Learning the Systems

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The second floor was much less open than it had been on the first floor. Instead of the vast openness below, cubicles and rooms divided the space, giving it the illusion that it was much smaller. Changbin pointed to several of the areas as we passed by, explaining that some of the other departments get their own little office spaces. Minor violations, Parole Offices, Truancy, etc. all lived up here out of the main busyness of the department.

When we reached the back of the building Changbin opened a door. "He we are. Home Sweet Home." It was an unbearably small office divided into two different rooms.

Changbin led me into the room on the left first. "This is where you will be hanging out most of the time." It was a small room cramped with several monitors and networking devices.

I could feel the frown form on my face as Changbin asked. "What's wrong?"

I pointed to the desk area. "Have you even heard of cable management? Or, is this just your way of giving me something to do today? Because that is not only a fire hazard, but a life hazard."

Changbin chuckled. "Well, the last person who worked in here didn't have any background in computers. So, she kind of just set it up as we went along."

He grabbed my hand. "C'mon, let me show you the other room first, then you can go computer crazy."

The other room had three desks crammed together into the same amount of space as the other room.

Changbin left me at the door and sat down at the desk on the right. He held his arms out. "This is my desk. It's a little cramped but we make it work."

I walked over to the one on the opposite end of Changbin's and picked up the nameplate.

"Jisung is here right next to me, and that one is..." He stopped.

I held the nameplate up, the name caught the light. "Captain Bang?" I finished for him.

He nodded and continued to watch me. I turned the plaque over in my hands before setting it back down on the desk.

"When did he get back?" My eyes stayed glued to the name.

"Y/N?" My fingers stopped tracing the letters at the mention of my own name.

I turned and leaned against the desk. "Changbin?"

He crossed his arms. "We don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to."

I shrugged. "I'll run into him eventually right? Might as well have something to talk about."

Changbin sighed. "He's been back for about 8 months total, has only been cleared for field work for the last two, and is currently out of town until tomorrow."

I nodded my head and pushed myself off the desk. "Good for him."

Changbin squinted his eyes into a glare before rolling them, shaking his head at the same time.

"Hey Seo, when are we going to Y/N's party tomorrow?" Jisung looked up from his phone.

I blinked a couple times and watched as Jisung's eyes widened. A hand went over his mouth. "You didn't hear anything!" He pointed to me with his phone in his hand. "He is going to kill me!"

I started laughing. "Jisung, it's ok. No one is going to kill you."

He put his phone in his pocket. "You have no idea what he's like." He paused. "I mean, you do, but... He's still going to kill me for telling you."

He came over and put an arm around my shoulders. "Protect me?"

I chuckled again, and put my arm around him in return. "They won't get past me."

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