Bring on the Brownies

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An hour later Felix and Hyunjin were walking through the front door. Felix ran at me as soon as he saw me and threw his arms around me, holding tight.

"Felix, I'm not going anywhere." I hugged him back, chuckling.

"No, see that's what I thought last time, and then you were dragged away in handcuffs." His grip tightened.

"Dragged is kind of strong." I teased.

He pulled back and glared at me. "You left."

I hugged him back tighter. "I'm sorry Lixie."

"So, I'm chopped liver at the moment?"

I looked over Felix's head to see Hyunjin standing in the entryway next to Lee Know. He had a container in one hand.

"No." Felix said back. "You're just a really great boyfriend who understands that his boyfriend has missed his best friend for a while."

We all laughed. "Thank you for looking out for Felix for me."

Hyunjin smiled. "It was my absolute pleasure. He might just be stuck with me now, though." He walked into the kitchen area and I watched as he set the container on the counter. Lee Know followed him and they began getting brownies out and putting them on a plate.

Felix let go and took a step back. "What do you mean, looking out for me?"

I shrugged. "Just something I asked Hyunjin to do before everything happened."

He squinted slightly. "One minute you're all concerned and the next it's like you want nothing to do with us."

"I know." I ducked my head. "I'm sorry."

"You've already apologized, you know."

I nodded. "I know."

"Good, so stop doing it. We understand, we've moved on, months ago. Now it's time for Brownies."

I scoffed. "Ok." He squeezed my arms, then took my hand and led me into the kitchen.

I leaned against the entryway and watched as Felix went over to Hyunjin and hugged on to him. "Better?"

Hyunjin smiled down at him and kissed his forehead. "Much."

Lee Know made a face at me and I giggled. "Ok, what movie?"

"Oh and also food at some point." I threw in.

Felix pouted. "Are the brownies not enough?"

I laughed again. "Lix, you know that the brownies will be gone by the end of the night, and there are 4 of us. Plus," I grabbed the plate of brownies. "Minho doesn't approve of sugar as dinner."

I scampered into the living room with the plate as Lee Know protested the name switch up. Lix and Hyunjin followed Lee Know out and sat on the loveseat. Lee Know plopped onto the couch next to me.

"Ok, but seriously, what movie?"

We settled on watching cringey romantic comedies. It was something that we could talk through if we needed to. By the end of the second movie, we decided to order Fried Chicken.

"I'll call it in," Lee Know offered. He stood up and walked back into the kitchen.

Felix leaned forward slightly catching my eye and motioned towards Hyunjin. His eyes looked red and puffy.

"You ok Hyunjin?"

He shook his head. "I'm ok. Just... allergies."

Felix cuddled into his side. "Liar."

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