Prison Break

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After a few hours of walking around we finally returned to Rena's house. I sat down in front of the computer in her parlor and opened up page after page on the internet. This computer didn't have the software that the police computers had, but web browser versions existed for most of the heavy lifting, so I wasn't concerned.

"How do you have unlimited access to the internet on here? I thought it was all taken care of before I even started my sentence."

Rena leaned in closer to me to see the screen better. "We isolated your original coding that took the internet down and copied it to this computer. Tell me how Captain Bang couldn't have already canceled the request for transfer?"

I nodded my head and opened up the login screen. "Not only did I change his authorization code, I logged him out of all accounts before we left the precinct. He probably received an alert but then when he went to open it he couldn't. He probably tried on a couple of different platforms or devices but couldn't access anything. So, he would have put in a request to recover passwords, and all of his account information. Because it doesn't look like a hack, it's not an emergency ticket."

I looked in the corner of the screen. "That means we still have about 5 hours until someone sees that request. And another hour at least for it to be taken care of, depending on the urgency placed on it. Once this is approved, I can delete everything from his Inbox and his trash and no one will be the wiser. Until tomorrow that is."

I saw her head bob up and down in a nod. "So then the woman at the police station?"

I logged into the email using the authorization code. "Probably just a precaution. No way he could have called just like that. There was no way for him to know exactly where the change had come from. It probably just flagged an odd anomaly on their computer, once I pulled the bug off of it. She probably just wanted me to confirm that the computer was fixed and good to go. I just didn't want to chance it."

Rena hummed in response next to me. Then she pointed to the screen. "Right there."

I nodded and clicked open the verification email. In another screen I had the transfer verification form already open. All I needed to do was copy and paste the code in and the transfer would be complete. Rena would be free to intercept Philip in the morning.

Control C, then I switched screens again, Control V.


It was done.

Rena moved back and stood up straight, stretching her arms up above her head. She smiled at me when I turned to look at her. "You really are something so special. You never cease to amaze me with all of this stuff."

I shrugged and waved my hand in front of the screen. "This was mostly just a basic knowledge of the systems that they use."

She patted my shoulder. "And that is only one of the reasons why you are so important to me."

I smiled back at her and watched as she turned and happily walked away.

When she was gone, I felt my shoulders deflate. The moral tug of war in my head was getting harder and harder to control. I wasn't really hurting anyone, but this was still wrong.

I sighed and shook my head to move things along. I began closing out of open windows. When I got back to the email, I deleted the verification emails from the main Inbox, then I moved over to the Trash to delete them for good.

I clicked on both and hit the trash can. 'Are you sure you would like to delete these items for good?' I clicked on the yes button, and they disappeared for good.

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