The Doctor Will See You Now

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I bolted up as soon as the lights went on, quickly changed my clothes, and waited at the door for it to slide open a couple minutes later. As it did, I was already squeezing through the opening gap and making my way down to the cafeteria.

I wasn't excited about getting breakfast. But, I was excited for my session with Mavis, my counselor. It would be my last session before I left for good tomorrow. While I was a bit sad at the thought of leaving her, I knew she would call that progress. I smiled as I got my tray and then sat down to eat.

After I had cleared my tray and set it in the pile to be washed I wandered out to the library. It was much smaller than the detention center, where I had stayed last, but the collection was growing each month.

At quarter to ten I left the library and walked over to the Health Services side of the building. A quick scan of my wristband allowed me access and I walked over to an open door down the hallway.

I peeked my head inside. "Mavis?"

Her head popped up from behind the couch. "Oh, hey!"

I walked in a bit. "What are you doing back there?"

She leaned on the back of the couch. "I may or may not have been hiding something for you." She winked then stood up before collapsing again into her own chair. She pulled her legs up under her to sit in a criss-cross, before grabbing a pen and some paper. "Should we get this show on the road?"

I scoffed and closed the door. Then I sat on the end of the couch.

Mavis had to have been only a few years older than me, but I swear she had the wisdom of several lives packed into her brain. And there was no way she would actually admit to it. She had not only successfully gotten me to talk about myself, but she also got me to accept visitors and to feel at ease in a new environment. It really did feel like I was talking to a friend when we met for our sessions.

"So, do you have a starting point today, or do you want me to dive in with some questions?" She twirled the pencil between her fingers as her eyebrows wiggled up and down.

I smiled. "I can start." I wiggled a bit in my seat. "I'm leaving tomorrow. As in leaving here."

Mavis nodded. "Start unpacking those big emotions."

"Well, last time we talked I said that I was excited about leaving, and I still am. When the boys visited yesterday, they were so excited they could hardly contain themselves. They decided they wanted us all to live together, while I go through my probationary period." I looked down at my hands.

"...But?" Her voice drew out the middle.

I looked up at Mavis. "But... I'm also really nervous about leaving here." I looked down again.

"This entire place is built on such a strict structure. You eat at the same times every day. You are only allowed to go to certain places at those certain times. You don't have to pay for food or clothes. It's like its own self sustaining bubble."

When I looked back up Mavis was nodding slowly. "You are allowed to feel more than one emotion at a time. It can seem nerve wracking or even scary to re-enter society after being away from it for so long. But it seems like you have a really good support system that isn't going to let you flop on your face. Or at least if you do, they will help pick you back up."

I smirked and nodded. "I'm also not going to have you."

Her face pinked and her smile grew. "I'm going to miss you too, kid."

I rolled my eyes and laughed a bit. "We are literally only a few years apart."

She waved her hand. "Nah, I have much more time on you. Besides, the whole point of all of this," She waved to the room then to herself. "Is so that you are able to find ways that work for you to cope with big emotions. I am here to listen, validate, and teach you."

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