to the teacher.

"You can sit in the far back, next to Mr. Kaulitz." He points, oh Tom. Great.

Due to my shock, it was not the Eminem wannabe it was actually a guy with black hair, a couple white highlights throughout. He looked the exact same as Tom, just different style and he wore makeup.

He was absolutely stunning.

"Hi i'm Maivy, you're Bill?" I point to him, questioning his name. "Nice to meet you Maivy, I am Bill and I like your style, reminds me much of my brothers." He compliments. "Ugh." I say disgusted.

"What, he's already made enemies with the new girl? It's only first period." Bill laughs.

"You wouldn't imagine." I reply under my breath.

"What has he done?" Bill leans his head forward resting it on his fist that was propped up using his elbow. "Called me a whore." I laugh.

"Oh, he thinks your hot then." Bill snickers, boy huh?

"He thinks i'm hot so he called me a whore?" I squint my eyes at him. "Yeah, Tom only sleeps with whores." Bill responds. "Won't he get a disease?"

"My mom makes him wear condoms every time. I still think she has some grandchildren floating around but whatever." Bill shrugs.

"So what's that thing about he never kisses anyone? He's just never had a first kiss or what?" I snort.

"Oh, right that. He thinks they're too intimate. He says the point of sex is for an orgasm and the point of kissing is for romance, and he doesn't do romance."

You know.. this Tom guy has really peeked my interest.

"You're asking a lot of questions for a girl who doesn't like my brother." He wiggles his brows, intrigued.

"It's a cheer thing." I sigh, handing him the note. "They're having you do a kiss list? Classic." Bill laughs. "This is normal?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Oh yeah, they do it to every girl before they join the team. None of them have joined, because of well, Tom. He's on the list every time, but no one can seem to crack him." Bill leans over into his backpack.

He pulled out two chocolate chip cookies, handing me one. "Thank you." I smile, taking his kind offering.

"But yeah, Georg is on the list a lot of the time so he knows the routine. Just ask him for a kiss and he'll give you one, should be your easiest kiss." He says.

"And where do I find Georg?" I look around. Bill takes a bite of his cookie, pointing to the opposite end of the room. He waves Georg over to where we were sitting.

"Yes Bill?" Georg puts his hands on Bill's desk. "This one needs a kiss." He nods his head towards me.

"Oh okay." Georg shrugs, squatting in front of me.

"Hello." He smirks, analyzing my face. "Hi." I smile back. "Am I the first person you're kissing?" Georg asks. "Yeah, I recommended you." Bill interrupts taking a bite from his cookie.

"It's true, he said you'll-" Georg cuts me off planting a kiss on my lips. "Better when you don't expect it or it just gets awkward." Georg says, standing up.

Well okay!

"Thanks Georg." Bill snaps a piece of his cookie off, giving it to him. "No problem." Georg says, walking back to his desk. "Okay now you can check Georg off." Bill hands me a sharpie.

I check his photo off, analyzing the list a bit more. "Who's next?" I flip it to face Bill.

"Woah, a lot of these people are new on the list." Bill bites his bottom lip, trying to figure out who would be the easiest to conquer next.

"Avery shouldn't be too hard, she's nice. If you ask for one, she'll probably give it to you." He says, handing me the list back.

I suddenly felt a buzz in my pocket, I pull my phone out seeing that Gemma had texted me.

"Hey, i'm so bored. What are you doing?" I read the text, responding with. "Well, I just got my first kiss done and now i'm moving on to Avery. Do you know her?"

"She's in my class, i'll send her to the bathroom for you. Just meet her there."

Okay, good I was already gonna be two kisses in, by the end of the day. That's not bad at all.

"I'm gonna ask to use the restroom, i'll be right back." I smile, to Bill.


"You're Maivy?" She asks, as soon as I enter the bathroom. "Avery?" I ask back, she nods. "Gemma explained it to me, so you just need a kiss and that's it?" Avery questions.

"Exactly!" I respond. "Well." She shrugs, leaning in for a kiss. I kiss back, gently holding her face.

"Hope you're satisfied?" She laughs, pulling away. "Definitely, thank you very much. This'll for sure help." I smile, with much gratitude.

"No problem, if you ever need another kiss you know where to find me." Avery flirts, before walking out of the girls restroom. I felt a certain blush overtake my face. Maybe Seattle isn't so bad?

I mean the kiss list thing was actually quite fun.

I just had to figure out how to deal with that idiot Tom and if we even have any classes together.

I take a deep breath, walking back to class.

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