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Since the last chapter was short, I have included the next chapter as well. Happy Reading


The rest of the evening was just what I needed. It was low key and I stuffed myself with way too much food. We were all able to talk freely and everyone seemed to have a good time.

Jeongin eventually came out of his room and apologized to the rest of the room. Changbin had just mussed his hair and told him that he had wanted to do the exact same thing. Only he had a job to keep and Jeongin had nothing to lose. Jeongin had just smiled sheepishly.

The rest of the weekend had been similarly low key. I sat next to Jeongin and read through his paper a few times while he continued to work. Then I sat out in the living room with Lee Know and Jeongin while Seungmin practiced giving his presentation. We all clapped at the end and praised him for how well he had done, making his ears tinge pink.

They both assured me that they were ready for their finals in the next couple of weeks, which made me feel even prouder of them.

After such a good weekend, it seemed such a shame to go back to work on Monday, but I did. I dragged myself out from under the warm covers and washed my face, showered, and then got ready for work.

Lee Know was waiting in the car when I was done and I slid into the seat.

"You look well rested." He handed me a cup of warm tea.

I nodded. "I feel good. A low key weekend was just what I needed. It feels like I am finally getting back to normal."

He pulled out of the parking lot and onto the city streets. "That's good. Is it weird that you have only been out for a week now?"

I nodded and took a sip of the tea. "Definitely. I can't believe that it has already been a week, but at the same time I can't believe it has only been a week."

He chuckled. "The apartment definitely feels more like home now that you are back."

"Aww, Minho." I smiled and poked his cheek. He swatted away my hand as we stopped at a red light.

With a smile on my lips I looked around the streets at the bustling Monday morning traffic. I was glad to be back here for good.

Jisung was sitting on the steps in front of the precinct when we pulled up. He jumped up and opened the door for me so I could get out.

"Jisung, I have an ID now. You don't have to come and get me every morning."

He nodded and rubbed at the back of his neck. "I know."

He smiled into the car, said a brief good morning to Lee Know, and shut the door after me. Then he hooked his arm under mine and we walked together into the building.

The morning was slow, painfully slow. Not much crime today, I guess, I thought to myself. At least for me there wasn't anything new. Changbin, Jisung, and the Captain had been called away to assist with a case at a different precinct and had been gone for a few hours already.

I was doing everything I could think of just to stay awake. But, that dumb recurring alert definitely made sure that just when I would feel my head dip, I was brought right back into the boredom. I scowled at the screen as it popped up and then went away again.

A technician had been out over the weekend, but surprise, surprise it wasn't a technical issue that he could solve on his end.

I stood up from my chair and stretched a bit. Up to the ceiling and then down towards the floor. I shifted from the left and then over to the right. Then I sighed and sat back down.

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