Working a Lead

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Changbin came by after dinner, just as he had been told to do.

I leaned on the Kitchen counter. "Have you eaten yet?"

He put an arm around my shoulders, "Aww, you do care."

I shrugged his arm off. "Leftovers are in the fridge," I said on my way back to my room.

I heard him groan and I smiled to myself.

From my room I could hear him chatting with Lee Know. And then eventually with Seungmin and Jeongin as they came home from University.

I leaned back on the bed and thought about how much had happened in only a week.

When my eyes opened it was morning. I sat up and swung my legs over the side, then I made my way out to the kitchen.

Lee Know put a finger to his lips when he saw me through the cutout in the kitchen wall. Then he motioned over to the couch in the living room. Jisung had a blanket pulled up to his chin and an arm thrown over the arm of the couch. Hair was splayed in different directions.

I walked around the wall and into the kitchen. I kept my voice low. "I'm surprised you let him sleep on the couch."

Lee Know matched my tone. "Changbin let him in before I got up. I didn't realize he was there until I looked up about ten minutes ago."

I snorted, covered my mouth, then glanced out to the living room. Jisung just rolled over.

"Like you would have told him to stay out." I teased.

He shrugged. "He could have at least used a blanket. He was shivering when I came out, so I had to throw that on him."

I smiled sideways at him and he rolled his eyes. "Stop it." I continued to smile as I walked back to my room.

I showered and changed my clothes quickly. I wanted to make sure that I caught Jisung before he left for the precinct. The Captain had told me to go home early yesterday, but he didn't say anything about me coming in today.

I cracked the door open and peeked my head out of the door. Lee Know's back was to me as he sat on the couch next to Jisung.


Jisung moved a bit and must have woken up, because he sat almost straight up. "Minho? What?" I could see him turn his head a couple of times.

Lee Know pushed a cup of something into his hands. Then he looked away. "I'll stay here today." Then he got up quickly.

My eyes grew wide as Lee Know stopped in the living room. His eyes zeroed in on mine and he began walking towards me. I shut the door and turned the lock just as the knob began to turn.

"Open the door Y/N."

I took a step back from the door. "Nope, I'm good."

"Open the door." He knocked several times.

"Really, I'm ok. I'll just live here now."

"You do realize that I have the key in the other room."


Footsteps moved away from the door and the other side was silent. I put my ear up to the door. I could only hear small sounds from behind it.

I waited a few seconds, then silently turned the lock. I pulled the door open slowly. Jisung was still on the couch sipping on his coffee.

He waved when he saw me. "Sorry, I told him he just had to wait a few seconds."


The door was pushed open and Lee Know picked me up around the waist.

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