The Party Part 3

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She held out her free hand in my direction and smiled. "Nice to meet you. I'm Min."

"Um, right." I shook her hand. "Y/N."

She let go of my hand. "From what I hear, you are the one to be congratulated." She smiled again and leaned slightly into the Captain.

"Oh. I don't know about that." I looked down at my feet before looking back up. A piece of hair fell in front of my eyes and as I moved it out of my face I thought I saw the Captain's hand twitch.

"What's the congratulations for?" She tilted her head. "They didn't really give any details inside."

"Oh, um." My eyes flashed from the Captain and then back to Min. "Just coming back to Seoul. I've been living outside of the city for the last couple of years."

She nodded in understanding. "Isn't it just so nice to come back home after a long trip? I'm currently on that long trip, but I know when I go home I will feel much better. So much more at ease with the familiarity of home." She squeezed the Captain's hand in hers and smiled towards him.

"Where is home for you?" She turned back to face me and I held my hands up. "I mean if you don't mind me asking?"

She shook her head and giggled. "Not at all. Busan is home for me."

My eyes flicked back to the Captain. But, he was still looking down at Min. My eyes returned to her face.

"It's certainly similar to Seoul in the city aspect, but everything still feels so different. Even the way people talk is different." She laughed at her own little joke then gasped. "You will have to tell me about some restaurants or cafes here in the city. I'm desperate to find a good latte in the city."

I nodded. "Sure, that's no problem."

"Great. I'm sure I can just get your number from Channie, then."

"Actually, my number has changed since I got back, so I don't think he has it."

"Oh." She pulled her phone out of her back pocket with her free hand and held it out to me. "Well, I'll get it, and then when Channie needs it, he can get it from me." She smiled.

I nodded again, took her phone, and began typing the number in. Then I hit the save button and held it back out to her.

She took it and slid it back into her pocket. "So how did you meet my Channie?" She patted the hand of his that was still around her shoulders.

"Oh." I looked back at the Captain.

What was I supposed to say? We met when I broke the law and he arrested me? Oh and also I got him kidnapped? And yeah that scar on his chin, yeah, that's my fault too.

"We worked on a case right before she moved out of the city." He told her. "Now that she is back, she's going to be working the computers in Cyber with Changbin, Jisung and I."

I nodded in agreement, thankful that he had supplied an answer that made sense.

"That sounds like fun." She pushed a piece of hair behind her ear.

I shrugged. "I just stay in the building all day long. It's really not that fun."

"That can't be right. From what I've heard the other two are super funny."

I blinked a couple times before answering. "Changbin and Jisung can be funny, yes. But when they all go out on calls, I am still in the office waiting for a notification to pop up on the screens."

She made a face. "I hate waiting for things."

I nodded. "Me too."

"It's definitely something I am trying to work on now though." She smiled.

After a few seconds of silence I asked what I had really been wanting to know. "So, how did you meet the Captain?"

She giggled again. "The Captain," She used her fingers to quote what I had just said. "And I met while he was going for Physical Therapy. I was his therapist and after several months of shameless flirting on my end, I finally asked him out for coffee after his last session, and he agreed."

The pieces had finally begun falling into place. I had just assumed that his trips to Busan were follow-up appointments or to see his siblings, but there may have been an additional reason for his trips.

"Ah, that's... cute." I offered.

Her smile grew. "I know right! Thankfully he has stuck with me for a while now. Totally worth all the nervous energy I had before asking him out." She cuddled up a bit closer to his side. "Oh, Channie, what time is it? We don't want to miss our reservation."

He nodded and took his arm back from around her shoulders and pulled his phone out of his coat pocket. "We should probably get going. Traffic isn't great on Friday nights."

She nodded in response then turned back to me. "It was great to meet you. I hope to see you again soon. And I will definitely text you sometime soon about a great cafe in the city."


I followed them back inside and hung by the door to the balcony as they said goodbyes to everyone else. Eventually, they both exited out through the front door and as the door clicked closed, all eyes swung to me.

"Whoa." I held my hands up. "Why are you all looking at me all of a sudden?" They stayed quiet for a bit longer.

"You ok, Y/N? You have a weird look on your face." Jisung stood up from his spot on the couch as if he was going to come and stand next to me.

"Just a weird interaction I guess. I wasn't really expecting all of that."

"Who was that Noona?" Seungmin leaned around Jisung to see me.

"Min." I blinked a couple times before looking both to Jisung and then to Changbin. "It seems the Captain has a girlfriend."

Jisung's mouth fell open and he covered it with his hands. Felix and Hyunjin exchanged looks with each other. Lee Know scoffed and stood up from where he was leaning on the wall and went back into the kitchen. I watched as Seungmin leaned back into the couch, clenching his fists on his lap as he did.

"But, are you ok?" Changbin said from behind the couch.

I thought for a minute then began nodding. "It's weird. I feel... nothing? Not nothing, I guess, but like a calm or something like that. Must be a good thing, right?" I looked at all of the eyes around the room. Trying to see if their own stares would be enough to convince me that everything was in fact over.

I shrugged. "Thank god for that I guess." I gave a short scoff.

"Damnit Jisung! I said anything BUT fried chicken!" Lee Know yelled from the kitchen.

Jisung's face reddened and we all started laughing. Lee Know came out of the kitchen pointing a spatula at Jisung, who sprung into action to hide behind me. We all laughed a bit harder.

"Lee Know, stop." I wiped a tear out of my eye. "We'll eat it."

Jisung whispered a thanks into my ear and I smiled. That's right. This was my family. I was going to be alright.

"Speaking of which," I said. "I'm starving. Let's eat!"

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